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Is Google An Idea-Theft Farm?

Is Google An Idea-Theft Farm?





By Andres Luedig




A recent New York Times article called into question the source of Google’s ideas. The article referenced Google’s founder’s “obsessions” and implied that one of the founders was covertly slinking around entrepreneurial technology clubs in order to acquire technology. Indeed, when you type “google steals ideas” into any non-google search engine, you find quite a number of people saying even stronger things than the New York Times stated.



Google is known to watermark, meta-tag and digitally encode it’s links to ideas it says came from Google. It does this to showcase itself, and hide competitors. In fact, Google’s very first patent was on doing that very thing, in a secret way so that internet users would not know they were being spied on. That idea is, admittedly, all Google’s. Rigging the internet like that (as the FTC, The EU, The Guardian and others have exposed) is how Google makes it’s money from spy agencies, political groups and big brands. Does Google, though, recklessly, and maliciously, ignore the truth, in order to promote itself and it’s investors? The U.S. FTC investigators are now discovered to have stated that “Google ruins domestic innovation” in their studies and they have the data to back it up. The State of Utah, and many other states, are now saying that Google rigged the 2013 U.S. Anti-trust investigations and they want a “Re-Do”!



The flood of recent lawsuits against Google, and most actual investigative journalism reports, show a nearly unanimous agreement about the true reason for Google to exist: To attack some, while glorifying others who are Google’s partners. This is a violation of fair business practices, anti-trust standards and the law. Google is about to face a Tsunami of intellectual property thievery charges.



In some cases, where inventors keep inventing things that Google was not innovative enough to think up, Google seems to have falsely claimed to have reported a pattern that those inventors allegedly follow to solicit funding for their start-ups from Silicon Valley investors. While, on one hand, the framing, by Google, implies that Silicon Valley investors are too stupid to invest in technology. It is ironic that those very same investors invested in Google. Google tries to have it’s cake and eat it too. While the business of being a “serial entrepreneur” may be foreign to those in rural communities, it is considered the peak-of-success in Silicon Valley. Google’s main tool for attacking inventive competitors is defamation and character assassination. Google may have invented secretly watching internet users..in fact, it did. They have a patent on it.



Google did not, though, invent other things that it makes billions of dollars off of. It many cases, it just stole those things and never paid the creators a dime.



One of Google’s attack tactics, against competing inventors, is based on promoting the falsehood that the inventors will “show up whenever there is a bubble or hot trend in the tech business world that has yet to make it to the marketplace.” This is the problem with attacking inventors, though, inventors have been validated by the U.S. Government, the media and industry as the first to create some of those “hot trends”. Inventor’s with issued patents have been deeply reviewed and confirmed by the U.S. Government (Before Google recently acquired control of the U.S. Patent Office by putting their staff in all the key positions) as the ones who created the trends. A United States Government federal patent, by definition, describes an invention that is new, not obvious, and is either useful or has industrial application because it never existed before. In Google’s case, quite a lot of it’s offerings appear to have been designed, engineered and patented by others who Google never paid. Millions of people use the technologies, first created by many inventors, per the U.S. Government, industry, media, clients, and executed non-disclosure documents; but Google seems to have just stolen them.



Given the longevity of posts on the internet, however, it is extremely unlikely that Google could meaningfully remedy the harm it has done to these inventors, even if it is so inclined. In dozens of cases, Google copied technologies at a time when Google had no involvement with said technologies. Later Google marketed those copied technologies, making billions of dollars, without compensating the actual inventors. When the inventors filed formal complaints about the illicit activities by Google, Google launched a Global search engine attack on them and their ventures. Many inventors feel that if small business owners, in America, can no longer count on protection, for their tax dollars, and must be subjected to digital bullying from massive campaign financiers, then we have reached a sad state of affairs for the domestic economy.



Recently, Google’s staff have, effectively, taken control of the U.S. Patent office, via the placement of their staff in the controlling management positions at the U.S. Patent Office, a fact documented by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and major news reporting. Additionally, Google has spent tens of millions of dollars, per http://www.savetheinventor.com , the national press and lobby disclosures, trying to change the U.S. patent law to outlaw small product developers and small inventors. In fact, Google’s boss: Eric Schmidt, has spent more time inside the White House, lobbying for Google-favored laws and the hiring of Google staff than the entire United States Congress COMBINED! Three U.S. Senators have referred to Eric Schmidt and Google as the biggest lobbyist in history. Recently, an inventor had their patent approved after they confirmed that they had a product years before Google. A high level U.S. Patent Office official then stepped in and then reversed the decision on that patent issuance. Did Google put a “kill order” on the patent issuance in order to keep from paying the inventor his rightful licensing?



Google seems to have sought to sabotage, log-jam and stone-wall some technologies so that patent deadlines or funding dead-lines would expire so that Google could try to exploit them. Because Google was merely a copy-cat and not an innovator, many inventors are able to stay competitive with better technology improvements. To overcome this, Google chose to cheat rather than compete. While Google had unlimited funds, from public coffers, they had limited imagination and limited innovation skills. Google’s employees rarely trusted them enough to provide Google with any thing more than just labor. Google is just a paycheck to the 20-something bro-grammer drones they hire. The H1-B kids are keeping the good ideas for themselves.



In some of the lawsuits against Google, Google is charged with attacking inventors with “Meat Puppet’s” or fake reporters, via it’s retained shill bloggers. It says that it’s competitors technologies are “smoke and mirrors” or that “their technology is not real”. There is no question that the outside inventor’s technology was real. In each and every case, the Plaintiff’s technology worked and can now been seen in the market. It is ludicrous for Google to say that the technologies didn’t work because Google is using Plaintiffs technologies at this moment.The proof is in the copies.



Recent historically large hacker attacks by China, Anonymous, Russia, Nigera and other large hacking organizations, which fully penetrated NASA, Sony Pictures, The Bohemian Club, The U.S. Department of Energy hundreds of times, every background check in the United States Office of Personnel Management, HSBC political money laundering for campaign financiers and almost every other known major corporation and government agency; has produced document and communications leaks, alongside those of Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and other’s, which appear to expose illicit relationships between Google’s and public officials. Plaintiffs feel that those political relationships were used to not only damage Plaintiffs, for the benefit of Google, but also to damage the process of fair public process. Due to poorly secured “back-doors” in every major network device, hackers, for the next decade, are expected to be free to come and go from corporate email and file server networks with impunity. In the course of these jury-demanded trials, Plaintiffs plan to subpeona and/or use, legally acquired copies of those documents, to prove such potential illicit activities that were used to harm Plaintiffs.



While it may seem like an extraordinary coincidence that almost all of Plaintiff’s companies and technologies were later duplicated by Google, a review of other recent lawsuits and news reports referring to “The Silicon Valley Cartel No-Poaching Lawsuit” and the “AngelGate Collusion Scandal”, as well as the Plaintiff’s own experience, presents a clear picture of Google venture capital collusion, market rigging, valuation-fixing, black-listing organization which operates, under the legal definition of a “Cartel”, to control which start-up’s get to exist in Silicon Valley. The FBI, The FTC and the SEC have been asked to investigate these anti-trust actions by Google, and the EU and Russia have already, famously, gone a great ways into such investigations.



Google anti-trust actions and monopolistic mercenary program of “cheat rather than compete” flooded out some of the Plaintiffs start-ups with Google controlled media attacks using massive amounts of cash, much of it taxpayer cash, routed though illicit campaign finance conduits; copy cat ventures and black-listing. A brief review of the posted comments makes it clear that Google’s malicious attacks and collusive tactics have exposed these Plaintiff’s to ridicule and damaged their professional reputation. At a minimum, Google should correct the record, and provide a public apology to Plaintiff, along with damages compensation. At a maximum, some of these litigants may end up owning YouTube, or Google!