Home » Who may have been killed, by a major political figure, in the “Cleantech Crash” to prevent them from speaking out about the trillion dollar “green cash” taxpayer cash thefts?

Who may have been killed, by a major political figure, in the “Cleantech Crash” to prevent them from speaking out about the trillion dollar “green cash” taxpayer cash thefts?


Who may have been killed, by a major political figure, in the “Cleantech Crash” to prevent them from speaking out about the trillion dollar “green cash” taxpayer cash thefts?



  • Was this ten times bigger than Watergate?
  • Does murder-by-politician sound too fantastic to be true? Could Harry Reid, Dianne Feinstein or Obama really have the resources to order U.S. citizens killed?
  • Let’s take a look at the facts and forensics.
  • In this case, let’s give the bad guys the benefit of the doubt. Let’s say that this set of the most unusual death coincidences, in U. S. history, are actually, mostly, just an extraordinary set of coincidences. Even if that were the case, at least one of them, per forensic history, had to have been a murder.
  • If even one of these deaths was a murder, and a major public official ordered that murder. This would be one of the biggest crimes ever recorded.
  • In this set of deaths, every single one of the dead people had a financial, personal and political connection to the same suspects. In most cases, the dead knew information that could get the suspects arrested. In every case the dead were healthy one day and mysteriously dead the next day.
  • Non-detectable neuro-toxins, forced shootings, “Boston Brakes”, forced over-doses, being thrown off a building and electronic cardiac arrest simulators (All tactics now publicly disclosed in the news) could have killed all of them.



An Amazing number of individuals, connected to this case, suddenly, and unexpectedly, died. Each one was connected to the case. Most could be said to have had “too much information”, or they were reporters, engineers or whistle-blowers who became “a problem”. Some investigators believe that over $2 Trillion dollars of public money was embezzled, kick-back, stock-rigged and re-directed. When the numbers are that large, it is thought that Cartel members may take extreme measures:

“Federal Investigators Seeking Tips on Mysterious High Tech Silicon Valley Deaths

 Rajeev Motwani taught Google how to Google. He created the Google ranking algorithm structure, the manipulation of that structure, and the business model for the idea of Google. He taught it to the founders of Google. He knew all of the secrets of the creation of Google. Suddenly, in perfect health, he was found floating face-down, dead, in his Silicon Valley swimming pool. It helps certain people that he can no longer talk.


 Gary D. Conley was the CleanTech competitor to, and whistle-blower on, the suspects. He was suddenly found with a bullet in his head behind Beale Air Force base. It helps certain people that he can no longer talk.


– David Bird was the Wall Street Journal energy reporter who was working on a story that involved Cleantech energy connections of some of the suspects. He was working on a story about who controlled the modern energy industry and cleantech.He went for a walk and was found a long time later, dead, floating in a pond. It helps certain people that he can no longer talk. 


Ravi Kumra was a venture capitalist with Tesla. He was killed by hookers. It helps certain people that he can no longer talk. 
Forrest Hayes was a senior engineer at Google who worked on rigging Google’s search engine results, for The Cartel, to promote Cartel boys and character assassinate politicians, competitors and reporters that the Cartel wanted taken out. He was also killed by a Hooker. It helps certain people that he can no longer talk. 

– One Mr. Breitbart was a famous blogger, who railed on the web about the political manipulations of the suspects. Suddenly, he had a heart attack in his shower and died. It helps certain people that he can no longer talk on the blogs.

– Mr. Slym , with Tata Motors was involved in a car deal with some of the suspects for one of the biggest Indian auto-makers. Suddenly he was a stain on the sidewalk, accomplished by his fall from the top of a skyscraper hotel. It helps certain people that he can no longer talk.

– Doug Bourn, The senior electrical engineer at Tesla, Andrew Ingram of Palo Alto, a top systems electrical engineer at Tesla; and Brian M. Finn the senior manager of interactive electronics, at Tesla, had deep knowledge of financial misdeeds and technical cover-ups at Tesla Motors. They were key parts of the Tesla operation. For some reason, they all got into a private airplane, in perfect health, and then the airplane plowed into the ground, killing all three at once. It helps certain people that they can no longer talk. They wrote, and helped describe, in Tesla’s own federal patent filings, the fact that Tesla’s batteries would kill you, maim you and/or burn your house down. Tesla did not realize this when they paid the federal patent filing fees. When Tesla, later realized this, they were forced to give all of their patents away for free. These three senior engineers had deep inside knowledge of the Tesla Motors operations. Their aircraft suffered an “Engineering failure”.

The above individuals had absolute knowledge of this case and some of them were known to have been whistle-blowers in this case.

All of these people (now over 50 people) were in top health, had lots of money and were not likely to have died when they did. Then they died, suddenly and suspiciously, under bizarre circumstances. They were all connected to the suspects. Over 30 investment bankers connected to the suspects and their Goldman Sach’s finance group are also suddenly dead under bizarre circumstances.

All of these people are dead. You can read about them, and their deaths, in extensive media coverage. There is no question about the facts: They are dead. The deaths are bizarre and mysterious. The timing is very convenient for a certain few. None of them were in poor health. They all had dealings with the suspect pool. They all would have been great witnesses in a federal hearing. The facts are 800 million times against the odds of this being a conincidence.

All of the top suspects are staffed by, connected to, or financed by a Company called In-Q-Tel. In-Q-Tel goes to great lengths to brag about their CIA relationship. The CIA are the top experts in creating un-detectable murders. The cIA calls In-Q-Tel “A rogue Operation not affiliated with CIA core activities”. In-Q-Tel staff assisted Sony Pictures in makingZero Dark Thirty. 

Over 1000 published reports and articles provide an analysis of certain Silicon Valley billionaires as “Sociopaths”. Both sociopaths and psychopaths are known to be likely to commit murder.

While nobody is directly accusing John Doerr, Elon Musk, Richard Blum, Vinohd Khosla or Eric Schmidt of murder, the facts lead to some awkward implications.  Investigators at the FBI, GAO, U.S. Senate and State AG offices want to know more. Anyone with additional details to share, is asked to connect their local federal law enforcement agencies.”







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