Home » TESLA PR Manipulation BS!- Some of the more outstanding lies…

TESLA PR Manipulation BS!- Some of the more outstanding lies…

TESLA PR Manipulation BS!Some of the more outstanding lies…

– Musk misrepresents status of Tesla in DOE application.

– Tesla says “Germany passed Tesla as safe” after NO credible safety study conducted by Germany, while trying to hide fact that U.S. Investigators published huge demand letter for safety data, online in U.S.A. and actual investigation is only getting started.

– Tesla avoiding any public comment on massive number of fraud lawsuits underway.

– Tesla avoiding any public comment on OSHA investigations underway and multiple injured workers.

– Musk said “he” started NHTSA investigation when NHTSA said he lied about that.

– Musk said Tesla exceeded NHTSA safety test when NHTSA says he made up numbers.

– Musk says staff and VC’s “retiring” when they actually quit!

– Tesla avoiding any public comment on media charges of manipulation of books via credits-faked -as-revenue.

– Tesla avoiding commenting on the Tesla driver charged with Manslaughter in 2 killed with Tesla.

– When all other car makers did voluntary recalls for fires, Tesla refused.

– No comment from Tesla on charges of booking dealer show-cars and investor perk-cars as “sales”.

– Tesla ordering paid stock bloggers to shill up stock without any comments on outstanding issues.

(Others can keep adding to this list)…

Emery- ChiTri
Carlos Wetherby reported today that Tesla released it’s financial reports but refused to disclose key information. Tesla has now refused to disclose:

1. How many “owners” of Tesla are it’s own investors and associates in order to artificially increase volume numbers.

2. How many reservations have been cancelled.

3. Why Tesla forecasts a loss in the immediate future.

4. Why Tesla SEC reporting shows that orders will DECREASE.

5. How many repair requests have been submitted.

6. How they calculated indexed tax credits by using unused credits.

7. What % of calculated revenue was based on one-time tax credits from a deal that was made with a compensated government official in Sacramento?



Catch Elon Musk on camera and make him answer the above questions. Find the next call-in show he is going to be live on, or the next convention or other PR gig he has his PR company promote him on and put these questions to him point-blank on camera. The first reporter, or private individual, to pull this off gets 10 T-shirts.

The smoke is in the wind…