What is the proof that the attacks on the Cleantech Crash citizen-victims were a state-sponsored vendetta program?
Per the case study at http://www.slush-fund.com, and many other sites, the evidence is now clear: White House staff and their campaign financiers put hit jobs on innocent Americans out of pure spite.
In the CBS News 60 Minutes segment called: “The Cleantech Crash” we see how a group of Silicon Valley billionaires and a few White House insiders rigged nearly a hundred billion dollars of taxpayer cash for themselves. In a related 60 Minutes segment about how Congress takes favors (aka: bribes) as insider stock trading advantages, we see why the crooks who conducted the Cleantech Crash crimes, at the expense of the U.S. taxpayers, were never prosecuted. Those crooks have, until now, had the protection of top law enforcement and policy executives who were running the cover-up.
When they are confronted, their only retort is to mockingly admonish: “Now look here, you are making wild assertions. Where is the proof of these so called crimes?…”
Now, they no longer have that smokescreen to hide behind. Rahm Emanual, Robert Gibbs, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Bill Daley, Steven Chu and other top White House staff coordinated this crime with Silicon Valley millionaires Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Steve Jurvetson, Elon Musk, Steve Westly, Steve Spinner and Goldman Sachs.
1.) Every person who organized, paid for, implemented and financially benefited from the attacks was the same handful of White House insiders.
2.) Every person who was attacked was a business and political competitor of the same handful of White House insiders who organized, paid for, implemented and financially benefited from the attacks.
3.) If the victims had not been attacked, their technologies would have been funded by the same funds that the same handful of White House insiders who organized, paid for, implemented and financially benefited from the attacks re-routed from the victims and put in there own pockets.
4.) The technologies that the victims were taking to high volume market production would have obsoleted the companies of the White House insiders who organized, paid for, implemented and financially benefited from the attacks.
5.) The financial, services and stock payola that paid the attack providers for their attack services were paid by the White House insiders who organized, paid for, implemented and financially benefited from the attacks.
6.) State and Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies each have vast investigation case files proving the above facts but they have been ordered to “stand-down” on those investigations by the White House insiders who organized, paid for, implemented and financially benefited from the attacks.
7.) When 9/11 took place, the Bush Administration ordered the hacking and tapping of every electronic device in the world. As part of the scheme, most networking companies (Cisco, Juniper Networks, etc.) and major government IT contractors (CGI, Etc.) placed an electronic back-door in every major networking device so that the NSA could go into any network when they wanted to. This is no longer a big secret. This fact is now widely reported in the news. The back-doors were poorly constructed and highly insecure. The Russian and Chinese hackers got the keys and spent over a decade taking everything off the servers of all of the major politicians and their Silicon Valley campaign financiers. Now those hackers have started posting all of the evidence of crimes by those people on the web. Those leaks also confirm the charges.
8.) Special public/private task-force teams have kept the investigations going and have now assembled nearly a million pages of evidence and placed that evidence in multiple archives around the world.
9.) A number of the victims are joining together to seek to force either a federal Special Prosecutor to publicly investigate the case, a RICO racketeering lawsuit to be filed, a public TV Congressional hearing on the case or all of the above.
10.) In a listing of all of the financial beneficiaries, their stock ownerships, the transit of cash into their family trusts, the transit of cash to their offshore and HSBC, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan accounts and billions of dollars of unreported web manipulation services by Google; the quid-pro-quo is obvious and covert and clearly proves an organized crime took place based on kick-backs using U.S. Treasury funds.
11.) There is much, much more proof that a simple federal subpoena will next reveal.
After all of the revelations from the Sony, HSBC, Wikileaks, Guccifer, Snowden, Panama and other leaks and the thousands of crimes those have exposed, it is now relatively easy to believe these charges. Now it is time for the public to take action and vote these people, and their cohorts, as far out of office as possible.