A few years ago, Gawker Media went through their own mythical period. When online public shaming was still praised as “callout culture” and righteous “internet rage” by activists, Gawker was out in front, leading the charge.

Gawker mercilessly destroyed the careers of its targets, many of whom, such as Justine Sacco and Pax Dickinson, were guilty of nothing more than off-colour jokes on social media. They were the shamers-in-chief of the internet: all the more frightening because the sins they punished were so ubiquitous and mundane. Former Gawkerite Adam Weinstein portrays this period as a kind of golden age for the blogging network.

The world has changed rapidly. Public shaming is no longer cool;  John Ronson resoundingly won the argument against it with his new book, despite vain attempts of activists to (you guessed it!) publicly shame him. Attempts to portray Ronson as hostile to the”historically powerless” fell flat, as commentators eagerly embraced a mainstream author willing to speak out against the new mob mentality.

Gawker Media, which relied so heavily on the practice to grant itself the veneer of righteousness, has now become one of the most derided publications on earth. Their botched attempt to out Conde Naste executive David Geithner as gay caused outrage across the media and political landscape. Meanwhile, their long history of violating celebrities’ privacy is swiftly catching up to them in the form of  Hulk Hogan’s $100m lawsuit, filed against Gawker for the release of a sex tape involving the wrestler.

Throughout history, great empires, states, political movements and institutions have all fallen victim to the myth of invincibility. From the Romans at the Battle of Teutoburg to the British Empire in the Boer war, the destruction of these myths is all the more painful due to the triumphs that preceded them. Few would call Gawker invincible today. Its reputation is on the rocks, as the company plans to relaunch itself later today. The Geithner story has proved to be disastrous for the company, triggering a string of editorial resignations in addition to the storm of external condemnation.

But the story doesn’t strike me as a case of imperial myth-shattering. In the major historical examples – the Boers, the Vietcong, the Germanic tribesmen – great powers were humiliated at the very height of their glory by poorly-equipped, underdog opponents who should have been walkovers. The Geithner story, where Gawker had to fight the entire media establishment by itself, doesn’t fit this pattern at all. So what does?

Gawker vs Gamergate

When a few thousand gamers started to draw attention to poor standards in video games journalism last September, no one predicted it would grow into a year-long movement that spanned the globe. Nor did anyone predict the damage it would do to Gawker Media. Gamers had no track record as campaigners or great organisers, nor as social media activists. When #GamerGate emerged, it was a bolt from the blue, and some predicted it would be over in a week.

But gamers were determined. They had a laundry list of complaints against the gaming press, and they had Gawker in their sights from the beginning. The name of Gamergate’s hub on Reddit – “/r/KotakuInAction” – is revealing. (Kotaku, for those of you who don’t know, is Gawker’s video games vertical.) The near-ruination of game developer Brad Wardell by Kotaku’s poor reporting, a steady stream of outrage-mongering on the topics of race and gender, and perceived conflicts of interest on the part of Kotaku writers meant many gamers had gone sour on the site by the start of Gamergate. One supporter of the hashtag described Kotaku as “yellow journalism and tabloid gossip brewed into a foul, brain-killing mess.”

Twitter in 2014 was the land of #YesAllWomen and #CancelColbert, a haven of politically correct outrage. The emergence of a culturally libertarian, anti-censorship, anti-narrative hashtag like Gamergate was unexpected, to say the least. Progressive journalists in the games and tech press reacted with instant hostility and released a string of articlesbranding gamers as reactionary, sexist “hyper-consumers.” As Slate‘s David Auerbachargued at the time, games journalists had essentially declared war on their own audience.

Gamers used the attacks to their advantage, sending a deluge of complaints to companies that advertised with their antagonizers. Gawker, with its long history of unethical reporting, was particularly vulnerable to this strategy and lost its first sponsorjust days after Gamergate began its campaign. They had already locked themselves in a losing battle — but their Quinctilius Varus had yet to enter the field. That came later.

If there is one feature that unites the imperial downfalls of history, it is the moment of hubris. The moment at which an opponent’s strength is wildly underestimated, or one’s own is wildly overestimated.

In October 2014, Gawker writer Sam Biddle did both. He no doubt intended to do to Gamergate what he had done to Justine Sacco — publicly shame them, or “degrade them into submission,” as he put it. But his tweets — posted, disastrously, during national bullying awareness month — caused a PR calamity that would lead to one of Gawker’s most visible humiliations. The shamers were about to be shamed.

Gamergate’s boycott campaign pivoted, focusing all of its firepower on Gawker Media’s advertisers and sponsors. Within a day, Biddle had taken to Twitter to issue a public apology — an act that would become a feature of Gawker in the months to come. Editorial director Joel Johnson reiterated his apology on the front page of Gawker — another sign of the future. Johnson also sent a memo to Gawker’s writers warning them to watch their words on social media. A publication whose writers were famed for their recklessness was beginning to show signs of caution.

Even Gawker couldn’t hide the extent of their defeat. Editor-in-Chief Max Read summed up his feelings in a headline: “How We Got Rolled by the Dishonest Fascists of GamerGate.” A few months later, the full extent of the damage was revealed — Gamergate had cost Gawker seven figures in lost advertising revenue. The myth of invincibility was over.

Gawker vs Gamergate had all the features of a historic humiliation. On the one hand, there was Gawker, one of the web’s Great Powers. A well-resourced, New York-based “internet bully” with a reputation for destroying people. On the other hand, there were gamers — disorganised amateurs. It’s hard to find a better underdog story.



Public reports and investigative reporters have much to say about Nick Denton and Gawker Media. It is believed, that Gawker Media is a “hit-job” service created to character assassinate, damage and reduce the brand affect of adversaries of the Cartel. Journalists, and others, have charged Gawker Media with everything from tax evasion, to being the front for White House and Silicon Valley Billionaire “hit-jobs”, to being a targeted political agenda manipulation machine. Victims have charged that Gawker Media and Nick Denton have worked in the employ of Jay Carney, Robert Gibbs, John Doerr, Elon Musk, Steve Jurvetson and other political notables.

Gawker Media had financial connections, business connections, political connections and communications with the key suspects and took actions which helped the key suspects while attacking and damaging their adversaries. Recents leaks, investigations and lawsuits have revealed some of Gawker’s dirty secrets. Outside-of-U.S. investigations on Nick Denton’s previous activities in England, are of interest, as well. Wrestler Hulk Hogan had top celebrity endorsement value for American voters, when he was about to endorse an opposing political candidate, Gawker took him out…but, that may have been a fatal mistake for the Gawker attack dogs.

They have endured numerous abuse lawsuits from staff, victims and others. The following is some of the news coverage about Gawker Media and Nick Denton:

Dear Hulk Hogan:

We wanted to give you encouragement and applause in your trial against Gawker Media and Nick Denton.

This may be one of the biggest things you will ever do in your life.

Your case helps redeem many others, and fix a broken part of modern American society. It really is a big deal!

Many of us believe that politicians used social media metrics, and fancy calculations, to figure out that your name, attached to any political endorsements, could get tens of millions of voters to pay more attention to, or like, the candidate that you endorsed.

They felt threatened by that possibility, so they used their character assassination tool, known as Gawker Media, to take you out.

We have all seen the news, these days, about characters like Sidney Blumenthal, Richard Berman, etc, and their “take-down tools” for political paybacks.

Gawker Media showed up one day, out of the blue, in many innocent people’s lives, and took their lives away for political hit-job reasons.

Nick Denton is on camera saying his job is to destroy lives for profit. His staff refer to themselves in social media as “Character Assassins”.  When they take a target out, they never give the target a chance to counter the slander and libel they are about to print because they don’t want the victim to have a chance, in advance, to counter the vicious defamation attack they are about to blast across the media-waves .

Once Gawker fires off the attack, that the Press Office of a famous institution ordered them to do, their buddies at famous search engines lock it in top position on the internet so that Gawker can both profit from the ad sales and get paid “ damages bonuses” for the intensity of the calculated attack.

The news says they stole Romney’s tax forms, Apple’s IPOD prototype, Palin’s book, Santorum’s brand, The CIA’s Bin Ladin hunter’s secrecy, and so, so much more.. Anything, against anybody, for a buck, it seems.

Now we hear that overseas police want to talk to Denton about the British “Hydrant” and “Tabloid Phone Hacking Scandals”. We see that a young gay boy tossed a brick through Denton’s window because he said Denton abused him. We see HSBC leaks and tax investigation’s that seem to indicate that Gawker evades taxes with off-shore hide-aways.

We see lawsuits, by Gawker’s own people, for sexual and economic abuse.

These Gawker people seem to be horrific examples of the worst that a society can manifest.

Many others have lost their lives because of a sudden Gawker take-down attack. So far, there has been little, or no, justice. Someone in Washington, DC, is protecting Gawker but that shield of coverage has now seemed to have worn thin.

Go get ‘em Hulk. Your super-hero days are still alive and well.

Signed-    AMERICA



Gawker Media: Hypocrites vs. Douchecanoes

In 2002, a failed British journalist named Nick Denton started Gawker, a bitchy gossip blog run out of his Manhattan apartment. Over 10 years later, Gawker and its sister sites have become the biggest names in clickbait “journalism,” pulling down millions of visitors a month and making its owner a millionaire several times over. The secret to Denton’s success? He took the aggressive, lynch mob mentality of British tabloids, which specialize in ruining people’s lives, and injected it into America’s comparatively placid, Oprahfied media market.

In particular, Gawker, Jezebel, Valleywag, and their sister sites specialize in witch hunts: digital vigilantism against those who fail to keep up with leftist orthodoxy. Geoffrey Miller, Pax Dickinson,Justine Tunney, Violentacrez: the list of people whom Gawker has garroted for “racism” or “misogyny” could fill a phone book. With an army of Twitter twits behind it, Gawker Media truly is the moral majority of the left, instigating mob action against those who sin against the religion of toleranceGawker’s provocations are even encouraging real-world violence now, as Valleywag’s overfed man-baby of an editor Sam Biddle eggs on attacks against San Francisco tech workers from the safety of the East Coast.

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“Which makes the revelation that Denton has been allowing trolls to terrorize his female employees all the more delicious.”

For the past few months, 4chan has been engaged in a trolling operation against Jezebelposting pictures of rape and gore porn in the comments section. Despite the fact that these shocking and disgusting images are stressing out staffers to the point where they’re developing PTSD, Denton has steadfastly refused to do anything about the problem. Jezebel’s staff recently snapped and posted an open letter on the site demanding that Gawker Media do something, calling 4chan’s trolling “a very real and immediate threat to the mental health of Jezebel’s staff and readers.”

Fat chance of this happening, however. As others have pointed out, Gawker Media’s business model depends on getting clicks; indeed, their writers are paid according to how many page views their articles get. Since comments help drive traffic to websites, fighting 4chan’s rape porn trolling will reduce Gawker’s profitability. Not only that, Google itself ranks web pages according to how many comments they have, as comments are extremely difficult to fake. Fewer comments means a lower page rank, which translates into less search traffic and less money for Denton to blow on exotic vacations with his boy-toy hubby. If Gawker Media was willing to testify in federal court as to why they should be allowed to rip off their interns, you can bet your bottom peso that they aren’t going to do jack about this.


And there’s the punch line. Gawker Media, the company that gets people fired from their jobs for making “sexist” jokes, has been creating a hostile work environment for its women staffers for months. They’re the leftist equivalent of a priest who rails against homosexuality only to be caught molesting altar boys in the confessional booths. In staying silent on this for so long, Dodai Stewart, Lindy West, and Jezebel’s other star employees have shown themselves to be frauds. They don’t care about feminism, “fat shaming,” or whatever cause they’re screeching about today; all they care about is money and power. And now we have the proof.

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Nick Denton charged with ordering phone-hacking, helping Anonymous hackers, stealing Mitt Romney’s tax records, hiding money in Russia and Caymans and MORE…








Adrian Covert is now under permanent surveillance by multiple private investigators and law enforcement entities







Did Covert run hit-jobs on targets to help cover a felony his bosses handlers were running with U.S. Tax Dollars? What did Covert know about Elon Musk’s and John Doerr’s felony lithium mining scam with taxpayer cash? Federal Archives of Covert writings prove he only promoted Musk and attacked Musk & John Doerr competitors.





Is blogger John Herrmann a hired character assassin hit-man for Nick Denton?

By Powers Destin
First printed in The LA Rebuke


If you look up John Herrmann in Wikipedia you find that, according to Wkipedia:

“…Herrmann soon was a part of the Ware group, a secret apparatus of the CPUSA and Comintern in Washington, D.C., which supplied classified information to Soviet intelligence. …Herrmann was a paid courier for the CPUSA, delivering material emanating from the secret cells of sympathetic government employees being cultivated by Hal Ware to New York. Herrmann also was the person who introduced … Alger Hiss.

…The Ware group’s activities were investigated …and Herrmann was placed under surveillance and questioned many times in Mexico by the FBI. He died …. from chronic alcoholism.”

That isn’t the exact same John Herrmann we know and love from Gawker Media and the Awl, but there may be eerie similarities to the Nick Denton hit-man.

This New Yorker is said to be a shill for Gawker Media, where he writes attack articles at the request of White House press corps, in order to stealth up the true instigators of the attacks. It is also claimed, that he goes online, under a massive number of pseudonyms, and writes all of the attack comments in the commenting section of the blog under each attack article. IS this true? To confirm this, one would need to subpeona FBI and NSA phone tracking and email archiving of Herrmann’s email and cell phone activities from past years.

Many targets have stated that Herrmann organizes other writers when given a “kill order” by his political handlers. They infest a blog, together, with vitriol and hate, cobbled together from non-verified facts and manipulated heresay, it is said by those he has sought to bring down.

One encounters Herrmann as a pasty, pudgy little man with the hipster affectations of dark mood swings and impertinent denial. We met him, covertly, at a coffee shop nestled among the metropolitan masses.

Does he report directly to Robert Gibbs and Jay Carney at the White House or are his orders intermediated only through Nick Denton? Only a Senate investigation has the power to uncover the tentacular connections of the attack bloggers of the web.

In this writers opinion,and mind you, these are all opinions and not facts, so do your own research, I think that Mr, Herrmann is complex and deserves more study. It is easy for one to dismiss him as a sad internet hack, one step removed from a common troll, but that would be unfair, I think. He is, most likely, much more interesting.


Was John Herrmann secretly working for IN-Q-TEL?

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British Elite Political Pedophiles and Phone Hacking Connections


Is blogger John Herrmann a hired character assassin hit-man for Nick Denton?


Is blogger John Herrmann a hired character assassin hit-man for Nick Denton?

By Powers Destin
First printed in The LA Rebuke


If you look up John Herrmann in Wikipedia you find that, according to Wkipedia:

“…Herrmann soon was a part of the Ware group, a secret apparatus of the CPUSA and Comintern in Washington, D.C., which supplied classified information to Soviet intelligence. …Herrmann was a paid courier for the CPUSA, delivering material emanating from the secret cells of sympathetic government employees being cultivated by Hal Ware to New York. Herrmann also was the person who introduced … Alger Hiss.

…The Ware group’s activities were investigated …and Herrmann was placed under surveillance and questioned many times in Mexico by the FBI. He died …. from chronic alcoholism.”

That isn’t the exact same John Herrmann we know and love from Gawker Media and the Awl, but there may be eerie similarities to the Nick Denton hit-man.

This New Yorker is said to be a shill for Gawker Media, where he writes attack articles at the request of White House press corps, in order to stealth up the true instigators of the attacks. It is also claimed, that he goes online, under a massive number of pseudonyms, and writes all of the attack comments in the commenting section of the blog under each attack article. IS this true? To confirm this, one would need to subpeona FBI and NSA phone tracking and email archiving of Herrmann’s email and cell phone activities from past years.

Many targets have stated that Herrmann organizes other writers when given a “kill order” by his political handlers. They infest a blog, together, with vitriol and hate, cobbled together from non-verified facts and manipulated heresay, it is said by those he has sought to bring down.

One encounters Herrmann as a pasty, pudgy little man with the hipster affectations of dark mood swings and impertinent denial. We met him, covertly, at a coffee shop nestled among the metropolitan masses.

Does he report directly to Robert Gibbs and Jay Carney at the White House or are his orders intermediated only through Nick Denton? Only a Senate investigation has the power to uncover the tentacular connections of the attack bloggers of the web.

In this writers opinion,and mind you, these are all opinions and not facts, so do your own research, I think that Mr, Herrmann is complex and deserves more study. It is easy for one to dismiss him as a sad internet hack, one step removed from a common troll, but that would be unfair, I think. He is, most likely, much more interesting.