Home » Hillary Clinton Wants To Get More Women In The Military And It’s AWESOME

Hillary Clinton Wants To Get More Women In The Military And It’s AWESOME








Hillary Clinton Wants To Get More Women In The Military And It’s AWESOME

Beginning last night, the Clinton campaign began running web advertisements encouraging more women to join the fight against Russian far-right oppression. YAS!

posted on Oct. 28, 2016, at 7:45 a.m.


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Yes. YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes.


Yes. YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes.

There is absolutely no reason why women are not as capable of fighting a war as men are.





Heck, I even think most women I know could beat me up! This one perfectly displays America’s unity and strength through diversity.





I don’t even have to say anything here. It speaks for itself.





For too long, women (especially women of color, or WOC) have been told they cannot hold their own in war against a man. My wife would be glad to prove Putin wrong!


Really makes me think…


Really makes me think...

I wonder what Donald will have to say about this one… I’m sure my wife would be proud to stand up to Russia’s homophobic and Christian ways. #ImWithHer #EnlistForHillary #DraftOurDaughters

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