Home » INVESTIGATION-22 Part 9. Big Revelations In The News – Section A

INVESTIGATION-22 Part 9. Big Revelations In The News – Section A



Who Were the Crimes Reported To, In writing:
A large number of individuals reported the “CleanTech Kickback Crimes” in writing, years ago, and they have provided proof of those communications. They wrote letters and time-stamped emails to:

  • Eric Holder, DOJ. Action Taken: Cover Up, then quit
  • Erick Strickland, NHTSA. Action Taken: Quit
  • Robert Gibbs & His Staff in White House. Action Taken: Quit
  • Barack Obama. Action Taken: No known action
  • David Axelrod, White House. Action Taken: Quit
  • Steven Chu, Secret of Energy. Action Taken: Cover Up, then quit
  • Senator Daryll Issa. Action Taken: Began investigation, stone-walled
  • Senator Jim Jordan. Action Taken: Began investigation, stone-walled
  • Senator Jeff Bingaman. Action Taken: Began investigation, stone-walled
  • Jay Carney, White House. Action Taken: Quit
  • Senator Dianne Feinstein. Action Taken: Intimidation and warnings to witnesses
  • Daniel Cohen, Senior Lawyer, U.S. Department of Energy. Action Taken: Quit
  • New York Times. Action Taken: Reporter intimidation by suspects and re-direction
  • Washington Post. Action Taken: Reporter intimidation by suspects and re-direction
  • Inspector General, Department of Energy. Action Taken: No known action
  • FBI. Action Taken: Began investigation, stone-walled. Two arrests.
  • U.S. Office of Special Counsel Disclosure of Wrongdoing. Action Taken: In Review
  • New York Attorney General. Began investigation, stone-walled. Five arrests. Three indictments. Pending investigations

And more…
There are more than a hundred other names of famous politicians and agency heads, many of whom are now quoted in the press  saying, about other cases,: “If only they had come to us first and reported this, we could have gotten it all fixed..”
At least two of the people who whistle-blew, died strangely, and unexpectedly.
So, if reporting crimes does not work. What is the answer?