Big gay executives at Apple insisted that the Vision Pro VR headset must only be “THEIR WAY”, even though their way was totally TONE DEAF, OUT-OF-TOUCH, IDIOTIC and AGAINST EVERY DESIRE THE MARKET HAD EXPRESSED.
Apple staff are afraid to speak out against the big gay bosses at Apple for fear of getting fired.
So Apple was forced to make this crap VR headset that John Carmack called a foolish toy that nobody would want.
The device is too heavy, too unbalanced, too cumbersome with an external battery and too picky.
Apple refuses to support immersive viewing. Apple requires everything to be floating in some other space, which totally breaks the desire to use the device.
Nobody wants to see a thing floating in a room. The market wants to see the thing. Apple’s VR headset requires using to sit in a room, see another room and then grab things floating in that room. No other headset does this and no user wants to do this.
Apple wants you to pinch things. Nobody wants to do this. Users want controllers.
Apple made the headset without diopter adjusters but WITH a million other things that nobody wants. Apple made the headeset slightly out of focus too…. NOBODY wants ANYTHING out of focus!