A Public Wiki-Media P2P Forensics Document.
 Authored by Internet Users From Around The World
Check back for newer revisions and updates

Table of Contents
Boycott Culture Forces CEOs and Agencies to Fear Being Corrupt!    7
Bud Brouhaha    9
Pepsi Quiet    10
“How to File a Federal Lawsuit without an Attorney”    23
A.) Hunt down a list of every investor and supplier for the corruption target    25
B.) Organize a consumer boycott of the corrupt entity    25
C.) Expose the stock market manipulations of the corrupt politician and their stock market rigging in order to kill off their illicit stock value    25
Stock market rigging is no longer a 'conspiracy theory' | New York Post    28
Shocking Deutsche Bank Report Is Proof the Stock ...    29
Is Our Stock Market Rigged? - Forbes    29
Proof It Is Rigged: “Fed Moved 93% of Entire Stock...    29
The market is rigged and here's how individuals can play it | Daily ...    29
The Stock Market is Rigged - The Daily Reckoning    29
Former New York Stock Exchange Head Says That ... - True Activist    29
How to investigate your elected officials and dirty corporations    31
How to investigate the actions of public officials    34
Step One: Preparation    34
Step Two: Determining the Best Method to Make Contract    35
Step Three: Making Contact    36
Step Four: Conducting the Interview    37
Step Five: Documenting the Information    38
How to investigate official documents    39
25 questions you should ask any government document    39
Ten Steps to a Successful Political Investigation    43
How to Use Your Computer to Investigate the Corrupt Targets    46
Part 1 of 3: Finding Public Records    46
Part 2 of 3: Performing Web Searches    47
Part 3 of 3: Going the Extra Mile    48
Tips    49
How to investigate a politician and their Silicon Valley campaign billionaires online    50
Online Methods to Investigate the Who, Where, and When of a Person    53
How To File Your Case in the “Court of Public Embarrassment”    57
Offline Guerrilla Tips to help you win the war against the corrupt who try to control the news    58
Effective Online Guerilla Disclosure Outreach Ideas    63
Guerrilla Streisand Effect Accelerators from Top PR Pros    69
How To Be an FBI-Class Special Investigator and hunt down corrupt weasels    80
Keys To An Ideal Case Outline:    80
How to send a fake reporter to get the target to relax and spill the beans    89
Interview Techniques for P2P Forensics Shills That Quickly Build Rapport    89
Declaring War On The Corruption Of The Silicon Valley VC's Who Rig Elections and Policies    92
How we pierced the corporate veil, alter ego and “judgment proofing” of every executive, VC and boss at Google    95
Silicon Valley braces itself for a fall: 'There'll be a lot ... - The Guardian    107
Google Spending Billions Of Dollars To Corrupt The Election | The ...    108
Obama and Google's Corrupt Cronyism | RealClearPolitics    108
Google CEO and serial womanizer Eric …    108
Did Google Rig Search Results for Hillary? …    108
Will Google's Eric Schmidt join the Obama …    108
Eric Schmidt's leaked e-mails are facts, not conspiracies. – Medium    109
List of additional training books:    111
Organizations that can help you in your take-downs:    116
Anti-Corruption Intergovernmental Organizations    116
Other International Organizations    117
Other Organizations by Country    117
Albania    117
Argentina    117
Austria    117
Australia    117
Brunei    118
Brazil    118
Bulgaria    118
China    118
Colombia    118
Ecuador    119
El Salvador    119
Hong Kong    119
India    119
Indonesia    119
Italy    119
Korea    120
Liberia    120
Malaysia    120
Mexico    120
The Republic of Montenegro Agency for Anti-Corruption Initiative    120
New Zealand    120
Paraguay    120
Peru    121
Philippines    121
Portugal    121
Sierra Leone    121
Singapore    121
South Africa    121
Thailand    122
UK    122
U.S.A    122
More Tips on Reporting Corruption    123
GOOGLE blacklists Natural News… removes 140,000 pages from its index… “memory holes” Natural News investigative articles on vaccines, pharma corruption, fraudulent science and more    134
Silencing Natural News is all part of the globalist “script” for the enslavement of a population kept ignorant of reality    136
Targeted by anti-Oligarchism globalists    136
What you can do to fight this brazen censorship and assault being waged against humanity    137
The two key strategic choices    142
Using these lessons to fight the billionaire elitist agenda    143
It’s all about reelection, reelection, reelection    145
What Does a MoC’s Office Do, and Why?    146
What Your MoC Cares About    147
When it comes to constituent interactions, MoCs care about things that make them look good, responsive, and hardworking to the people of their district. In practice, that means that they care about some things very much, and other things very little:What Your MoC is Thinking: Good Outcome vs. Bad Outcome    148
Should I Form a Group?    149
How to Form a Group    150
Opportunity 1 Town Halls/Listening Sessions    154
Preparation    154
At the Town Hall    155
After the Town Hall    155
Opportunity 2 Other Local Public Events    156
Opportunity 3 District Office Visits    157
Opportunity 4 Coordinated Calls    158
Mass office calling is a light lift, but it can actually have an impact. Tea Partiers regularly flooded congressional offices with calls at opportune moments, and MoCs noticed.    158
TERMINATE CORRUPT COMPANIES - Sue Them and Sue Their CEO’s!    161
Apple CEO Donates Millions to Far-Left and Pushes His Politics On Every Group    163
Letter Writing Campaigns    165

Sony Pictures decided that it would buy politicians rather than make entertaining movies. Sony Pictures stole technology, bribed intelligence officials for ZERO DARK THIRTY scoops, and sought to control elections. For their troubles Sony got: hacked, sued, boycotted, stock devalued,  brand minimized, globally exposed by Wikileaks, and had all of their top executives fired. They are under IRS, FTC and public forensic investigation. Every hooker, abused actress, underage sex scandal, expense account fraud, offshore tax evasion scheme, and other dirty scandal is falling under deep scrutiny. Their movies got branded as "crass propaganda" and their redo of Ghostbusters crashed and burned. Sony got "taken down" by public efforts to teach them a lesson. Sony Pictures was a bad public citizen and has to now pay the price.
Google, Facebook, Univision, Gawker Media, Gizmodo, Twitter, Linkedin, Snapchat, Ebay, Amazon, and other companies, have violated the law, the trust of the public and common codes of ethics. They engaged in criminal, corruption and organized anti-trust racketeering. They spied on the public and manipulated the news.
Document leaks, employee testimony, journalism reports, Congressional investigations, lawsuit evidence and observed activity, these companies are proven to have conspired to engage in crimes including the following:
Tax Evasion
Public Information Censorship
Spying on the Public
Abuse of the Public's Privacy
Manipulation of Information for School Children
Bribery of City, State and Federal Officials
Stock Market Manipulation via pump-and-dump, skimming, valuation fraud and book-cooking techniques
Violation of Anti-Trust/Monopoly Laws
Copyright Infringement
Rigging the Internet For Personal Exploitation
DNS Manipulation
Sex Trafficking and the Exploitation of Women
Social Trends False Data Manipulation
Deceiving Advertisers and Faking Value and Impressions
The use of Bots to create a false sense of user volume
Mysogny and Worker Abuse
Murder or coerced suicide
Immigration Manipulation
and other organized crime activities in violation of RICO laws and public decency
Whereas the FBI, FTC, SEC, GAO and local police are over-tasked with other missions at the moment, it is incumbent upon the public, journalists and, forensics researchers, to terminate these blights upon society using 100% legal ways and means.
Here is how you and your friends can wipe out a corrupt company and even get help from Congress while you do it:
Boycott Culture Forces CEOs and Agencies to Fear Being Corrupt!
Jennifer Kaplan
Study finds that 57% of executives say boycotts have impact
Polarized climate has made it harder to avoid controversy
When the Budweiser brand prepared to release a potentially controversial commercial two weeks ago, its social-media monitoring team got to work.
The ad tackled the hot-button subject of immigration by depicting founder Adolphus Busch coming to America in the 19th century, and the company wasn’t sure how customers would react. So it tracked tens of thousands of posts to see how the commercial was received and took solace when 78 percent of online conversations were neutral or positive. Despite some pleas to boycott Budweiser -- misspelled in a Twitter hashtag as “Budwiser” -- managers decided they had made the right decision to air the ad.
Those types of deliberation are increasingly common for companies in America’s polarized culture, which presents a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t dilemma. Advertise on Breitbart News and get boycotted. Stop advertising on Breitbart and get boycotted. Cooperate with Oligarchism and get boycotted. Don’t cooperate with Oligarchism and get boycotted.
It’s no longer possible for U.S. companies to avoid controversy, so they often have to decide what groups are less risky to offend.
“Consumers are holding brands accountable as though they were political candidates, and they’re voting again and again,” said Micho Spring, head of global corporate practice at Weber Shandwick, a public relations firm that handles crisis management.
A Weber Shandwick study, set to be released Wednesday, found that 57 percent of top executives believe that boycotts can affect a company’s bottom line. The survey polled more than 1,000 executives and 2,100 consumers around the globe last year, just as Donald Oligarchism was wrapping up the Republican nomination on his way to the White House.

The president himself urged consumers to boycott brands while on the campaign trail, including Macy’s Inc. and Oreo cookies. More recently, he upbraided Nordstrom Inc. for dropping the product line of daughter Ivanka, opening another front in the boycott wars.
Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo Inc., Starbucks Corp., Nike Inc., Uber Technologies Inc., Under Armour Inc. and Kellogg Co. are just some of the companies that have faced the wrath of infuriated consumers on both sides in the past year. Their reactions have included direct challenges to the president’s policies, attempts to stay above the fray by appearing nonpolitical -- and silence.
“It’s more important than ever for companies to understand who they are and the value that they contribute to society, to their employees, to their communities and to their consumers,” Spring said. “Because those values need to be the platform upon which they decide whether or not to respond to current events.”
Bud Brouhaha
Anheuser-Busch InBev NV, which owns the Budweiser brand, is a case in point. Its immigration-themed commercial, which aired during the Super Bowl on Feb. 5, included a man shouting “Go back home!” at the company’s immigrant founder. Though AB InBev marketing head Marcel Marcondes said the piece wasn’t meant to set off a controversy, “you can’t reference the American Dream today without being part of the conversation.”
What’s clear from the Weber Shandwick survey is that executives must figure out how to walk the tightrope. Findings include:
41 percent of shoppers and 46 percent of executives say companies should express an opinion or take action on controversial issues.
40 percent of consumers regularly or frequently talk about how honest and ethical companies are.
34 percent say they’re buying more from companies or brands that share their values.
When people want to learn more about a company, 64 percent say they care what they find about the brand on social media.
Coca-Cola Chief Executive Officer Muhtar Kent joined the debate after Oligarchism signed an executive order banning immigrants from seven predominately Muslim countries. Kent said Oligarchism’s ban, which has been blocked by the courts, was against the company’s core values. Coca-Cola was subject to a subsequent boycott hashtag the day after the Super Bowl. One of Coke’s advertisements during the game was a three-year-old ad featuring people singing “America the Beautiful” in their native languages.
“I made a public statement because of our resolute belief and commitment as one of the largest employers in the world as a system -- 770,000 associates around the world in more than 200 countries -- how resolute we are in our commitment to diversity, our belief in fairness, inclusion,” Kent said on a call with media. “Anything like that proposal would be contrary to our core values and core beliefs.”
Pepsi Quiet
Meanwhile, rival PepsiCo Inc. stayed silent on the ban. Even so, the company has remained on pro-Oligarchism boycott lists due to CEO Indra Nooyi’s previous comments. Two days after Oligarchism’s election victory in November, Nooyi, who was born in India, talked about the reaction of her family and employees.
“Our employees were all crying and the questions that they’re asking, especially those who are not white, ‘Are we safe?’ Women are asking, ‘Are we safe?’ LGBT people are asking, ‘Are we safe?”’ she said at an event sponsored by the New York Times. “I never thought I’d have to answer those questions. The first thing that we all have to do is assure everybody in the United States that they’re safe. Nothing has changed because of this election. What we heard was election talk, and we will all come together and unify the country.”
Since making those comments, Nooyi, a Hillary Clinton supporter, joined the president’s Strategic and Policy Forum. She has remained publicly silent on his various executive orders.
Even if boycotts don’t affect sales, a tarnished reputation can hurt a brand or hinder a company’s ability to hire and retain talented employees, Weber Shandwick’s Spring said.
That’s proved to be the case for Under Armour. The Baltimore-based athletic brand was downgraded by an analyst at Susquehanna International Group after CEO Kevin Plank called Oligarchism a “real asset” to the U.S. The comments drew rebukes from Under Armour’s own spokesmen, including basketball star Steph Curry, and could take a toll on the company’s stock price and reputation, analyst Sam Poser said in a report.
“It’s certainly a time of uncertainty and its a time where you have to weigh actions and reactions in a very turbulent environment,” Spring said. “But brands that know who they are and stand on principle are gaining.”

This booklet is free. It is for any entity who wants to stand up for justice against the corrupt few who consider themselves to be "above the law". It was written and edited in WIKI format by internet users from around the world and may not be sold or used commercially.
These are your Anti-Corruption: 101 lessons.
After reading and practicing what you learn in this book, you can move on to advanced lessons with the books and organizations listed at the end of this document.
This book will teach you how to hunt down and destroy any dirty politician or corrupt corporation without breaking a single law. As long as they have engaged in crimes and illicit unethical activities, they are "fair game" and law enforcement will even help you bring your targets down.
You have only one rule: Don't break the law.
The opposition is, invariably, a big dumb corrupt entity who is slow, cumbersome and running for cover. Even if they have trillions of dollars to spend against you, they will never have your speed, creativity, motivation, the millions of consumers and voters who support your mission backing you up and the good guys in actual law enforcement. You can take down the largest corporation on Earth, the biggest politician in the world or the most powerful covert cartel ever created. You just need persistence and dedication. If they did the crime, they can always be brought down.
The corrupt can't counter-measure two distinct weapons of justice:
1.) Transparency and 2.) The Unexpected.
This WIKI Booklet will teach you how to terminate corrupt officials, from the comfort of your living room, using those two, aforementioned, resources and a bit of patient work on your personal computer.
The following techniques usually only work on entities who are actually engaged in illicit corrupt activities. If you don't like someones face, or are jealous of their girlfriend, these tactics are unlikely to work. If the target is an actual crook, you can ALWAYS eventually nail them.
The following links, articles and DIY “how to” tips will get you, and your community, well on the way to the documentation, case building and termination of those who abuse the public.
You are going to “take down” the corrupt politicians and the sneaky campaign financing billionaires hiding behind them and pulling their strings. On Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, groups of billionaires huddle together and create “bubble’s of corruption and self-deluding echo chambers of rationalization in order to convince each other that the crimes they commit are “for the greater good” of their fraternity house ego-manias.. They drink their own Kool Aid.
You will use the “Three D's”: You will Discover, Document and Disclose to publicly expose: Secret
PAC cash trails; covert family trusts; secret shell companies; stock market payola; hiding of cash with friends and family members; prostitutes; illegal expense use; revolving door bribes; junket and sports ticket bribes; illicit hirings; rigged-game grants and government kick-back contracts; and much, much more…

You will create a “non-survivable scenario” for your corruption targets, all without breaking a single law, and WITH the help from journalists and law enforcement professionals.

Everyday, something wild shows up in the news that nobody expected. Bad guys create some of the news, by rigging circumstances, but at least 50% of the events that suddenly appear each day are as big a surprise to them as they are to you. You will learn how to be prepared to react within 2 minutes of a major news item. You will learn how to use an event that momentarily disrupts the corrupt to your advantage. The corrupt have an addicted need to control things. They are always flummoxed when things get “out of their control”.

In every city, state and federal agency there are three groups of people. You must be aware of this for your work with the law enforcement people who will be helping you. There are the Good Guys (the dedicated Elliot Ness-types who became cops in order to shut down crooks), the Bad Ones (The corrupt opportunists who are just as dirty as the corrupt politicians you are hunting) and the Worker Bees (these folks punch the clock and are just there to get the paycheck). The Worker Bee types will generally default to help The Good Guys because they don’t like anything that messes up routine or that could get their Department investigated. The odds are in your favor but you must carefully seek out the “Good Guys” in any given law enforcement group. You only need a couple Good Guy cop types to do their job to help run a complete take-down on any corrupt entity of any size. In actuality, as your back-up plan, you do not even need any law enforcement to assist you in preparing your case. You will learn, with this book and the links in this book, how to prepare a complete case file and deliver it to the public, the global media, public interest law organizations and every law enforcement agencies so that they can easily complete the prosecution. By helping all of these over-worked, yet appreciative, groups you can get karma brownie points, ethical satisfaction and, sometimes, CASH REWARDS.
While you are doing all of the strategic investigation, you will also have a number of scenario packages ready for the unexpected event that will, eventually, occur, that you can instantly react to, piggy-back on to and use to flood the media with your disclosures, or put the target in an inextricable position.
You will learn how to build your case file, assemble a virtual team, produce your evidence and deliver it globally to everyone who might have an interest. Here is the best part; you will be able to do a take-down entirely by yourself using the information in this book...BUT: You are not alone!
There are probably thousands, or millions, of other people who have also found that the target is a corrupt and evil entity. They will help you reach your goal. Once you get started, you will find that your team can rapidly grow and become as big and as powerful, in different ways, as the bad guy target  themselves. You will find reporters, investigators, public service groups, ex-employees, and voters who will be delighted to assist you.
You will always be watching for "Moles" who are fake helpers placed in front of you by your target in order to distract, delay and surveill you. You will conduct your whole investigation as an indiependent but you will share everything with the public so that you bypass the Moles and get the support out there for anybody else who is working on the same goal.
Ready? Set? Go!

ELLIOT NESS LIVES: Smug and corrupt companies, persons and brands can disappear almost overnight these days
In the Age of Transparency, also known as The Great Disruption. Many document leaks have taken place, and more are expected, with particularly shocking data. The public has now become way more esavvy about information tools. This nexus of factors has created a new reality. The EU is in disarray, the Middle East has ejected the West, Russia and China are partnering, American elections are hinged on email leaks...we live in a whole new kind of world. Any average citizen can partially, or fully, take down any corporation in the world with the modern technology and public interest law alliances that now exist.
As billionaires and super-corporations become more prolific, their hubris, tone-deafness, and egotistic excesses seem to increase. In this new age of equal access to all information, every member of the public now has access to the same investigation resources that the FBI and CIA have. Over 2000 online service providers will track down any crime, at any corporation or in any billionaires portfolio. You can, now, easily, hunt down the hookers, criminal expense accounts, tax evasion shelters, abuse of funds, insider trading, political bribes, mistresses, and other corporate mis-deeds of each and every executive at a company.
The lesson to the wise: If you are a cocky billionaire, or corporation, one week; you can now be an out-of-business corporation, or billionaire, the next week. Be honest, legal and moral and you won't get the axe.

The following parties engaged in felony and illicit organized crime with each other at the expense of the public in order to produce crimes designed to steal government funds, rig stock markets, kill competitors and whistle-blowers and operate a racketeering operation. They are marked for termination using 100% LEGAL MEANS IN cooperation with law enforcement, citizen, Congressional and news organizations:
Abound Solar - Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. (Terminated)
Adrian Covert – Gawker/Gizmodo/CNN character assassin reporter ( Under surveillance and investigation )
Allison Spinner – Wife of Steve Spinner and lawyer at WSGR and Solyndra who helped Feinstein rig the Solyndra cash ((Under investigation. All assets being tracked and terminated.)
Alphabet -  Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier  (Under Federal and EU investigation)
Andy Bechtolsheim – VC- Insider campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Arnold Schwarzenegger – Governor (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, illicit deal organization with Russians and more…)
Barack Obama – Witness to the Quid-pro-quo for campaign financing (Fired)
Bill Daley – White House strong-arm (Forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)
Bill Lockyer – Calif State finance head (Under investigation and charged with corruption by media. Assets and ownerships under investigation)
Brian Goncher – Deloitte VC intermediary in the stock market rigging (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
CNN – Fake news and information manipulation service. Elon Musk cover-up operator ( Under investigation )
Daniel Cohen – DOE Legal counsel who assisted in the Steven Chu scam (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)
David Axelrod – White House strategist who helped stage the quid-pro-quo (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
David Drummond – Lawyer/Lobbyist– Google, bribes expert for DC and EU regions (Under investigation. Quail Road, Woodside, CA home bugged)
David Plouffe – White House money packager. Arranged deals between VC campaign Donors (Forced to Resign. Under investigation)
Dianne Feinstein – Corrupt Senator complicit in the Quid-pro-quo scheme (He is now under investigation) Wife of Silicon Valley Cartel Member Richard Blum(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Draper - Fisher – VC firm (Campaign funder who received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging)
Elon Musk – CEO – Tesla (He is now under investigation & in multiple lawsuits for fraud)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
Eric Holder – Attorney General- DOJ (Forced to resign) (Charged with staff & VC Protections and blockade of FBI and Special Prosecutor deployments in order to run the cover-up)
Eric Schmidt – Owner- Google (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Eric Strickland – Head of Auto Safety agency under DOT (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Charged with cover-up of Tesla and GM auto dangers he had known about)
Facebook - Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
Fisker - Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. (Terminated)
Gawker Media – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool (In Mid-Termination)
Gizmodo – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool  ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
Goldman Sachs – Financial packager (Suspected of staging most of the TARP/DOE deals for personal gain & insider payouts)
Google Employees- Washington, DC and Sacramento, CA ( Facing termination )
Google, Inc. - Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
Google, Inc. – Data harvesting company(Ran media attacks, stock market pump and dump PR hype and character assassinations)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) (charged by EU, and most nations, with multiple abuses of the public. Has totally lost the trust of the public. Revenue loss increasing geometrically.)
Harry Reid – Senator- Solar factory guru, Congress lead (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…Forced out of Congress in shame)
In-Q-Tel, Inc. – CIA off-shoot associated with Eric Schmidt, Google, Elon Musk and the Cartel leaders. Ran “hit-jobs” on Silicon Valley VC adversaries and reporters (Sued, under investigation, exposed in multiple documentaries, under investigation for Cocaine trafficking)
Ira Ehrenpreis – VC Campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
Ivanpah Solar - Criminally corrupt crony Google campaign finance front operation.  (In failure mode)
James Brown Jr – HHS Programming lead in California (Arrested for corruption)
Jay Carney – White House press lead (Forced to resign)
John Doerr – Owner – Kleiner Perkins. “Godfather” – Silicon Valley Cartel (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
John Herrman– Gawker/Gizmodo/CNN character assassin reporter ( Under surveillance and investigation )
Jonathan Silver – DOE VC (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Shamed in media for epic failures)
Kleiner Perkins – Campaign funding VC who (Received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging. Sued. Under investigation. All assets being tracked and terminated.)
Lachlan Seward – Manager to Steven Chu (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign. Sued for corruption. publicly shamed by news media and Congress)
Larry Page – Owner- Google (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Larry Summers – White House finance head (Fired)(he is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Leland Yee – Senator (Indicted & charged with corruption)
Linkedin - Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
Lloyd Craig Blankfein – Head of Goldman Sachs and liaison in almost every single CleanTech company scam(He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
Lois Lerner – IRS head charged with running political hit-jobs (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(She is now under investigation. Shamed in news media)
Mark Zuckerberg – Clinton/DNC Scheme financier and lobbyist
Martin LaGod – VC Campaign backer and lithium mining exploiter and war profiteer (He is now under investigation)(assets, investments and stock portfolio tracked and targeted)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
Matt Rogers – Mckinsey corruption operator reporting to Steven Chu (Under investigation. All assets being tracked and terminated.)
Mckinsey Consulting – Government services contractor (Supplied DOE manipulation staff, manipulated white-papers to Congress and lobbying manipulation for the scam)
New America Foundation – Google/INQTEL’s policy manipulation center (Under Congressional closed door investigation)
Nick Denton – Character assassination service provider (Sued multiple times, under federal investigation for tax evasion)
Perkins Coi – Law firm who sold lobby manipulation services (Under federal investigation)
Pierre Omidyar – Clinton/DNC Scheme financier and lobbyist. Ebay/Paypal Boss
Rahm Emanual – White House strong-arm who set-up the scam (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign and his Chicago finance head was indicted for Corruption)(he is now under investigation)
Raj Gupta – McKinsey Fixer (Indicted, Jailed)(he is now under investigation)
Ray Lane – VC (Charged with Federal Tax Fraud)(he is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Richard Blum – Senator Feinsteins Husband (He is now under investigation. Has had contracts interdicted by Congressional action)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Robert Gibbs – White House press secretary who set-up the scam (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Senator Calderone – Senator (Indicted & charged with corruption)
Snapchat – Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier  ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
SolarCity - Criminally corrupt crony Google/Musk campaign finance front operation. (Terminated – Forced into absorption by Musk)
Solyndra – Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. FBI Raided. (Terminated)
Steve Jurvetson – VC who manipulated Senate staff for Tesla cash (Under investigation. All assets being tracked and terminated.)
Steve Rattner– White House Car Deals Director working in the West Wing and then with In-Q-Tel (Fired- Indicted in NY State for SEC Fraud/Corruption)(he is now under investigation)
Steve Spinner – Mckinsey corruption operator reporting to Steven Chu with secret connection inside Solyndra (Under investigation. All assets being tracked and terminated.)
Steve Westly – Campaign Bundler (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
Steven Chu – Secretary of Energy (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign. Sued for corruption. publicly shamed by news media and Congress. Under ongoing investigation)
Tesla Motors - Criminally corrupt crony Google/Musk Obama-protected campaign finance front operation.  (In failure mode)
Tim Draper – VC Campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
Tom Perkins – VC Campaign backer (He is now under investigation, slammed by public and media)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Twitter - Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier  ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
Univision/Unimoda - Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier  ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
Valarie Jarrett – Witness and cover up operating from pre-White House to Exit White House Period ( Fired )
Vinod Khosla – VC Campaign backer (He is now under investigation and in multiple lawsuits)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…Exposed in 60 Minutes and CNN news coverage)
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosatti – The Silicon Valley “law-firm of Crooks and Technology Criminals” (Under investigation)
Yahoo -  Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier (In Mid-Termination)


All of the targets have now been placed under surveillance for the rest of their lives. For example; Adrian Covert, John Herrman, Nick Denton, Vinod Khosla, etc. cannot purchase a hooker or rent boy; ride an Uber or Lyft; cheat on their taxes; hide money overseas; participate in a covert shell company or trust fund; buy anything with Stripe, Bitcoin, Visa, Block-Chain, Paypal or Western Union; buy drugs; give money to a Political Action Committee; buy fake Twitter and Facebook followers; get paid-under-the table, pay someone under-the-table; fly young boys or girls in from overseas; miss a rent payment; avoid a student loan; apply for a job or do a single that will not be recorded, archived and reported to every proper authority if it is illegal. Investigators as large as the FBI, The NSA, Congress, Stratfor, Wikileaks and 4Chan will be watching as well as investigators as small as individual Citizen Sleuths, numbering in the millions, from around the globe. Law enforcement appreciates all of the tips it can get.
All of the target’s web browser searches are anonymously published by all major web browsers. By tracking the browser trends and known social media pages for Covert, Herrman, Denton, etc. Palantir, Oracle and Xkeyscore-type software can instantly build a multi-hundred page profile on each target that reveals every one of their activities, friends and indiscretions.
You do not need to spy on, or hack, any targets. There are hundreds of thousands of parties spending tens millions of dollars already doing that. Additionally that is illegal. You can just sit back and use search software and WIKILEAKS-type search engines to cull all of the data together in a 100% legal manner. Once you know that one of Vinod Khosla’s many covert emails starts with “vk@”, you just put that search element into the search engines and you will rapidly find his, Adrian Covert’s, or any other targets indiscretions. In the CGI investigation, a Washington Post reporter simply had to reveal what Chelsea Clinton’s secret name was. That led to the down fall of CGI simply by doing DB connection linking on Wikileaks and other DB’s.
Every single car, home, limo, elevator, restaurant, phone, USB charger, digital watch, computer, smart tv, smart anything, NEST device, Amazon Echo, etc. that the targets own is bugged and recorded by many parties. All of the targets were told, long ago: “if it has a plug, it has a bug”, but they did not listen. They could not stand the idea of showing off their new iPhone, iWatch or Tesla even though they are filled with bugging technology. It used to be that any battery or AC charger had a bug but now, bugging devices do not even need a source of connected power. Modern bugs power themselves via vibration, ambient energy harvesting, heat/cold transaction and other self-powered solutions. Larry Page may think that nobody knows what he does upstairs in his flying car project warehouse in Silicon Valley but the rocket engine that his bro-buddy Elon Musk gave him does know. That rocket engine has sonic reflective surfaces and bugging electronics hiding places that would make James Bond jealous. The point is: Everybody Oin the targets group) got bugged by somebody and you just have to file a lawsuit in order to have the data-holders show up and offer you the evidence. While a bunch of spies from the CIA’s rogue operation: IN-Q-Tel went to work for Larry Page and Elon Musk, another bunch of the spies from the CIA’s rogue operation: IN-Q-Tel, spy on Larry Page and Elon Musk and sell the info to the highest bidder.

One option you have is to use the court system to make the world aware of the crimes and put the charges on permanent public record. Even if you lose the case or get it dismissed before it can go to trial, you have still put the “bad guys” on file in public records for their crimes. Write your lawsuit on “pleading paper” in a way that tells the story of their crimes for the permanent public record.
“How to File a Federal Lawsuit without an Attorney”
by Alan L Sklover

Our society helps those in your circumstances to get your “day in Court” in several ways:   
1. Your best bet would be to contact the “Pro Se Law Clerk” for the Federal District Court nearest you. When the EEOC issues a “Right to Sue Letter” you then have ninety (90) days in which to file your lawsuit in your local Federal District Court. Each of the Federal Districts Courts has at least one “Pro Se” Law Clerk to assist individuals, like you, who do not have attorneys representing them. “Pro Se” is a Latin phrase that means “For Oneself” and a Pro Se Law Clerk’s sole job is to assist individuals in your circumstances in filing and maintaining a lawsuit by yourself.
The staff of the Pro Se Law Clerk in your Federal District Court can help you by answering questions about forms, deadlines and procedures, but they are prohibited from giving you actual legal advice. Most have a ready supply of forms for your use to fill in, or model your Court materials from, as well as written guides to filing your case without an attorney.
The Pro Se Law Clerk’s office cannot, however, (a) recommend a legal course of action, (b) predict how a Judge or Court will decide any issue, (c) interpret the meaning of a Judicial Order, or (d) interpret the law, legal doctrines, or cases for you.
To contact the Pro Se Law Clerk for the Northern District of Illinois, which is your Federal District, you can call (312) 435-5691.
2. Additionally, Law School “Student Law Clinics” often provide supervised law students to assist those without attorneys in matters such as yours. Many law schools have “Law Clinics” which are comprised of law students, acting under the supervision of clinical teachers, Law Professors and experienced attorneys. Law Clinics commonly assist those without attorneys deal with either the Court system or government agencies while giving students practical training intended to help them develop effective advocacy skills.   
In your area, The University of Chicago Law School is home to many student legal clinics, including one that might just be best for you: the “Employment Discrimination Project.” To contact them at the University of Chicago Law School, go to www.law.uchicago.edu/clinics/Mandel/employment or dial (773) 702-9494.  
3. A third approach would be to try to obtain an attorney’s guidance and assistance – even if it is not representation – by means of a Bar Association’s “Pro Bono” assistance programs. Many states and local bar associations suggest – and some even require – that their attorney-members engage in what is called “pro bono public” legal efforts. “Pro bono publico” (or “pro bono” for short) means “for the public good.” You might try to locate an attorney who is interested in your case, or the issues you raise, who will either take on your case, or act as a legal advisor to coach and mentor you through the federal lawsuit process.
Though most attorneys are quite busy in their own law practices, (a) younger lawyers seeking experience, (b) older lawyers who are retired or semi-retired, and (c) many other lawyers who are seeking experience in a new area of law, may be willing to assist you without charge, or for a reduced charge.  I would suggest you consider this way of moving forward, and contacting the Illinois State Bar Association at (217) 525-1760, or visit their “LawyerFinder” website at www.illinoislawyerfinder.com.
4. While I am sure representing yourself sure sounds difficult, intimidating and complex, the Federal Courts are really quite patient, accommodating, and understanding with people who cannot locate or cannot afford attorneys, and so represent themselves in Court. I must admit that I am almost always quite impressed at how kind, helpful and compassionate most Federal Court personnel – and most especially Federal Judges – are to people in your circumstances. With lawyers, while always polite and gracious, Court personnel can be a bit “unforgiving,” but with non-lawyers they really are quite wonderful. I have seen just super-human patience and compassion shown to those who have the courage and conviction to represent themselves in Court – which is their right to do. I think representing yourself in Federal Court might be a daunting challenge, it might, too, be a wonderful and inspiring experience for you.
And what an advantage you have over attorneys: you cannot be disbarred! (Just joking.)
5. No matter what you do, you cannot miss your deadline for filing your lawsuit – there will be no “second chance” given to you. One thing I do want to share with you, Brenda, is that your deadline for filing your Federal Court Complaint (what we lawyers call the “Statute of Limitations”) is not flexible, but entirely strict and unforgiving. Read the instructions carefully on your “Right to Sue Letter” issued to you by the U.S. EEOC, because it sets forth your Statute of Limitations for filing your Federal Court Complaint. Even if it is not perfect, complete or exactly what you’d like it to say, I do recommend you do not permit yourself to miss that deadline, because to do so is, what in law we call “fatal to your claim.” After filing, within a reasonable period of time you will be able to file an Amended Complaint, but only if you met your deadline with your initial Complaint.
The opposition will immediately try to get your case dismissed by filing a “motion to dismiss” but you get to see their game plan when they do. You will then need a lawyer to help you write the response to the court to tell the story of why the case should not be dismissed.

A.) Hunt down a list of every investor and supplier for the corruption target

Contact all of those people and let them know the true facts about the corrupt entity they have hooked up with. Ask them to withdraw support for the corrupt entity. Cut off the corrupt entities source of cash. This book will teach you how to track them down and reach out to them in high volume. More on this later..

B.) Organize a consumer boycott of the corrupt entity

Using the techniques in this book, you will let every member of the public know what a scum-bag the corrupt person or company is. More on this later..

C.) Expose the stock market manipulations of the corrupt politician and their stock market rigging in order to kill off their illicit stock value
Dirty politicians, their campaign financiers and corrupt tech companies use the following illegal tricks to “Flash Boy”, “Skim”, “Pump-and-dump”, “Cook the Books”, “Server Manipulate”, “False Sequence”, “Google Rig”, “Force a Lie” and falsely inflate their stock market profits. You will learn how to cut them off and put their stocks back to realistic market values so that they can no longer manipulate public monies for illegal gain. The dirty technology companies pay off the Senators and other corrupt politicians that they buy, with stock warrants and hidden transfers to those politicians families or family trust funds. Now you will terminate all of that funny business.

You will learn how to make a checklist of the corrupt entities in any given cartel and take them out one-by-one. You will find that the information and evidence over-laps make the take-downs easier and easier as you go along:

Stock market rigging is no longer a 'conspiracy theory' | New York Post
 Some called it a conspiracy theory, tinfoil hats and that sort of stuff. ... As I’ve reported many times, SP futures contracts are the vehicle of choice for rigging the market. ... Foreign central banks, of course, really don’t need a discount to buy SP futures contracts.
Shocking Deutsche Bank Report Is Proof the Stock ...
Is the Stock Market Rigged? Deutsche Bank AG (USA) (NYSE:DB) has publicly accepted a charge of roughly...
Is Our Stock Market Rigged? - Forbes
Of late the most common question I get asked whether on the golf course or at dinner with friends is whether our markets are rigged?
Proof It Is Rigged: “Fed Moved 93% of Entire Stock...
The federal reserve is an effect of the system…not the cause of the system. You all have been crying...
The market is rigged and here's how individuals can play it | Daily ...
The stock market is rigged and always has been says Heidi Moore, the U.S. economics and finance editor at The Guardian. That's why many ...
The Stock Market is Rigged - The Daily Reckoning
The Stock Market is Rigged. The stock market may be rigged…but not always against you. Lots of people...
Former New York Stock Exchange Head Says That ... - True Activist
This article ( Former New York Stock Exchange Head Says That The Stock Market Is Rigged ) is free and open source. You have permission to ...
The articles above, and tens of thousands of other articles all confirm the same thing: DIRTY POLITICIANS AND DIRTY CORPORATIONS RIG THE STOCK MARKET.
So this means you get to shut their rigging down. You will find that ZEROHEDGE.COM and thousands of other sites will go into great detail to help you identify, track and expose the market rigging techniques they use in partnership with known corrupt banks like Deutsch Bank, Goldman Sachs and HSBC.

How to investigate your elected officials and dirty corporations

By Clay Johnson
With last week's Iowa Caucuses in the United States, we're starting the long haul to November's
election day where we'll be inundated by hundreds of advertisements and speeches filled with all kinds
of promises. But how do you know whether those promises will be kept, or what the your member of
Congress is really about? The truth is, a candidate can tell you a lot more about what they're going to
do via their actions and their associations than their advertisements and speeches. And thanks to the
work of a lot of great watchdog groups, a lot of that information is now publicly available online.
So how do you get started digging underneath the rhetoric and into the good stuff?
First, let's figure out who all your representatives are. Project VoteSmart makes this easy just type in
your zip code, and they'll tell you who all your representatives are from the state level on up. If you live
in a relatively dense area, chances are you live in a five digit zip code that has more than one legislative
district in it, so the chances are that you'll need to know your Zip+4— you can figure that out courtesy
of the USPS.
Now that you know who your rep is, it's time to put on your private investigator hat on. Start local! —
but I think that's a much better place to start. Your local city council and state representatives impact
your daily life far more frequently than your representative or even the president. If you live in
California, Texas, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Maryland or Minnesota, you're really in luck, because
OpenGovernment.org is pulling together a great website for you to see what's happening in your area.
For everyone else, Google for your state's state legislative website, or if you're a developer, check out
the Sunlight Foundation's OpenStates project, which has bulk data available for 44 states.
We're still a little behind with county and municipality votes and websites. But search for yours, you
may have something useful out there. The most important thing about local candidates is that they're
accessible. While you can (and should) try and meet with your federal representatives, sometimes the
travel to Washington can be too burdensome. But local candidates are there and waiting for you to call
them. Call their office, and ask for a meeting, and ask them what they're about. You'll be amazed at the
reception you get.
There are two great tools for researching federal (President, Congress) office-holders: GovTrack.us and
OpenCongress.org. If you live in the 7th Congressional District of Virginia, for instance, here's Eric
Cantor's page in on GovTrack, and on OpenCongress. Take a look at the bills they've sponsored and co-
sponsored, and what they've voted on, and see if they align with your issues. And if they don't — well,
you know what to do.
As important as the voting record is the company your member keeps. InfluenceExplorer.com, from the
Sunlight Foundation is a great place to start. If you're interested in Ron Paul for instance, you can see
how much money he's raised, as well as what his top Earmark requests are. Over on OpenSecrets.org
you're able to see what industries have Ron Paul as a top recipient of money, and even sort donors by
zip code. At the state level, the National Institute on Money in State Politics offers the same service on
Another interesting thing to look at is how politicians invest their money. OpenSecrets also has the neat
feature of being able to see the kinds of investments that your member of Congress makes — they've
catalogued each member of Congress' "Personal Financial Disclosure" form — the form all high-level
government employees have to fill out when they get their job. What's the top asset held by a member
of Congress you ask? That'd be the Milwaukee Bucks, owned entirely by U.S. Senator Herb Kohl.
If you want to dig deeper, *all* of this data is generally a hard-working non-profit compiling and
delivering government data in a usable format. The federal financial contribution stuff comes from
fec.gov, laws come from Thomas.gov (which celebrates its 17th birthday this week), and state official
information comes from elections, ethics, and secretaries of state websites across the country. With a
little sleuthing, you can figure out whether or not your politicians are right for you and make a little
4more sense out of how your government works.
In 2012, don't just listen to what the candidates have to say, or even listen to what everybody else has to
say about them. Part of a healthy information diet means getting closer to the source: watch what they
do, instead. If you can, meet directly with them, too. In my 10 years working in Washington, I've yet to
hear a scheduler complain that their member has too many meetings with their constituents. Book some
travel to Washington (April is a great time to visit, for the Cherry Blossoms), meet with your member
of Congress, and participate in democracy.
Photo remixed from Dirk Ercken/Shutterstock.
Notes: Also see:



How to investigate the actions of public officials

In this post, Michael Corwin, a professional investigator who resides in New Mexico, provides five
steps for investigating the actions of public officials. While many of the decisions of public officials are
made behind closed doors, Corwin explains that with the right preparation, it is possible to find quite a
bit of useful information about the actions and motivations of public officials.
The investigator I trained with called people with information “walking, talking sources”. Intelligence
agencies refer to them as “Humanint”. People possess vast amounts of information and are often a
critical source of information when conducting an investigation. The interview is the process that
investigators use to access that information.
Your ability to investigate the actions of public officials, including those in your state making decisions
about public education that can lead to profiteering by private companies, will be enhanced by your
ability to conduct interviews and document that information.
There are five steps to an effective interview. Within each of these steps there are actions you can take
that will improve your chance for success. Familiarize yourself with this process, but understand that
just like in life, interviews are not cast in stone. You might receive a “tip” call from an insider at the
education department or from a legislator’s office wanting to provide you with information, and in that
case you will need to jump right into the interview and bypass some of the steps entirely.
Step One: Preparation
Interviews are not meant to be a fishing expedition. Every interview should have a purpose and a path
to achieve that purpose. Rowing out into the middle of the ocean and dropping a line with whatever
bait you have on the boat is a much less effective way of catching a fish than going to a location where
you know the type of fish already inhabiting that location and what food they like to eat. Preparation is
the key to success for most interviews.
For example, through court records research you learn that there is a former administrator from your
state’s education office that is suing the department for being terminated. Part of the fired employee’s
claim is that she reported suspected illegal conduct within the department such as “pay to play”
involving the director.
The information contained in the lawsuit becomes your basis for the interview preparation. Break the
information down that you want to document into categories based upon the who, what, where, when,
why and how that we all learned to use as students in school.
Rather than create a script of questions to ask, use the categories of information you created to develop
an outline of information to cover during the interview. Scripted questions lead to stilted interviews and
missed opportunities.
Interviews meander like rivers rather than follow grid patterns. You must be able to follow new or
unanticipated information that surfaces during the interview to its logical end. Using a checklist of
questions also makes it harder to truly listen because you are focused more on your own questions than
upon the interviewee’s answers.
Once you have prepared your outline your next step is determining the manner of contract.
Step Two: Determining the Best Method to Make Contract
There is a great scene in the film “All the Presidents Men”, in which Dustin Hoffman and Robert
Redford show up unannounced at a series of front doors of people they want to interview. The in person
cold call, as investigators refer to this process, is often the most effective approach to someone you
think may be reluctant to speak with you.
It uses the element of surprise to catch people when their guard is down, and allows them to see that
you are a nice person, which hopefully humanizes you to them.
But this is a labor-intensive process, which is not practical when there is time pressure or a significant
geographic distance between you and the interviewee. You also must consider personal safety too.
When possible it is best to have two people go since you will be entering a stranger’s home.
The telephone is often a poor substitute when contacting people, as you have to get past caller-ID,
protective family members and voice mail. It is best used when time is short, or you are too far away to
go in person. Though it is the preferable approach when you believe the person you want to interview
is willing to speak with you.
For those that you think are cooperative and nearby, you can use the telephone to set an appointment
6and then meet with them in person at a place like a coffee shop where you can do the interview face to
face. Face to face is always preferable because the ability to read a person and demonstrate that you are
hearing what they have to say is much better face-to-face than over the telephone.
Emails can also be used as a manner of contact, but are less effective because you are unable to engage
in the give and take that an interview requires. Perhaps instant messaging or Skype video chats can
work as a hybrid process for willing interviewees that are too far away to meet in person.
Once you have figured out the method of approach, the next step is to take a deep breath and make
Step Three: Making Contact
Whether face to face or over the phone you have about ten seconds to convince an interviewee to speak
with you. Start with who you are and why you are contacting this person. Give them a reason to speak
with you.
“Hi my name is Mike Corwin, and I am looking into (always better to say than investigating) some
information involving the public education department.” Follow up your introduction with “have I
caught you at a bad time?” or “would you have a couple of moments?”
This serves two purposes. The first is you are acknowledging that you are imposing upon the
interviewee (empathy) and the second purpose is to ferret out any objections to being interviewed.
Just as in sales, overcoming objections is part of the process of conducting an interview. If the
interviewee does not offer up any objections then you can go directly to step four, and begin the
interview itself. If the person offers up an objection, then you must determine if the objection is one
that can be ignored or must be overcome.
The most common objections are: “I don’t have time”, “I don’t know anything”, “I don’t want to get
involved”, or “I could lose my job if I talk to you.”
Of those objections, fear of losing a paycheck is the most difficult to overcome. If the interviewee says,
“I have to get my kids to soccer in twenty-minutes”, or some other genuine time constraint, ask for a
better time to contact them. If the they say, “I have a bunch of (nonspecific) things to do today” then
respond with something like, “I understand, this will only take a few moments” and ask your first
question. Generic time objections usually fade away once the interviewee begins talking.
“I don’t know anything” can be addressed easily, respond with something like, “I hear you, then this
won’t take more than a moment, I just wanted to run something past you and get your take on it.” Then
ask your question. Once you get the person talking they will tell you what they know. You are
contacting them because you already know that they know something that you need to confirm.
“I don’t want to get involved” or “I could lose my job” are tougher objections to overcome. You must
respect genuine fear, such as getting fired and losing a paycheck. The best approach is to demonstrate
that you understand the concern, “I can see that you are worried” and then say something like, “I am
speaking with several other people”, which downplays the fear of being singled out. You can also offer
to speak with them for “background information only” so that only you will know what they have to
say. You must then honor that promise and look for other ways to document that information should the
person agree to speak with you. However, if the person still objects to speaking with you, the best thing
to do is to thank them for their time and try again at another time.
The importance of how you make contact cannot be overstated as it often determines the success of the
Step Four: Conducting the Interview
Interviews are about listening. Not about talking. They are about building rapport when you can in
order to help make the interviewee comfortable with you and the process. Pets, kids, hobbies, or work
are topics that can help put people at ease. This is harder to do over the telephone than it is to do in
person since you lack visual cues.
A simple way to build rapport over the phone might go “so how long did you work at the education
department? What was it like?” If the interviewee responds that it was great until the new director
started. Ask what the person liked about the work before the new director came in and caused
problems. The trick is to get the person comfortable speaking with you.
Once the person is comfortable with you ask your first question and then be quiet. Do not rush in to fill
silence with additional questions. Let the interviewee fill the silence. The more she does the more
information you will get from her.
Questions should be open ended. Avoid questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. The
more the person speaks the more information you will get. With each topic you want to cover start with
general questions and work towards the specific. This helps to uncover and pursue information that you
may not have been aware of before the interview began.
This is also why you want to avoid working off of a script. Working off of a script means you will miss
this type of information that could be critical to your investigation.
A great way to get additional information is to ask questions like, “how so?” or “why do you think that
is?” These types of questions get the interviewee to expand on her answers.
With an in person interview you can use bodily language to demonstrate your interest in what the
person tells you. Lean forward and make eye contact. This is called reflexive listening and works
Over the telephone you have to balance your silence against interrupting the flow of the interview. A
great way to do that is to give occasional encouragement with statements like, “wow, really?” or
reword and restate it back to the interviewee “so what your saying is”.
Once you have covered all of the topics you wanted to cover, ask, “Is there anything else that you think
I should be aware of” and let them respond. Follow up with questions to lock down anything they offer.
Then you can close out the interview.
Ask if it is okay to call the interviewee if you run across additional information that you want to run by
them. Most people will say yes. Thank them for their time and let the person know that you are truly
appreciative of them speaking with you.
Step Five: Documenting the Information
When possible you should take notes during the interview. Try to avoid using bullet points as that
means you are interpreting what the person tells you rather than documenting what they tell you. Try to
write down what is said in the manner that it is said. This takes practice.
Saying “let me back you up for a second and make sure I understand” helps buys some time to
complete your writing as you repeat out loud what the person told you. If you are more comfortable
typing your notes into an IPAD or laptop, go ahead and do that. Though they are difficult to lug with
you on an in person cold call.
There are some people who are comfortable being recorded, but most are not. Many smart phones have
apps that allow you to record and works well with a person willing to be recorded.
After the interview is completed read through your notes and add anything that the person said that you
missed as you took your notes. You can also add notes that provide context to what was said.
Interview notes can be tough to read months later. When possible type up a summary of the interview
as you may need to come back to the interview months later.

How to investigate official documents
Written by Don Ray
25 questions you should ask any government document
How to find the stories behind official documents
The investigative journalist never takes things at face value. They probe and question to get to the truth.
Some journalists accept official documents without question; not so the investigative journalist. If you
are to uncover the story you need to keep asking questions.
1: Who’s your daddy?
Find out who created the document and why. Somebody had to have a reason to create a form or
document. Figure out which person or agency went to the trouble of making a form.
2: When were you born?
9Find out the issue date and ask about updates. In most bureaucracies, the form will change to adapt to
conditions the makers never anticipated. There are times when earlier versions of the same form asked
for different information.
3: What language do you speak?
Make sure you understand the terms. Agencies and departments and ministries love jargon, acronyms
and codes. If you don’t understand what everything means, you’re missing out.
4: Where do you live?
You might need to make another visit. If you didn’t get the document from its regular source, it’s
important to know where it resides. Sometimes you can meet its family.
5: Who else is in your family?
Find out what other documents may be on file. Government agencies are never content with just one
form. When you learn everything about the function of the form, you’ll find others with even more
6: Are you married?
Is there another document that is wed to this one? Purchase orders always lead to bills of lading and
receipts. When you know to look for the related documents, you will always discover more details and
new leads.
7: Why are you here?
Figure out the need for the document at the time of issuing. Usually it came about because of some
need - maybe a crisis. Sometimes it’s a law or regulation that required it. Get to the bottom of why
someone conceived it.
8: Just what is your job anyway?
Understand its purpose today. As crazy as bureaucrats are, they still wouldn’t make a form or document
that has no purpose. When you understand what it’s supposed to accomplish, you will figure out the
system - and that’s the key to knowing what’s really going on.
9: What information do you have?
Ask about every piece of information. Make sure you understand what every speck of ink on the
document means. This applies to what was on the blank form as well as the information someone filled
10: Who told you this stuff?
It had to learn the information from someone. Did someone actually weigh the person getting the
driver's license or did they rely on what the applicant told them? If you don’t know how they came up
with the information in a form or document, you leave yourself open to making errors.
11: Who else are you allowed to talk to?
Find out if it’s a public record. The more personal or sensitive a document is, the more restrictions there
may be on who is allowed to possess it, read it or process it. Always find out who’s allowed to see it
and, even more important, who’s not allowed to see it and why.
12: Did you verify the information?
People can write whatever they want on a form. Forms are, in essence, questionnaires. Find out what
systems are in place to ensure that the information is incorrect. If the agency or department is lazy in
this situation, it could be an invitation for corruption and misuse.
13: How do I know you’re telling me the truth?
Yes, documents can also lie to you. Think about your own resume. Do you really know how to use
those machines and systems you claim you’re efficient at operating? Just because it’s in print doesn’t
mean that it’s true. Be suspicious. Verify the information independently.
14: What other secrets are you keeping?
Look for codes and fine print. Too many investigative people look only at what’s filled in on a
document, and not what the document is specifically asking for. Some journalists request blank copies
of every document or form an agencies uses. Then, they ask for the documents or regulations that
explain the encoded information.
15: Who else have you been talking to?
Maybe there’s a log of who’s seen the file. Some documents are so important or sensitive that anyone
who looks at it, copies it or checks it out must sign a register of some sort. Get that register.
16: If you don’t know the answer, who might?
See if it leads you somewhere else. So the document provides someone’s date of birth but not the place
of birth. Figure out which related document (documents are often members of families) might have the
missing information. Maybe even an earlier version of the same one.
17: Are you legal?
Make sure you don’t have a fake or altered document. Never trust someone who introduces you to a
document. Interrogate the document and be alert to answers that just don’t sound (or look) right. Sure,
you want to believe that someone gave you an official document, but don’t get lazy. Find its twin and
look for things that don’t match.
18: How did you get here?
Find out how a document gets from A to B. If you ask the officially recorded death certificate how it
11got to that file cabinet, you might learn that it spent a month or so being processed somewhere else.
Next time, you can look for newer documents while they’re in transit.
19: Are you retired?
Some documents have become obsolete. Bureaucrats love to redo documents. Always check to ensure
that the information in one document hasn’t been superseded by a newer version. Sometimes the issue
date of the document is at the bottom of the form.
20: What’s your life expectancy?
Check records-retention policy. It’ll happen to you for sure, unless you’re careful. You look at
documents in some public office and later decide you want copies. But when you get there, you
discover that someone decided to put it in the bin or the shredder. Know how long they’re allowed to
21: Who have you been intimate with?
Find out who has processed or handled it. Signatures, check boxes, initials, rubber stamps and even
metadata will give you clues as to who had reason to have contact with the document. Be suspicious of
the signatures of top-level officials. They hardly ever sign documents themselves. Find out who really
signed or initialed it.
22: Are you really a blonde?
Make sure someone hasn’t altered the document. Many a journalist has lost his or her credibility
because they didn’t verify every piece of information in a document. Sometimes the changes are
obvious to the eye if you examine it closely enough. Don’t trust them.
23: Do you have any twin brothers or sisters?
There may be copies in other offices. Before computers, people made a fortune selling carbon paper to
government agencies. It seems that they want everyone to have a copy of just about every document. If
the distribution list isn’t printed on the form, look to the laws, policies or directives to find out where
all those copies go.
24: Would you be willing to testify in court?
A certified copy will save court time. When you can get a government official to certify that the copy is
true and correct, you’ll prevent a lot of potential problems. If it turns out that something is not correct,
the burden falls on the official who certified it.
25: You’re not planning on leaving town, are you?
Put your copies in a safe place. There’s nothing more devastating than to lose the actual evidence you
had that proved the corruption. Always scan your documents and keep digital copies in various safe
places. There are forces out there who don’t want you to be able to share the evidence you’ve found.
Picture by Jennifer George and released under Creative Commons Don Ray is a seasoned broadcast and print investigative reporter. He has worked worldwide for IREX and many other training and consulting organisations. All his tips, techniques and modules can be reused under the terms of Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0. You can email Don Ray if you want his help.

Ten Steps to a Successful Political Investigation
If a problem or complaint has come up at your company, a proper investigation can help you figure out
what happened -- and what to do about it. It can also help your company avoid liability for employee
wrongdoing, but only if you act fast and take effective action to remedy the problem. Below, you'll find
the ten steps to a successful workplace investigation. For detailed information about how to investigate,
including separate chapters on common problems like harassment, employee theft, drug use, and more,
get a copy of The Essential Guide to Workplace Investigations, by Lisa Guerin (Nolo).
1. Decide whether to investigate.
Before you put on your detective's hat, take some time to decide whether you really need an
investigation. In a few situations -- for example, if all employees agree on what happened or the
problem appears to be minor -- you may reasonably decide that a full-blown investigation is
unnecessary. Usually, however, it's best to err on the side of conducting an investigation. If the problem
is more serious than it seemed, failing to investigate can lead to legal trouble -- and continuing
workplace problems. And sometimes, you just can't tell how widespread or substantial a problem is
until you do a little poking around.
2. Take immediate action, if necessary.
You might have to act right away -- even before you begin your investigation -- if a situation is volatile
or could otherwise cause immediate harm to your business. If an employee is accused of sexually
assaulting a coworker, stealing valuable trade secrets, or bringing a weapon to work, you'll probably
want to suspend the accused employee temporarily -- with pay -- while you look into the matter. But be
careful not to prejudge the situation or lead the accused employee to believe that you've already made
up your mind.
3. Choose an investigator.
You'll want an investigator who is experienced and/or trained in investigation techniques, is impartial
and perceived as impartial by the employees involved, and is capable of acting -- and, if necessary,
testifying in court -- professionally about the situation. If you have someone who meets this job
description on your payroll, you're in luck. If not, you can hire an outside investigator to handle things
for you.
4. Plan the investigation.
Take some time up front to organize your thoughts. Gather any information you already have about the
problem -- such as an employee complaint, a supervisor's report, written warnings, or materials that are
part of the problem (such as X-rated emails or threatening letters). Using this information as your
guide, think about what you'll need to find out to decide what happened. Whom will you interview and
what will you ask? Are there additional documents that employees or supervisors might have? Is there
anyone who witnessed important events -- or should have?
5. Conduct interviews.
The goal of every investigation is to gather information -- and the most basic way to do that is by
asking people questions. Most investigations involve at least two interviews: one of the employee
accused of wrongdoing, and another of the employee who complained or was the victim. Sometimes,
you will also want to interview witnesses -- others who may have seen or heard something important.
When you interview people, try to elicit as much information as possible by asking open-ended
6. Gather documents and other evidence.
Almost every investigation will rely to some extent on documents -- personnel files, email messages,
company policies, correspondence, and so on. And some investigations will require you to gather other
types of evidence, such as drugs, a weapon, photographs, or stolen items.
7. Evaluate the evidence.
The most challenging part of many investigations -- especially if witnesses disagree or contradict each
other -- is figuring out what actually happened. There are some proven methods of deciding where the
truth lies -- methods all of us use in our everyday lives to get to the bottom of things. You'll want to
consider, for example, whose story makes the most sense, whose demeanor was more convincing, and
who (if anyone) has a motive to deceive you. And in some situations, you may just have to throw up
your hands and acknowledge that you don't have enough information to decide what really happened.
8. Take action.
Once you decide what happened, you'll have to figure out what to do about it. If you conclude that
serious wrongdoing occurred, you will have to take disciplinary action quickly to avoid legal liability
for that employee's behavior and to protect your company and other workers from harm. In deciding
how to handle these situations, you should consider a number of factors, including how serious the
actions were and how you have handled similar problems in the past.
9. Document the investigation.
Once your investigation is complete, you should write an investigation report that explains what you
did and why. This will not only give the company some protection from lawsuits relating to the
investigation, but will also provide a written record in case of future misconduct by the same
employee(s). Among other things, your report should explain how and when the problem came to the
company's attention, what interviews you conducted, what evidence you considered, what conclusions
14you reached, and what you did about the problem.
10. Follow up.
The last step is to follow up with your employees to make sure that you've solved the problem that led
to the investigation. Has the misconduct stopped? Has the wrongdoer met any requirements imposed as
a result of the investigation -- for example, to complete a training course on sexual harassment? If the
investigation revealed any systemic workplace problems (such as widespread confusion about company
policy or lack of training on issues like workplace diversity or proper techniques for dealing with
customers), some training might be in order.
by: Lisa Guerin, J.D.

How to Use Your Computer to Investigate the Corrupt Targets

Finding Public Records
Performing Web Searches
Going the Extra Mile
In this day and age, you can never be too cautious when it comes to meeting someone new. This is
especially important if you're hiring someone to watch your kids, dating someone you've met online, or
are hiring someone for a sensitive job. While you can still hire a private investigator to find any dirt,
using a variety of tools online can actually provide a significant amount of information and insight. Just
be sure to not put too much stock into what you read.
Part 1 of 3: Finding Public Records

Know what to expect. When you are searching public records, you are only getting a small
piece of the larger picture. You may find an arrest record, but the details are almost never
included. Oftentimes reports will contradict each other, as they come from different sources
with data gathered at different times. Always take everything you read with a large grain of salt,
and do your best to verify any information through other means.
Even information such as the person's favorite movies or music could be largely
incorrect. They may have made that list five years ago and their tastes are completely
different now.
Understand what is made public. Common information obtained from public records can
include simple things such as name, address and phone numbers. In addition, birth, death,
marriage & divorce records and criminal, court, sex offender registries can be searched in some
areas. Licenses, property information and a number of other records are kept by the government
and certain organizations.
Use a free public records search. There are a variety of sites online that will allow you to
search public records for free, and even more that will do so for a fee. Keep in mind that all
public records aren't necessarily free, and getting the appropriate permit and authorization can
take a significant amount of time. Likewise, any records that a site returns may be outdated or
incomplete. Here are a couple good places to start:
 Free Public Records Search Directory - This site allows you to search public records
from any state or on a federal level. If the record cannot be obtained by the search, it will
often tell you who to contact to obtain it. You will need to know the general location of
the person you are investigating.
 Family Watchdog - This site contains the National Sex Offender Registry, and allows
you to search for offenders by name or location. Keep in mind that details are often not
provided, which can contribute to an unwarranted negative view.
 Your local department of corrections website - Almost all states will allow you to
search publicly available criminal records. The address is different for each state, but
searching for "<yourstate> department of corrections" should quickly get you there.
Use a paid search. A paid public records search may yield more results than a free search, but
keep in mind that all of the records it retrieves are available if you put the time in contacting the
various agencies. If you don't have time to do this, paying for a search may be a better use of
your time and money.
Part 2 of 3: Performing Web Searches

Use a people search engine. There are several search engines that focus solely on retrieving
information about a person from their public social network profiles and online activity. These
searches are usually free, though most offer advanced searches for a fee. Using multiple
services may help to paint a more complete picture. Popular choices include:[1]
 Pipl - This site will return social network information, age, and location for free. You
just need to enter a name, though you can narrow it down by adding a location. Be aware
that a common name will result in a lot of results.
 123People - This site will also return social network information, but will also provide
16links to paid public records searches and criminal background checks.
 ZabaSearch - This is another search site that will return similar information, and
provides quick links to paid searches for phone numbers and addresses.
Perform a search with a few different web search engines. Though it may seem obvious, you
can actually find a lot of information about a person from a quick web search. The more you
already know about that person, the more results you will get from the search. Use multiple
search engines to find more results that others might not have.
 Search by name - This is the basic search, and will usually return social network profiles
and any mentions in local press.
 Search by email. Searching by the person's email address may return results from sites
that contains their email address but not their name. You may not find much with this
search, but it may help fill in the cracks.
 Username search. Try searching for the person's email address without the domain. For
example, if the person's email is coolcat74@example.com, you would just search for
"coolcat74". Oftentimes people will register for forums and websites just using their
standard username. This can help you track down forum posts and give you some insight
into what that person thinks.[2]
Cross-reference your result. You are likely to get a wide range of search results from your
various inquiries. Remember, it is always best to assume that the information you find is false or
incomplete. Compare your results against each other and see what sort of patterns and
consistencies emerge. This can help make sure that what you're finding is at least somewhat
Part 3 of 3: Going the Extra Mile

Create a fake Facebook profile. This method is pretty dirty, but you may be able to create a
fake profile (ideally with an attractive photo) and request to be that person's friend. It will help
to have some mutual friends first. Becoming friends will typically give you access to all of their
private information that they only allow friends to see.
 Many people would consider this to be a massive invasion of privacy, so only do this if
you feel you absolutely have to. Be prepared to face serious consequences and be
labeled a creep and stalker if you get caught.

Talk to the person. The only way you'll be able to truly verify any information is to talk to the
person directly. If you're performing a job interview, you should be able to address any issue
you have without raising eyebrows. If you're investigating someone on a personal level, you
may have to be a little more tactful about how you bring things up.
 Searching public records can cost a lot of money. You can also hire an investigator, which is
probably better suited to do the job, but that will probably cost you even more.
 Most records are held at the state or provincial level. Each state has different levels of access for
different records. Try using a search engine to type "*State Name* *Record Type* Record
Search" (e.g. "California Birth Records Search")
 Most local police departments have records available for viewing. However, most of them are
not available online. State and federal governments usually have records search available
 Try searching each database using only last name (if it is not a common one like Smith or
 Write a list of all the important things you do know about the person and then what you don't
know. Try to make a checklist, or in other words, create a dossier on the person so you have
ample information on the individual.

 Ancestry.com has many genealogy databases that can be searched through.
 Be careful when signing up for a so called "detective sites" they can cost money up front then even more later on as each search can cost you more any more.
 When legal matters are at hand, leave the authorities and law enforcement to take care of it.

How to investigate a politician and their Silicon Valley campaign billionaires online

Today, I will explain briefly how to investigate a person on the Internet using some online tools that
allow you to use e-mail addresses, phone numbers or simple names to trace other information. I beg
you, use them with extreme caution and only for lawful purposes. I do not take any responsibility in
this regard!
If you want to know how to investigate a person on the Internet starting from his email address, my
advice is to take advantage of this important data to flush out the social profiles associated with it. How
is it done? Just use Rapportive , a great free extension for Chrome, Firefox and Safari that integrates
into Gmail and allows you to discover all the profiles on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn associated
with a particular email address.
To inquire about a person using Rapportive , all you have to do is install the extension on your PC,
open Gmail and start composing a new email. At this point, type the email address of the person to be
searched in the To: field and wait for the right hand side bar appear all the contact information.
If everything goes in the right direction, Rapportive will find all the social profiles on Facebook ,
Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ associated with the email address entered . In this way, you can
discover a lot of new information about the person you want to find online.
20If you do not know the email address of the person you want to investigate , you can groped luck and
use Rapportive to find his address. The possible combinations to try to locate the e-mail are just so
many (name + surname@gmail.com, namesurname@hotmail.com, name@company.com, etc. . ) But
with the immediate feedback Rapportive the mission is not impossible.
Do you need to investigate a person on the Internet knowing only his name? In this case, the work gets
even more complicated, but you can make use of various tools online that can help you find
information quickly:
 Pipl -a free online service that gathers all the information , pictures and videos available on
social networks and Internet sites to rebuild , or groped to reconstruct the online identity of
 Facebook – the most popular social network in the world. If a person “exists” on the Internet, it
definitely has a Facebook profile in its name .
 Google – sometimes looking for the name of a person on Google in quotes (example “John
Doe” ) is able to obtain very valuable info.
READ ALSO: How to surf on Facebook without log in
Are you interested to investigate a person on the Internet starting from his phone number? In this case I
can not promise results particularly accurate or reliable at 100%, but I suggest you take a look at the
following service:
Whooming – a free online service that lets you discover private numbers and anonymous using the
technique of call forwarding . Using it, you can discover the real details of who is calling you with the
anonymous and from this information to find more information about this person.
I've been shocked at how much info I've been able to find out about myself online, and it's a bit
unnerving. I'm not in favor of encouraging people to go snooping on their friends and neighbors and
enemies, but it's going to happen anyway, and the info is all out there, and I admit I have the kind of
curiosity and web-savvy that makes me a good person to answer your question. So here are some
sources that might interest you:
Start by using Google if the person's name is relatively uncommon. A lot of what you can find out
about a person is just through web pages or news articles where they are mentioned. Maybe they even
have a blog in which they blab all about their personal life:
See also: http://peoplefind.com/peoplesearch/google_peo
For blog searches in particular, try:
You can find out basic contact info (address, phone, email) through one of these sites:
You can find out where a person works (or used to work) and possibly a brief bio or job description
You can find out where a person went to high school and when they graduated (also college, work, and
military records) from:
You can find out about a person's ancestry, U.S. Public Records info, and some historical info (all the
good stuff is subscription only, but you can get a free 14-day trial subscription) at:
There's a huge list of links of site that will help you locate people or find out about them at Cyndi's
For lots more info (most of it you have to pay for, but some is free) see:
23Here, in particular, is their list of free database searches:
Once you have one piece of information about a person (such as what university they went to) you
might be able to find out more by following that thread, for example go to that university's website and
do a search on them. There might be an alumni database or alumni association website which would
have info about what that person is currently up to (though most of these are usually password-
protected and available only to fellow alumni).
There is some info on people searching at Wikipedia:
Finally, Net Detective people search software (which you can download) claims to provide unlimited
searches on people, criminal records, credit reports, etc., for three years after a one-time $29 charge.
I haven't tried it to verify how useful it is, but it looks great:
See also: http://lookup-someone-online.com/

Online Methods to Investigate the Who, Where, and When of a Person
By: Henk van Ess |
Editor's Note: The Verification Handbook for Investigative
Reporting is a new guide to online search and research techniques to using user-generated content
(UGC) and open source information in investigations. Published by the European Journalism Centre,
a GIJN member based in the Netherlands, the manual consists of ten chapters and is available for free
download. We're pleased to reprint below chapter 2, by Internet search expert Henk van Ess.
Online research is often a challenge for traditional investigative reporters, journalism lecturers, and
students. Information from the web can be fake, biased, incomplete, or all of the above.
Offline, too, there is no happy hunting ground with unbiased people or completely honest governments.
In the end, it all boils down to asking the right questions, digital or not. This chapter gives you some
strategic advice and tools for digitizing three of the biggest questions in journalism: who, where, and
1. Who?
Let’s do a background profile with Google on Ben van Beurden, CEO of the Shell Oil Co.
a. Find facts and opinions
The simple two-letter word “is” reveals opinions and facts about your subject. To avoid clutter, include
the company name of the person or any other detail you know, and tell Google that both words should
be not that far from each other.
The AROUND() operator MUST BE IN CAPITALS. It sets the maximum distance in words between
the two terms.
b.What do others say?
This search is asking Google to “Show me PDF documents with the name of the CEO of Shell in it, but
exclude documents from Shell.” This will find documents about your subject, but not from the
company of the subject itself. This helps you to see what opponents, competitors or opinionated people
say about your subject. If you are a perfectionist, go for
inurl:pdf “ben van beurden” –site:shell.*
because you will find also PDFs that are not visible with filetype.
c.Official databases
Search for worldwide official documents about this person. It searches for gov.uk (United Kingdom)
but also .gov.au (Australia), .gov.cn (China), .gov (U.S.) and other governmental websites in the world.
If you don’t have a .gov website in your country, use the local word for it with the site: operator.
Examples would be site:bund.de (Germany) or site:overheid.nl (The Netherlands).
With this query, we found van Beurden’s planning permission for his house in London, which helped
us to find his full address and other details.
d.United Nations
You are now searching in any United Nations-related organization. In this example, we find the Shell
CEO popping up in a paper about “Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management.” And
we found his full name, the name of his wife, and his passport number at the time when we did this
search. Amazing.
26e. Find the variations
With this formula you can find result that use different spellings of the name. You will receive
documents with the word Shell, but not those that include “Ben” as the first name. With this, you will
find out that he is also referred to as Bernardus van Beurden. (You don’t need to enter a dot [.] because
Google will ignore points.) Now repeat steps a, b, c and d with this new name.
2. Where
1. Use photo search in Topsy
You can use www.topsy.com to find out where your subject was, by analyzing his mentions (1) over
time (2) and by looking at the photos (3) that others posted on Twitter. If you’d rather research a
specific period, go for “Specific Range” in the time menu.
2. Use Echosec
27With Echosec, you can search social media for free. In this example, I entered the address of Shell HQ
(1) in hopes of finding recent (2) postings from people who work there (3).
3. Use photo search in Google Images
Combine all you know about your subject in one mighty phrase. In the below example, I’m searching
for a jihadist called @MuhajiriShaam (1) but not the account @MuhajiriShaam01 (2) on Twitter (3). I
just want to see the photos he posted on Twitter between Sept. 25 and Sept. 29, 2014 (4).
283. When
1. Date search
Most of the research you do is not based on today, but an earlier period. Always tell your search engine
this. Go back in time.
Let’s investigate a fire in a Dutch chemical plant called Chemie-Pack. The fire happened on Jan. 5,
2011. Perhaps you want to investigate if dangerous chemicals were stored at the plant. Go to
images.google.com, type in Chemie-pack (1) and just search before January 2011 (2). The results offer
hundreds of photos from a youth fire department that visited the company days before the fire. In some
photos, you can see barrels with names of chemicals on them. We used this to establish which
chemicals were stored in the plant days before the fire.
2. Find old data with archive.org
Websites often cease to exist. There is a chance you can still view them by using archive.org. This tool
can do its work only if you know the URL of the webpage you want to see. The problem is that often
the link is gone and therefore you don’t know it. So how do you find a seemingly disappeared URL?
Let’s assume we want to find the home page of a dead actress called Lana Clarkson.
Step One: Find an index
Find a source about the missing page. In this case, we can use her Wikipedia page.
Step Two: Put the index in the time machine
Go to archive.org and enter the URL of her Wikipedia page,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lana_Clarkson. Choose the oldest available version, March 10, 2004.
There it says the home page was http://www.lanaclarkson.com.
Step Three: Find the original website
Now type the link in archive.org, but add a backslash and an asterisk to the URL:
All filed links are now visible. Unfortunately, in this case, you won’t find that much. Clarkson became
famous only after her death. She was shot and killed by famed music producer Phil Spector in February
Dutch-born Henk van Ess teaches Internet research, social media, and
multimedia/cross media. The veteran guest lecturer and trainer travels around Europe doing Internet
research workshops. His projects include “Fact-Checking the Web” (CSI Internet), Handbook
Datajournalism, and speaking as a social media and web research specialist.

Access Criminal Court Records
Sources and Citations
1. ↑ http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2007/09/people-searches-let-everyone-investigate-you247/
2. ↑ http://lifehacker.com/5845900/how-to-use-the-internet-to-investigate-your-next-date-
3. http://helpmeinvestigate.com/

How To File Your Case in the “Court of Public Embarrassment”
Now that your evidence, data, peer-to-peer investigative team and website are in a compelling state,
you can deploy your charges and evidence to the world.
Some corrupt business Cartels control main-stream news. A handful of old white men control and own most of the “big name” news outlets you know of and they order the news to hide things that they do not want shown. Facebook, Google, Linkedin, Twitter are owned and controlled by the campaign financiers for the Obama Administration. They exchange coordinated information rigging of the internet for exclusive government contracts and stock market valuation manipulations. You will need to work hard to bypass their censorship of news about their, or their friends illicit activities.
When 9/11 happened in the U.S.A. electronic circuits were put into most electronics and U.S. servers (ie: Cisco products, Juniper Networks Products, Intel Products, etc.) which were designed to let law enforcement look at any files or email that mentioned certain keywords. The security implementation of these “backdoors” was poorly executed and these companies subjected all of their customers to hackers. The hackers did, indeed, get in. Russia, China, Guccifer and thousands of others have scooped up everything important in Silicon Valley, Wall Street and every government office for over a decade. Now they are selling a posting that material back over the web. Hackers love to embarrass corrupt companies that they don’t like. Keep your eyes open and, soon enough, a Snowden/Wikileaks/Guccifer/Panama Papers/Swiss Leaks type of data blast will likely appear to burst some bad guy’s bubble. Getting the word out globally is one of your best ways to find helpers, associates, tips, leads and traction.
Here are some of the steps you will use to bypass those who try to control the media for corrupt means:
The following post is a joint collaboration between Elish Bul-Godley (@elishbulgodley) and Neil
Sisson (@neilsisson).
Not everyone can afford to hire a marketing consultant, so we offer you a spectrum of kick-ass
guerrilla weapons to arm your marketing war chest with. A lot of small businesses are facing
budgeting setbacks and low cash-flow which can lead to a downward spiral of less advertising, less
promotional activity and less sales. The ultimate result? Staring into that dark abyss of zero revenue.
Don’t surrender to these cash-strapped times. Instead, don some Recessionista fatigues and arm your
business with these creative cost-saving tactics. We’ll show you how great sales and marketing
campaigns can be low on cost if big on innovative ideas, imagination and creativity.
The revolution starts here...Read on to pick up 100 low cost marketing ideas that include both online
and offline activities.
Definition of Guerilla Media Outreach
Jay Conrad Levinson’s Guerrilla Marketing site simply puts it as “The achievement of conventional
goals (e.g. Profit) using unconventional methods such as investing energy and ideas instead of money.”
Here is a great blog outlining the tactical thinking and mindset that can help you win the war.
Guerrilla versus Gorilla – Small Companies Can Win .
Offline Guerrilla Tips to help you win the war against the corrupt who try to control the news
Guerrilla marketing behaviour delivers publicity via local unconventional marketing activity that
makes people sit up and notice..think “Shock & Awe”.
Public Relations and Publicity
1. The oldest guerrilla trick is old fashion PR so keep at it. Pick up the phone and give local journalists
what they need most; great news content – its all about spinning your activity to make it a human
interest story. The Guerrilla marketing tactics below are your means to this end.
Treat Your Premises like A Billboard
2. Give a Graffiti artist some free drawing space by letting him use his artistry on your shutters or paint
a mural on the side of your Building e.g Homeless Charity Simon Community building.
In this picture the premises were used as a billboard with a very witty recruitment ad:
3. Create in-house exhibitions in vacant display space on your premises to make it more trendy,
appealing and noticeable. E.g. Flaghship Department store Brown thomas use art installations
from 17 local Artists.
Edgy Window Displays
Your Window Display is your Billboard. Get their attention with a head turning window display even if
it comprises stuff you may not eventually sell and chances are, passers-by can be turned into passing
trade. You may be mentioned by word of mouth and profiled in the media. Some ideas:
4. Get a live display real human beings like your staff work in your windows.
5. Create a Smashed window effect as seen in this Apple Store just using window paint.
6. Put up a controversial Political slogan to get noticed.
In the picture below homeless charity ‘The Simon Community’ put out a slogan lobbying for Mental
health on their premises:
Occupy & Pop-up
If you need to trial a regional market or neighbourhood or need to sell on a seasonal basis, use vacant
or slack premises that are unused and help regenerate the city in the process.
7. Local municipal councils are a great source of vacant units as they need to regenerate old
neighbourhoods. Approach the landlord of a vacant block by offering to spruce up their
neighbourhood and entice long term tenants through your pop-up activity. There are agencies that help
you find them or start a pop up space too.
Here’s an example from a Pub using the vacant hoarding nearby to highlight its location:
Urban Art, Reverse-Graffiti & Street Propaganda
Great for evoking curiosity and planting brand awareness in specific geographical points in your city.
Clever if its used on a route like a bridge with high footfall, allowing you to target specific locations or
In this picture, local electricity board ESB worked with the municipal authorities to revitalise the
cultural quarter in Dublin by using a Street artist to work on the theme of Electricity on an old
Building they own in the district:
Here is a great example from Ikea:
Ikea Follows Banksy and Turns to Graffitti Street Art
Caveat: Be careful when engaging in street tactics as you are encroaching on public space – people
usually forgive you for imposing your image or promotion on a public space only if it is entertaining,
temporary, and an improvement to the environment or aesthetic.
8. Use floor stencilling on vacant urban spaces e.g. the Movie Troll-hunter was marketed using a
stencil on Bridges in the city saying “Troll Below” sparking off curiosity.
9. Use 3d Floor artist to do something mind-boggling outside your premises front door
10. Chalk it up :write your website in chalk outside a major event related to what you do say in the
carpark or registration driveway
11. Use Reverse Graffiti : Street artists use soap instead of a spray can and a stencil to scrub out an
image in public space.
Check out some great examples of Street Propaganda
12. Sustainable design blog, Inhabitat posts some in “Clean Green Street Art hits San Francisco!”
13. “20 Cool and Creative Street Ads” by Bored Panda. Here is an example from their blog:
Here is an example of a clever street ad from their blog:
Urban Hacktivism
14. Play with outdoor installations: turn an outdoor sign or piece of public works into something new
and entertaining.
15. Yarn bombing is a good example of people decorating the urban environment & using a product in
an unexpected but decoratively visible way – an arts and craft supplier for example could supply free
yarn to a knitting Circle and encourage Guerrilla Yarn bombing in the locality. Catch some enjoyable
examples in Time Magazine’s photogallery on “The Fine Art of Yarn Bombing”
16. Create Projections onto a blank wall at night and it becomes a natural billboard/ cinema screen e.g.
Nokia Snake Game.
17. Another great example : LeCool and Dublin city council used open-sourced collaboration on
Dublin Park(ing) Day. The message : re-using parking spaces by turning them into landscaped
gardens as a way reclaim city space. If I was a garden centre i would jump on a campaign like this with
product placement.
Get Inked
18. Body art as Advertising: using temporary body art / tattoos on your staff as they man events,
exhibitions or hand-out flyers in the street. Brand them with your suppliers logo, your logo barcodes or
QR code even.
Hack your Product
Use your products in a way you never did before
19. If you are in electronics, hardware or engineering set up a hacker group workshop or offer your
products to a hackerspace in your premises and challenge people e.g. engineering students to find new
ways to use your products as part of their thesis.
In House, and Community Events
Tap into the people in your neighbourhood who use your business by providing them with meaningful
events in-store or on your premises:
20. Service your existing customers with social events that allow them to make a positive association
e.g. a book club in a book store after hours, storytelling evenings in a cafe, coffee mornings with toys
for Mums to socialise in a nursery goods store.
Here a Street Feast is organised by local Publishers for Lecool Magazine drawing in their writers,
readers and stakeholders in the city centre they work in:
21. Offer free exhibition space on your premises to new edgy performance artists, a nearby visual
merchandising school looking for practice or Design students. You will be getting some amazing visual
merchandising for free that may spread via word of mouth.
22. Trade marketing events Get your suppliers to offer a workshop or educational lecture to your clients
or customers for free thus getting their collaboration. a DIY store could hold free DIY or upcycling
classes using suppliers sponsorship or in-house expertise.
23. Conversely if you supply into retail: do free in-house events via demonstrations of your product
with Q & A sessions and tips on how to use your products in radical new ways.
41Old Fashioned Door to Door Selling
24. Need I say more?
Flash mobbing and Crowd sourcing as advertising
25. Use your own staff as Cast or your own customers as a captive audience : Finnair used their
hostesses to flash mob passenger with a Bollywood routine to tap into the Indian Market
26. If you are selling hospitality, or are in catering organize a Community Street feast or urban Picnic
in a vacant lot and or on your high street with neighbouring businesses.
27. My favourite example of using grassroots communities to promote an event:: the Haka Flash
mobs that took place during the NZ Rugby World Cup
Offline Gamification
Playful and Entertaining promotions engage people, tap into their competitive streak and can target
28. The most basic application is a loyalty points system on your reward card e.g. Starbucks allows
you to collect stars with every purchase. Or award a badge for targeted buying activity and let
customers qualify for the next level of rewards.
29. Gamify the In-store experience: e.g. encourage customers to buy a special basket or combination
of goods and reward with a prize, Or the classic “be the 100th customer today and win a free prize” and
so on..
30. Other games challenge the public to look out for the product and keep it in the public’s
consciousness e,g, a Treasure hunt: find the hidden prize in the packaging and you win a year’s supply,
get the golden ticket in our next Flyer mailout, spot our Product on the street .. and so on.
31. The key is to blend this offline activity with online tools in this blog: 5 brands with Winning
Gamification Strategies .
Find a Champion
32. Social enterprises and Charities use this all the time: find an important influencer in your sector or
celebrity personality that buys or uses their product and use their fame, endorsement and connections to
get noticed. It usually helps if you tie this in with charitable activity.
33. Sell your business face to face via Free Business Networking events / Business Speed Dating.
34. Shared Services & Collective bargaining– learn from Cooperatives: collaborate with your
business network to pool marketing resources, procurement and engage in collective bargaining.
35. Barter Products and Services within your business network or set up a system of your own
between local stakeholders, e.g. Clonakilty Favour Exchange : A skills and labour system set up to
service a local business community.
36. Secret Tours get together with other businesses in your high street, local business network or town
and organise a secret tour around a theme:for example if you are in hospitality : a secret food trail
showcasing the best culinary experiences for tourists and locals e.g. Fabulous Food & Tasting Trails in
Random Acts of Kindness
37. Do something to raise a smile and bring Goodwill. For example, if you are a in the business of
providing e.g. Give Free hugs in a busy high street area outside your premises.
38. Pay it forward: be a parking fairy pay for someone’s parking outside a key establishment like
Google perhaps and stick your business card in with the parking receipt on their windscreen.
Give it away
39. In the “Nicked” viral campaign from from Ben Sherman, Display shirts were stuck on the Outside
of their flagship window and cameras captured passers bys as word of mouth spread that the products
were free : take a look at the Ben Sherman Nicked Window display viral
Product placement
40. Offer your display products as Props to local visual Merchandisers, Theatre or film producers, not
the big names of course as they will charge you.
41. Support Local community events like family days or parish fairs by offering your products for
use – e.g. Beanbag company sponsors a chillout zone at local festival proving the durability of its
Here the local network of Bicycle related businesses supported a Bike Themed Festival in conjunction
with the Municipal authorities:
42. The Inspiration Room a space for viewing creative content from all forms of media around the
43. Lecool has published a compilation of 111 City projects around Europe ranging from popup events,
urban farming to sustainable design via their book: “Smart Guide to Utopia“ Cool Hunting
44. Design Trends and Ideas blog The Pop-Up City have great examples of urban hacktivism and
outdoor guerrilla campaigns
45. The Trendhunter.com community features micro trends, and cutting edge ideas
4446. For spontaneous raw trend information you can also checkout Trendline online magazine
47. Robert Lum of shares creative and unconventional marketing strategies in his blog:
“Top 7 Guerrilla Marketing agencies to Watch”
48. Here’s 50 more ideas! Short snappy ones from “Bootstrapping blog “a great site for startups
needing cost effective strategies:
50 Guerrilla Marketing Tactics you should be using
49. Luke Abbott Social media professional in paddypower.com rounds up:
“10 Low Budget Guerrilla Marketing examples”
50. Amy-Mae Elliot has a cool roundup of videos in Mashable in:
“ 10 Excellent Examples of Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns”
In Short: Offline Guerrilla Marketing is about using your Marketing Mix in an unexpected way in
unexpected places with unexpected tools: shock, raise eyebrows, titillate and pull at your public’s
emotional strings at street level. Or do something altruistic and service your community thus buying
you a positive human interest story spin and goodwill in the press.
Key takeaway: Keep it Local: It’s got to be high concept, appealing and relevant to your local
community and target audience.
What Next? Go Global: These real world tactics are extremely effective in themselves for getting your
brand and business noticed out there. But combine these marketing tactics with the power of the
Internet, social media and the various online tools available today, and hey Presto! You’ve just
generated food for viral online content.

Effective Online Guerilla Disclosure Outreach Ideas

Online tactics can broadcast and amplify the local Guerrilla Marketing activities you’ve executed
offline, but they can also help you build an online following, raise your brand’s awareness, connect to
prospects and customers you would never have previously been able to reach, and transform all of your
efforts into a comprehensive, strategic, global dominating marketing plan.
But how to get started on the Intraweb? Below are 50 idea’s for you to turn into Guerilla Marketing
Start with the basics:
Social media presents a huge opportunity for Guerilla Marketing and increasing your revenue and
customer loyalty.
Below are a number of steps you can take that will allow you to maximise the possibility of traffic and
connecting with new customers. Think of having these social media accounts as setting up an online
platform (HQ) for you to conduct your guerilla marketing campaigns from.
51. Spend a little bit of time setting up a Facebook business page and configure your timeline
view for best results. Add lots of content in the about section and be personable so that people can
connect with you as a person and not just your brand.
Facebook is free, and your customers (and a lot of new prospects) are more than likely already using it,
so it can be a great source of direct traffic.
52. Find other pages where your customers and prospects hang out already and post there as your
page. Other people viewing those pages will see your posts and if what you’ve said is interesting (or if
your logo is interesting) they will click over to your page to check you out. Add value to the
conversations and avoid (at all costs) putting out promotional updates for your products/services on
other people’s fan pages.
53. Make it as easy as possible to get more likes for your Facebook page
54. Setup a Google+ business page. Google+ is probably the best single thing you can do at the
moment to boost the organic placement of your website in Google’s search results.
55. Setup a Twitter Account. Twitter can be an incredibly powerful tool for finding new customers for
your business and its important to have an account so that you can secure your brand name on Twitter if
When setting up the profile make sure to be personable in your profile box and customise
the background. Put your brand name in the background if possible and the URL to your website in
both the background and more importantly in the profile section.
56. Connect all of your social media accounts so that you only need to post to one place for all accounts
to be updated. This free tool will allow you to distribute your Facebook posts to Twitter, Google+ and
LinkedIn. Now you will be able to focus on being really active on just one social network; whichever
you feel has the largest number of your target demographic of customer.
57. Write blog posts
If you don’t already have a blog, perhaps its time to start one? You can start a free blog on
WordPress.com or Tumblr.com, if your current website doesn’t have blog functionality built in and you
don’t have the budget to get one added. Just make sure that you put a clickable URL back to your main
site on your new free blog. Also use your brand name as the account name when setting the blog up.
Think about whether you have the time to commit to a blog before starting it however, as it will be a
waste of time if you don’t post at least twice a week over an extended period of time.
58. You could write guest posts on other blogs where your target market read. This is a great way of
getting yourself in front of potential future customers and making them aware of your existence and
your knowledge of your industry.
There is a hidden bonus with these posts. Not only will you potentially get direct traffic when prospects
read your post and click through to your website, but you will also get an SEO boost from the link to
your website at the bottom of your post.
59. Write how-to articles for article directories and how-to blogs. For example, perhaps you own a
building company. You could write DIY how to articles showing people how to hang pictures, paint a
room correctly, fix taps in the bathroom. These could be published on your own blog or on an article
directory like ezine
60. Sign up for a Dlvr.it account. Dlvr It is a free service which will facilitate you publishing an RSS
feed to your social media accounts. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and it is a quite
straightforward to setup. If you have a blog, it will have an RSS feed that you can easily copy and paste
in to Dlvr.it which will automate posting about your blog update on social media.
61. Create videos and post them to YouTube. YouTube is a completely free resource and the 2nd
largest search engine in the world. It is a great place to get direct traffic to your website and also to get
an SEO benefit as video’s regularly show up in the first page of search results (SERPs) on Google. You
can also publish the video’s to your Facebook stream and your Google+ account.
All you need is a good smart phone or a digicam and you are all set to make a video starring your
gorgeous self, or something else related to your industry. For example if you are a Veterinarian perhaps
you could take some video of the animals in your practice doing something cute.
62. Post your video’s on your blog and add a bit of descriptive text around them to activate interest
and conversation in the comments section of your blog. Ask questions at the end of the piece.
63. Does your business involve something that you could take photo’s of? Perhaps you are on the road
a lot and could take pictures as you drive around of scenery? Or maybe you do something creative (nail
artwork, tatoos or graphic design)? Why not take your completed designs or photographs and post them
to Pinterest, your Facebook timeline and Google+ stream.
64. After a month take all your photo’s and pictures and create a photo collage video and upload it to
YouTube for extra traffic and an SEO boost.
65. Amplify your offline graffiti art campaign by videoing the whole thing. Film meeting up with your
graffiti artist, travelling to the venue, the preparation of the work and everything that happens until the
end. Think of a few questions to ask the artist and yourself. Turn the result into a cool viral video for
YouTube and Facebook.
66. Amplify your everyday activities. Do you or your staff do something during the normal course of
your working day that people would find interesting? Why not film it and create a viral video of the
daily activities in your premises?
67. For ideas, online PR & Social Marketing firm Simply Zesty sends the latest Virals
Check out the Simply Zesty viral video archives.
68. Run online/offline promotions
Does your business service the public in some way? Maybe you could give away a freebie like this pop
up eatery < http://www.cheapeats.ie/2011/02/18/crackbird-pop-up-restaurant-starts-next-week/ >
did in exchange for having prospects & customers tweet about your business.
69. Put a QR code in the window of your premises and connect it to a mobile page on your website
with the details of your business and a list of the benefits of using your firm versus your competition.
70. Run a QR street campaign
Simon on the streets used QR codes very creatively to raise funds for homeless people last Christmas <
http://theinspirationroom.com/daily/2011/simon-on-the-streets-qr-codes/ >
71. A funny word of caution – How not to use QR codes:
72. Hire a cool sounding voiceover guy to speak over a video you create from images or powerpoint
slides to showcase your business
73. Create a mobile landing page for your QR code that will increase the number of likes to your page.
74. Get a bunch of people who live near interesting places to hold up signs with part of a message you
want to transmit on them. Compile the videos into a promotional clip
75. Have Ozzy the dog draw a picture or create a marketing message for your product or services
76. Can’t afford a graphic designer but you want a professional Timeline cove r image for your
Facebook company page? Lydia will do it for $5
77. If you are comfortable editing your website, Marcus will create an SEO report and email it to you
78. Maybe you could use something like this in the intro part of a company video.
79. A good selection of guerilla marketing options can be found here
80. Perhaps you need a catchy jingle or other original and whacky music to accompany your video?
Check this out
81. Need a script written? Check this out: Script Writing
82. A cautionary tip: on Fiverr.com you will find a lot of people that will be will be happy to increase
the number of fans, followers and connections in the various social networks. You will also find offers
promising to tweet a massive following with your marketing message. These services are a waste of
your money because the fans/followers you will receive will not be targetted and as such will be low
83. Post a link to your latest blog posts on Digg, Reddit and Delicious. Well you’ve written the
content, why leave it to gather dust?
84. Start a discussion about your latest blog post topic. Use big forums like boards.ie or whatever your
regional hub of activity to start a discussion around the topic you’ve blogged about. You can usually
paste a link to your post in on most forums as long as you are genuinely trying to have a conversation
about the topic, and as long as its not your first post on the forum.
85. Give your exact target market something fun to do online. @betfairpoker do this really well.
86. Join some community forum’s where your target market would typically hang out. Put a link to
your website in your forum profile signature and then join the conversations happening on the website.
Say valuable things and make a contribution that is helpful.
87. Search on Google+ for people who would enjoy or find value in your product/service. Particularly
those who are very active in your niche. Add them to a special circle and message them asking for their
feedback on what you are doing.
88. Have you got something to say? Why not host your own Radio Show?? Don’t just drone on about
your products and services, talk about issues relating to your niche and give tonnes of value away for
89. Interview someone your target audience would find interesting. Blog about it, or have them on your
Blog Talk Radio show. Or have them on your Podcast. Or even better do all three, and then bundle the
MP3 and a transcription as a downloadable reward for joining the email list on your website.
90. Setup an email newsletter. Even if you are just emailing special offers out once a month its better
to have on your website than nothing. You can use Mailchimp who are free and will keep you
compliant! This will be huge for bringing traffic back to your site.
91. Create an on-line community specific to the primary related area of interest of your target market.
50For example say you have a clothes shop for babies. Perhaps you could setup a Facebook page or
group, designed to help mum’s with issues they’re experiencing with their newly born babies.
92. Record a weekly podcast, and publish it to a page on your blog and to iTunes. This free software
and some time is all you need!
93. Team up with another business owner in a related but non competing business and do a Joint
Marketing Venture online. Your JMV should involve the creation of content (any form) designed to
attract the perfect target market for both of your businesses.
94. Setup a LinkedIn group for your niche. Social Media Ireland is a very successful example of this
run by Niall Devitt.
95. Setup a LinkedIn group for your target market. For example, if the decision maker who decides to
buy your products/services is the CFO or Financial Director of a company, why not setup a group
called Chief Financial Officers Ireland?
96. Setup or join a meetup group where you can make industry or customer connections. For
example I run the user group for WordPress in Dublin, because my company builds primarily
WordPress web solutions and because I love WordPress and want to connect with other users.
97. Host a weekly webcast. At the moment this awesome new tool is free. CynoCast will allow you to
offer a new level of interactive webcast experience to an almost unlimited number of attendees.
98. Run a multi-platform competition to generate interest in your brand and products. If you give
something you sell as the prize you’ll ensure you attract your exact target market.
99. Showcase your expertise by answering questions in LinkedIn’s Answers section.
100. Finally, and this isn’t exclusively an online tip but more of a general one, wherever possible show
people the passion you have for what you do.
Guerrilla Marketing is a growing trend: executed correctly, it can be targeted at the people you want
to turn on the most. Be diligent and consistant. Be creative and have fun with it!
Do you agree that Good Marketing Campaigns can be executed on close to zero budgets? Have
you had a Guerrilla Marketing experience?
The Author: Neil Sisson
Neil is passionate about Inbound Marketing, Social Media, SEO and good Website Design. He works
with businesses and organisations all over the world to help them be more effective online. Neil is the
Managing Director of Lime Canvas a website design and inbound marketing agency and he organises
the Dublin WordPress meetup group. Connect with Neil: LinkedIn - @neilsisson - Google+ -
Facebook http://www.LimeCanvas.com
Guerrilla Streisand Effect Accelerators from Top PR Pros
Linsey Knerl - Senior Writer, WiseBread.com / Freelancer, Wise Bread
Your business is feeling the crunch this year — and your marketing budget is dwindling
as a result. We’ve asked some of the most experienced public relations professionals to
share their secrets on how to market a company on a small budget. Here are some of the
best ways to use social media and word-of-mouth marketing to gain a competitive
advantage in this tough economy.
1. Claudia Goffan, Target Latino — @TargetLatino
52Form relationships with other local businesses that cater to your customers. Ask them to
offer a discount to their customers if they mention coming from their store when they
purchase from you. Feel free to reciprocate.
2. Shannon Cortina, Springboard Public Relations — @scortina
Make a realistic list of the top five targets (news/media outlets, blogs, or social media)
that you feel your business would benefit most from being mentioned or featured on.
Research and get to know each of these targets and their influencers by reading their
articles, following them on Twitter, watching their segments, etc. Use a relevant article
or blog post of theirs to reach out to them to introduce yourself via the comments section
or through email. Taking the time to understand their coverage area, as it relates to your
business, can help you position yourself as an expert resource for their next piece.
3. Molly Lynch, Lynch Communications Group — @mollylynch
The key to Twitter is thinking of it as a dinner date, rather than an opportunity to
promote your product. A dinner date (or at least a good date) means a dialogue between
two people, who share thoughts, ideas, and interests. Twitter is not a monologue or a
place to simply post thoughts. Networking, engagement, and responses are required.
While promoting your product or company is important, successful Tweeters do not
simply post sales or information. Talk with your followers, engage them, and learn from
them. Then, they’re more likely to take an interest in your brand. Make it a two way
street and make it a great Twitter-date!
4. Amy Mannarino, TheWalters Art Museum — @walters_museum
We have found that having multiple staff members “co-tweet” about our organization
has increased our audience diversity on Twitter. Each person highlights different aspects
of the museum. For example, a marketing professional might tweet factoids about an
upcoming exhibition while a curator may add an artwork to Flickr and tweet about its
5. Kwesi Robertson, MM2 Public Relations — @kwesirobertson
Use Twitter as a Social Media Newsroom. Twitter allows a brand to quickly release
multimedia news or information about their company. To create more unified stories, I
use a free-service called Pitchengine to create social media news releases that I upload
53via my/clients twitter account(s). Pitchengine allows me to track how many views my
article has received.
6. Sarah Wilson, Sarah Wilson Business Communications — @SWBizCom
One of the primary complaints about social media is that it's time intensive, however,
there's really no need for that. By using tools such as TweetDeck, it's easy to take Twitter
remarks that are appropriate for your Facebook and/or LinkedIn audiences and
simultaneously post to those accounts as well, while omitting remarks that may not be a
7. Paige Phelps, North Texas Food Bank — @ntfb
We use games. Currently we’re rolling out a Haiku contest for students and teachers.
Our newest metaphor in use here at NTFB is that the number of hungry children in our
13-county, North Texas region would fill the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium two-and-a-
half times. Using that, we’re engaging our contacts at local public and private schools to
get teachers on board with the theme “Haikus for Hunger.” We are using that as our hash
tag too (#haikusforhunger). We think it’s a fun way to open up the discussion of hunger
in the community, teach kids a little something about poetry, and have fun. The numbers
aren’t in yet, but meme games like these are always a ton of fun to play, no matter the
8. Niccolinas Soto, Public Relations Depot — @MamaPR
My advice for marketing strategies: use it all, use it consistently, and use it properly.
Don't just join Twitter or Facebook and only post about your products. Be a part of the
online communities and really participate. Reply, comment, and give back...don't just
take. Also, it’s clear all you're doing is marketing when you join a site and only post
your business info, and no profile photo as well as not a single blog written or comment
given — this is the fastest way to be forgotten or bypassed by visitors. Fill out profiles
completely, and post up some helpful blog posts.
9. Ronnie Manning, Mynt Public Relations — @RManning_Mynt and @MyntPR
Become a voice in your area of expertise, and utilize the comment posting sections of
blogs and online publications. These comment boxes can allow you to link directly to
your web site and boost traffic. Follow those writers who cover you space and offer
54opinion, personal experience, and complementary comments relative to their stories. Be
transparent with who you are, put your name/title/business/website after your comment
which will help get you and your business name out there. (However, it’s very important
that you do not do a straight product or services pitch, as these types of comments will
often be removed by moderators as being too marketing-oriented.)
10. Rebecca Goldberg, DMD Insight — @RebeccaGoldberg and @DMDInsight
Small businesses have an advantage over big businesses: a unique voice. That voice is
the result of a tight-knit culture and typically one of a visionary leader who has an
inherit brand strategy because her or she is the brand. To me, that's attractive. I think that
small businesses should capitalize on who they are and what makes them special by
letting the dreamers and do-ers share what’s going on behind the scenes.
11. Kendra Schultz, PRIME 3 — @kendraschultz
One huge marketing tactic that attains a lot of followers on Twitter or fans on Facebook,
are giveaways. Whether it’s for a free cupcake, free web-hosting for a year, free Mac
book (or whatever product/service your company provides), creating a contest where
fans/followers must tweet about your company in order for a chance to win something
free not only expands your brand awareness via hundreds-thousands of people’s Twitter
or Facebook accounts to their fans/followers, but it also keeps these followers listening
to what you have to say moving forward.
12. Marisa Puthoff, Edelman — @MarisaGPuthoff
Become familiar with Google Place Pages for local businesses. Google now provides in-
depth information when available for local businesses and places, offering information
from customer reviews, to menus and selection notes, to basic information like store
hours and an image of the location. You can visit the local business center page to make
sure your business is represented with up-to-date information and to receive insights for
how local users are finding your business’ listing. Other sites like Yellowpages.com and
Superpages.com allow businesses to post free listings under industry headings that are
searchable to consumers. You can also promote your listings on these free sites through
your social media tools.
13. Brenda Christensen, Stellar Public Relations — @brendachrist
55Be a name dropper — find out the most INFLUENTIAL influencer in your arena and
impress them with your brand. Once you've won them over, shout it from the Twitter
rooftops — employ Twitter lists and tweet like mad. It takes a human machine, but the
branding will put you over the top.
14. Nick Lawhead, Desautel Hege Communications — @nlawhead
Internet users are already talking about your product, service or industry with their social
networks on Twitter. An active role in this conversation positions your company as an
expert on the topic — whether you’re selling vacuums or writing services. Twitter
allows small business and consumer to connect and interact directly. Use
www.search.twitter.com to find conversations about your industry or product using key
words — then answer the questions your consumers have! Resolve the issues! Retweet
the glowing reviews! All of this adds up to you participating in the social conversation.
15. Sally Falkow, PRESSfeed — @sallyfalkow
Use our free news optimizing toolbar to help you to make your content more visible and
get it found in search engines and social sites. It has instructions and tools you can use to
improve your online visibility. http://www.press-feed.com/toolbar .
16. Menachem Wecker, George Washington Today — @GWToday
Social media tools are created for gregariouscommunity-building, and nobody likes the
self-infatuated person at the bar who cannot stop talking about her/himself. Social media
users should have to affirm a Hippocratic cyber-oath; first and foremost listen and
understand the needs and pulse of the community, and only then start to think about how
you can be of use to fellow members, and how they can be helpful to you. (And in case
there is any confusion, turning your Twitter feed into an RSS feed of your news releases
violates "do no harm.")
17. Katie Elliott, Quinn and Co — @Quinnandco
Create a list of staff, clients, client-related people, and journalists on Twitter. This helps
with generating #Follow Fridays and keeping up to speed on client efforts. Send
personalized direct messages to people when they follow you. It’s rare, and it helps you
stand out from the crowd. We currently send an automated DM to all followers, but I
follow up with a personalized message later.
5618. Jessica Nunez, Nunez PR Group — @NunezPR
Create brand ambassadors by hosting free events and providing special coupons and
offers especially for your Facebook fans or the readers of your blog. This a fun way to
show customer appreciation and show customers the value for them to interact with your
brand online. When a customer posts positive comments to your Facebook page, blog or
other social networking site, send them a coupon, discount, or even something as simple
as a branded tchotchke. Consumers like to know that companies are listening to them
and they love to be acknowledged for it.
19. Carin Galletta, Ink Foundry — @InkFoundry
One of the items that we find missing from most small business marketing plans is
analytics. A free tool for tracking site traffic isGoogle Analytics. Before any business can
access a guerrilla marketing tactic they need to understand their baseline to gauge
whether or not the effort is working. Analytics is free and easy - there is a great tutorial
on the Google site and a bunch of YouTube "how to" videos that can help a small
business owner understand how to use it.
20. Duane B. Thomas, EdYouCation — @Edyoucation
You can gain great value from volunteering your small business for a University class as
a “working-study.”
21. Katja Presnal, Collective Bias — @katjapresnal
Always remember to engage your retail location customers in the conversation also on
Twitter by displaying your twitter account proudly in your location — as simple as
“Follow us on Twitter” and your Twitter handle printed in a piece of paper will do the
trick. Same goes for online businesses; remember to make your Twitter account visible
for your customers.
22. Chris Brown, Marketing Resources & Results — @chrisbrown330
A twitter handle or screen name is one of the most important aspects and something that
is in short supply. Get yours now!
23. Marisa Puthoff, Edelman — @MarisaGPuthoff
Post local events on MeetUp.com. If your business is hosting an event or summit, post
57the information publicly on MeetUp, where users can browse for local meet-ups in a
number of categories, both formal and just-for-fun.
24. Marie Domingo, PR Professional — @MarieDomingo
Anything you share on Twitter must be authentic and should sound like your voice as
opposed to and advertisement. The best Tweets have a call to action, or a link that
includes an interesting Twitpic (photo), website (content). The objective is to have
engaging conversations, not to drive more followers. Followers follow interesting
25. Andrea Rizk, Rizk Public Relations — @andreahrizk
Do not follow more people than are following you on Twitter. Have a bio that is
informational but shows personality.
26. Jennifer Batchelor, brpr — @brprmiami
We use Twitter to allow “backstage access” and a behind-the-scenes view to show, rather
than tell, our followers and prospective clients what it is that we do so well and how it is
that we put it all together for our branding efforts. This includes everything from photo
shoots and runway shows, to exclusive interviews with our designers, editors, and
publishers. We take it one step further by re-tweeting interesting articles as they relate to
our industries, which in itself gives great tips to our readers, and also positions us as
experts in our concentrations; however, we very rarely use our Twitter feed to directly
promote our clients. They each have their own Twitter accounts (created and managed
by us) which we use to shout each other out from time to time, and otherwise operate
independently of each other.
27. Kent Lewis, Anvil Media, Inc. — @kentjlewis
I manage a host of profiles, so I can more accurately and effectively target audiences
based on interest or point of initial contact. I syndicate my primary profiles to Facebook
and my professional profile to LinkedIn, to extend the reach and value of my tweets. I
utilize HootSuite, TweetDeck, TweetBeep and Ping.FM to streamline research,
monitoring and tracking. From Twitter, I’ve been able to generate prospective clients,
partnerships, volunteers, sponsors and speaking engagements.
28. C. Renzi Stone, Saxum PR — @renzistone33
58Think before you post — only post what you would say at a cocktail party in front of a
room of strangers. Ask yourself before posting, is this relevant? Sell thought leadership,
not services or products.
29. Dee Stewart, DeeGospel PR — @DeeGospel
Use words in your profile that will attract your ideal client to you. Treat each tweet
received and given as if they’re love notes. Use Ping.fm to cross promote your tweets
through all your other SMS platforms (Facebook, Brightkite, etc,) and have DMs sync to
your Smartphone so that you'll be available to nurture your relationships and respond as
soon as they need you.
30. Marisa Puthoff, Edelman — @MarisaGPuthoff
Look out for opportunities to “trend” locally on Twitter. Twitter just launched an initial
version of local trends, which will allow local brands the opportunity to run coupons
through Twitter, or other campaigns that can drive discussion on Twitter and “trend” for
that area.
31. Jonnice Slaughter, Chatterbox Publicity — @chatterboxpr
One of the most unique ways that I’ve benefited from Twitter in recent months is by
saving my clients money. I scheduled an editorial visit for one of my clients to host a
lunch and to do a presentation at a popular national magazine. To cut the cost, I sent out
a tweet to other professionals who represented a local restaurant that might be interested
in co-sponsoring the lunch. I used several key hash tags, retweeted a few times, and
within 2 business days, I received a bite from a family-owned Italian restaurant. They
agreed to comp half the value of their catering for the opportunity. My client was thrilled
that I was able to save them money and found a credible restaurant willing to deliver
more than pizza, sodas and sandwiches.
32. Trip Kucera, LogMeIn, Inc. — @LogMeInNews
We first started using Twitter early last year when we noticed that many of our users
were posting unsolicited “Tweets” about LogMeIn. They would post things like “I love
LogMeIn” or “LogMeIn saved my bacon today”. We knew we had to start engaging
with our users, and the results have been great so far. Today we use the Twitter channel
to really keep our users in the know by Tweeting exclusive product sales, answering
59product questions and sharing news as well as best practices and helpful tips for remote
33. Samantha McGarry, Gomez — @Gomez_Inc
Follow key reporters on Twitter to get a better sense of their personality and interests.
Don’t be afraid to pitch reporters — as long as your pitch is timely and on topic. Ask
questions and get real-time feedback. Share useful information (plus your own
perspective/personality.) Be an active part of the dialogue.
34. Lisa Bongiovanni, Webroot Software, Inc. — @webroot
Through Twitter, we realized that many of the conversations about us were complaints
about customer service wait times or issues with the product. We began reaching out to
these people and changed their negative tweets into positive product affirmations.
Recently, we created a second Twitter account solely for customer service. This provides
our users an alternative to waiting on the phone, especially when they have easy to
answer questions. By using Twitter to interact with customers, we have inserted our
brand into the conversation and help shape customer attitudes towards our company and
products rather than just sitting by and observing the conversation surrounding our
35. Kwesi Robertson, MM2 Public Relations — @kwesirobertson
When monitoring a particular brand or client — Twitter’s search feature allows me to
scan real-time feedback. Some innovative Twitter-supplemental services like Topsy have
made the experience even more innovative.
36. Dick Knapinski, Experimental Aircraft Association — @eaaupdate
We use Twitter tips to discuss government issues to which our 160,000 EAA members
can react, such as the FAA requesting comments to an aviation rule change; Aviation
community building, such as a link to EAA members doing something cool or some new
innovation in the flying world; and to generally build excitement for our association and
its activities and programs. Use Twitter to respond to issues that are important to your
37. Carin Galletta, Ink Foundry — @InkFoundry
If you plan to distribute offers via Twitter and send out informational tweets, set up two
60accounts. And define what each account will be doing in the profile and through periodic
tweets: One will only send offers and the other will provide category information,
general "behind the scenes" info on your company, etc. You can use the second account,
however, to drive traffic/interest to the offer account — but do it sparingly. Many people
don't want relentless sales offers coming through. For the "offer" account, create offers
that are specific just for the channel you are distributing them on. If you have a link back
to a page, make sure the page addresses the offer immediately, don't make people search
through your site for it. Make it special — only offer it to your Twitter followers,
Facebook Fans, etc. This will increase conversions!
38. Kwesi Robertson, MM2 Public Relations — @kwesirobertson
When targeting selected media or bloggers with a pitch letter or press release, be
creative and find them on Twitter. Instead of a traditional letter or press release, create a
social media news release/media advisory that gives a more vibrant perspective of your
company’s story and personally address them on Twitter.
39. Marisa Puthoff, Edelman — @MarisaGPuthoff
Look to “linkshare” with other local businesses. Work to build partnerships with other
local businesses, who would agree to post a link to your site in exchange for promotion
on your own.
40. Cindy Kurman, Kurman Communications, Inc. — @kurmanstaff
I've secured business via Twitter. It's been an awesome tool in reaching out. Recently,
we saw a tweet from probably the most followed pr person on Twitter, and she was
looking for someone to help her with a new product launch. It was an industry in which
we are well known for: restaurant/food/hospitality. I responded, she responded. We
tweeted. We talked. She hired us! We are also getting business through Facebook. All of
our social networking sites are networked so my tweets appear multiple places.
41. McKenzie Coco, FSC Inter@ctive — @fscNOLA
Test your messaging. Social media and online marketing is the PERFECT place to test
your outreach plan to observe the impact. Online is measurable. Is it A, B or C that
people respond to and is the response what you wanted? Before moving into a big PR or
marketing push with a huge expense, test the waters in a free space.
6142. Merredith Branscombe, The Hoffman Agency — @Merredith
Offer real value. I have hunted down and offered sources and links/articles for
journalists even when it doesn’t immediately benefit my clients.
43. Aaron Endré Quiñones, Bhava Communications — @AaronEndre
From our personal accounts, our employees retweet agency and client tweets and add
further value — and personality — by offering reactions, personal opinions, anecdotes
and humor.
44. Katie Elliott, Quinn and Co — @Quinnandco
The most important way for small business owners to market their products and services
for free is to track, monitor, and engage in conversations about your product or area of
expertise on Twitter. For example, if your business makes wedding cakes in Wisconsin,
you can monitor tweets from brides, wedding planners and other vendors in that area.
You can set up alerts for people who include the words "engaged" or "wedding
planning" in their tweets, and@reply with a “congratulations!” This is most effective
when you engage and are genuine with people, as opposed to sending a generic message
marketing your product.
45. Elisa Lippincott,TippingPoint — @tippingpoint1
The easiest way to monitor for Tweets related to our business is by using TweetDeck to
set up search terms based on your business. If your business has a Facebook page or
account, you can also set that up as a column, so that you can see if anyone posts to your
page. We’ve secured several sales leads based on Tweets we’ve seen from setting up
various search terms. Someone once Tweeted that their network was infected with a
virus and they needed help. We were able to look at the person’s profile, figure out who
they were and get our appropriate sales person on it. TweetDeck is free, and there’s even
an iPhone version
46. Merredith Branscombe, The Hoffman Agency — @Merredith
Keep your Twitter lists clean. I periodically use TwitCleaner to weed out feeds and
MLMers in disguise, so that I know I have real people.
47. Jenn Riggle, CRT/Tanaka — @Riggrl
62On using Twitter for the first time: Like exercise, walking your dog and drinking water,
it takes time to add anything new to your already busy schedule. That’s why it’s
important to make a concerted effort to tweet at least three times a day during the week.
Add extra value to your tweets by using hashtags (a word preceded by a #). It’s a little
bit like using a zip code because it directs your tweet to people who are interested in a
particular topic.
48. McKenzie Coco, FSC Inter@ctive — @fscNOLA
Online marketing and social media is real — no frills. Take the budget from a direct mail
piece or TV spot with the media and put it back in your pocket. Or maybe you didn’t
have a budget to begin with — develop a plan and strategy (very important) and try
going “au natural” with a flip cam video posted to You Tube, linking to Facebook, and
then Tweet out the link. Then do it every week for 16 weeks and measure responses,
traffic to the website, and whatever your actionable goal was to be accomplished.
Make noise.
As Barbara Streisand (see Wikipedia re: “The Streisand Effect”), Kim Kardashian, Lindsey Lohan and
Donald Oligarchism have proven: “If it ain't outrageous, it don't get traction”
The internet takes a few weeks to “percolate”. Don't expect overnight results. Let it simmer and
fertilize the soil of the internet every few hours.
Democrat owned Google will hide anything bad about Democrats. Republican owned Fox will hide
anything bad about Republicans. Pravda and RT will hide anything bad about Putin, etc. Know your
work-arounds. Your goal is to have the entire world know about your issue.

How To Be an FBI-Class Special Investigator and hunt down corrupt weasels

You should look into online training classes at such services as http://www.detectivetraining.com/ and similar the basics include the following techniques:
An overview of your case options is presented online by Per Dan Bernstein, the Assistant United States Attorney of Southern District of Florida:


Chose extremely important cases
Crimes by public officials undercut confidence in government while an acquittal can
make a defendant into a hero
Often not easy or popular to prosecute
Some elected officials have popular support and may claim political targeting
Witnesses run personal and financial risks for cooperating and are less likely to come forward if
    cases do not result in convictions
You need thick skin
Defendants may try to put the Plaintiffs on trial

Keys To An Ideal Case Outline:
Identifying potential targets

Developing an investigative theory

Choosing the best investigative techniques

Issues unique to proactive investigations

Special considerations in public corruption investigations

• Law enforcement and government sources, including inspectors general, and contract compliance
and oversight personnel
• Complaining citizens; business competitors or political rivals; disgruntled current or former employees; paid informants and cooperating defendants; individuals involved in the illegal activity who are seeking to limit or eliminate their criminal exposure by blowing the whistle on corrupt conduct
•  Print, television, and internet media outlets
• Specific target may be identified ‐ Consider credibility ‐ Does source have a motive to lie?  Is there corroboration? 
• Transactions may be identified or appear suspect without specific targets
Need to identify the entities and individuals involved and make a
preliminary assessment of the roles played by these individuals, such
as decision makers, knowledgeable actors, unwitting participants, and
knowledgeable but uninvolved potential witnesses
• Always follow the money ‐ Determine who profited from the
transaction and how ‐ Corruption cases are always about the money

• Theory gives direction to the investigation, but be flexible
• First step is making an initial assessment of whether the
alleged corrupt conduct appears to be criminal, or
whether it is civil or administrative in nature
• Second step is identifying elements needed to prove the
• Third step is to try to anticipate possible factual and legal
issues and defenses and build your case to rebut or avoid

y Historical cases ‐ based on document analysis and
witness interviews
y Proactive/undercover cases ‐ running gamut from one
day and one deal to elaborate and long‐running
multi‐transaction and multi‐target operations


• Determining which investigative tools to use depends
on a variety of factors, including the nature of the
alleged violations, the type of investigation you are     
conducting, and the resources you have available
• Normal progression from simple to complex, with
information from initial steps leading to more
advanced steps, such as search warrants and wiretaps
• Mix and match your methods as appropriate

• Public Source Information
• Internet and media sources
• Court filings, including criminal histories, divorces and other
lawsuits, bankruptcy filings, and administrative proceedings
before agencies such as the SEC, FTC, and insurance and
banking regulators
• Choicepoint, Autotrack, property records
• Financial disclosure forms; Campaign contribution records;
Lobbyist registrations and disclosures
• Information from Parallel Proceedings
• Corruption cases are often set in backdrop of contract
disputes and fraud cases.  There may be ongoing civil
litigation or administrative proceedings generating
valuable information, and you should obtain relevant
depositions, pleadings, transcripts and court orders.
• Despite common interests, do not work in tandem or
actively use the civil litigant to further your investigation,
such as by giving them questions to ask      at depositions
or having them seek documents for you.
• Mail Covers
• Very useful in identifying target's banks, investment
firms, et al
• Trash Pulls ‐ "Dumpster Diving"
• Can be very useful if target has recently become aware
that they are under suspicion ‐ panic can cause
carelessness in disposing of valuable records
• Grand Jury Subpoenas ‐ Documents
• Used to gather foundational materials.  Consider
whether the entity being served can be relied on to
not disclose the subpoena, or whether the records
sought are worth the risk
• Issue as early as possible ‐ document production can
be slow, particularly with voluminous requests, older
records, and/or smaller producing institutions
• Grand Jury Subpoenas ‐ Documents to Obtain
• Bank, brokerage, and other investment account records
• Credit reports & credit card records
• Loan and mortgage records
• Telephone records
• Corporate records
• Grand Jury Subpoenas ‐ Documents
• Do quick initial review to determine subpoena
compliance.  Do not assume full compliance since many
institutions see subpoena compliance as a nuisance and
distraction from their "real" business.
• Documents must reviewed and cataloged for use during
the investigation and for discovery and trial evidence
• Document review is time and labor intensive, but is
usually the heart of any meaningful historical corruption
• Witness Interviews
• Essential investigative steps which require serious
thought, planning, and preparation.  When possible,
conduct interviews after you have obtained and reviewed
the documents related to the witness. 
• General rule ‐ your way up the chain of involvement and
• Remember to consider interviewing the current and
former confidants
• Grand Jury Subpoenas ‐ Testimony
• General rule ‐ do not use the grand jury as your interviewing
forum.  Usually far better to get voluntary interviews first.
• Two main situations to use grand jury testimony as an
investigative tool
• Witnesses who may have useful information but will not agree
to a  voluntary interview
• Possible defense witnesses ‐ find out what they will say and lock
them into that story.
• Immunity
• A double‐edged sword.  Gets you needed testimony but can cast
doubt since people tend to dislike and distrust immunized
• Weigh the costs and benefits carefully.  Jurors will understand
immunizing lower‐level witnesses to build a case against the
main targets. 
• Attempt to secure testimony through cooperation plea
agreements Jurors are more likely to believe a witness who has
accepted responsibility for their actions by pleading guilty than
one who has received a "free pass."
• Laboratory Analysis
• Handwriting and fingerprint analysis can be very useful in cases
with key      documents and knowledge, intent, and/or
participation questions.  Fingerprints can often be found on
documents even after an extended period of time.
• Before requesting handwriting analysis, speak to your examiner
to find out if  the questioned documents can be analyzed with
any degree of certainty.  If  there is little chance of success, you
may not want to do the analysis, particularly if fact witnesses
can identify the handwriting or signature.
• Make the analysis request as early as possible
• Tax Return Disclosure Requests ‐ 26 USC Section 6103
• Very useful since targets often understate income on tax
returns and overstate it on loan applications, corporate
filings, and financial statements.
• Disclosure requests take a significant showing and a court
order, and normally come after the investigation has
substantiated some level of wrongdoing.
• After tax information is obtained under a disclosure order,
there are important restrictions on their use and handling.
• E‐Mail Account Information from Internet Service Providers ("ISP")
• Two main types of information you will want: identification of the
account holder; and, the stored content of the e‐mails maintained on
the system.
• Can be very valuable since people use e‐mail freely and do not realize
or care  that hitting erase or delete does not remove the content from
the system.
• Court orders and search warrants are needed to get this information. 
Since  ISPs frequently delete content from their systems, use
preservation letters asking ISPs to save the content while you obtain
the necessary court orders and search warrants for disclosure.
• Search Warrants
• One of the most powerful investigative tools in corruption
cases.  Obtains evidence on a surprise basis, before it can
be redacted, destroyed, or withheld even when production
is required by a grand jury subpoena.
• Provides an opportunity to identify and interview those
present at search site.
• Serve contemporaneous grand jury subpoena for the same
• Search Warrants ‐ Timing is Key Issue
• Need to be far enough along in investigation to develop
probable cause and to know what you are actually looking
• The search exposes the investigation, so it generally
should not be done until you have exhausted any covert
• But, if you wait too long and your target becomes
suspicious or aware of the investigation, valuable evidence
may be destroyed or moved.
• Search Warrants ‐ They are Not Cost Free
• First and foremost, must commit to promptly and thoroughly review
everything  seized.  This can be an extremely time and labor intensive. 
If you are not ready, willing, and able to do this review, don't do the
• Second, be aware of the public impact of a search on a high‐profile
target or  location.  It may bring attention to your investigation,
increase public scrutiny on you and the target, and raise expectations
that charges are imminent. 
• Third, need to plan to best execute the warrant while limiting
disruption of important functions when searching a government
office. public building
• Search Warrants ‐ Computers and Computerized Data
• Any business or office search warrant is going to include
computers and computerized data, and you must be able to
seize and use this information.
• Have computer specialists involved in planning and executing
the search so that computers and system data can be copied on
the scene.  It is not desirable or feasible to take away the
computers and deal with it later.
• Before searching, try to determine if review the seized data will
require specialized assistance and equipment, and how you will
make this information available for discovery and later trial use


• Physical Surveillance
• Surveillance is valuable to corroborate information which has been received,
to link targets, and identify people associated with the known targets
• Trackers ("Bumper Beepers")
• A slap‐on tracker put on in a public place does not require a court order.  An 
order is required to hard‐wire a longer‐lasting tracker onto a vehicle.
• Beware that under federal law, you are now required to disclose a tracker     
warrant to the person whose vehicle was tracked at the conclusion of its use. 
Delays of this notification are at the discretion of the court.
• Pen Register and Trap and Trace Orders
• Allows real‐time capture of the incoming and
outgoing phone numbers for a particular phone
number, and can also order phone company to
provide subscriber information for each captured
• Requires a court order which can be based on a 
showing that the information sought is likely to be
relevant to the criminal investigation.
• Consensual Recordings
• Audio or video recordings where one party to the call
or meeting (normally an undercover agent or
cooperating witness) has agreed to record the
conversation.  These are authorized without any court
order so long as the consenting party is on the line or
in the room.
• Consensual recordings are the "bread and butter" of
proactive investigations.
• Title III Wiretaps and Recording Devices
• Extremely effective tools to investigate ongoing criminal activity, since
they  allow recording of phone calls and conversations without the
presence or participation of an undercover agent or cooperating
• Requires court order based on probable cause and satisfaction of other     
requirements, including exhaustion of other investigative options. 
The internal review process for a federal Title III is very demanding.
• Title III's are labor intensive, requiring real‐time monitoring and
minimization, and regular progress reports to the authorizing judge
• Undercover Operations ‐ Development and Planning
Stage Is Key
• First step is determining what you are trying to achieve
(i.e. proving a completed crime, infiltrating ongoing
criminal activity, developing new cases on suspected
corrupt officials, identifying criminals).
• Second step is creating and implementing a scenario
designed to effectively and efficiently achieve those goals. 
Scenario must be realistic in light of targets, resources,
and objectives
• Undercover Operations ‐ Avoiding the Usual Defenses
• Any undercover scenario needs to squarely present
the criminal opportunity to the targets.  Do not give
the target a lack of knowledge or intent defense.
• Plan to avoid entrapment claims.  Don't push too
hard, offer too much money, or make it too easy, and
offer opportunities for the target to back out. 
• Undercover Operations ‐ Time, Labor, and Resource
• Must be patient ‐ will take time to develop trust and
• Money will have to be spent for payoffs and to set up an
undercover business, create appearances, wine and dine
targets, etc
• Manpower will be needed ‐ UCAs, case agents,
surveillance, et al
• Undercover Operations ‐ Undercover Agents are
• Should make every effort to introduce a UCA into the
• UCA is essentially unimpeachable in contrast to either
a cooperating defendant who is attempting to avoid
charges or get a sentence reduction, or a paid
informant, both of whom may have motives to lie
• Undercover Operations ‐ Lights, Camera, Action!
• With or without UCA, to the extent possible, you
should have consensual or Title III recordings of every
meeting and call. 
• Tapes are unimpeachable and jurors expect them.


• Predication
• A reasonable basis to suspect the target is or has engaged
in criminal activity.  Much lower than probable cause
• Criminal investigations should not be fishing expeditions
or integrity testing  operations, and predication helps
prevent overreaching
• Predication helps overcome entrapment defense, claims of
selective or vindictive prosecution, and Hyde Amendment
(attorney's fees) claims
• Handling the Cooperating Witness ("CW")
• Give specific directions to the CW and make sure that the CW is
told that no "freelancing" is permitted.  Enforce this from the
beginning, and do not let the CW seize control, even if he or she
appears to be producing results.
• Corroborate the CW as much as possible, even on small points,
and make      sure all contacts between the CW and the targets
are recorded.  Jurors tend to disbelief the uncorroborated,
unrecorded word of a paid witness.
• Plan for impact of CW's plea agreement, immunity, or payments
on the jury.
• Flipping a Corrupt Insider ‐ Law Enforcement's "Silver Bullet"
• Leaving a flipped insider in place can be an extremely effective
tool in an ongoing public corruption case because of the
knowledge and access they can bring to the investigation.
• Can be used to strengthen or build cases against existing targets
and to identify, predicate, investigate, and prosecute other
• In setting with institutional or high‐level corruption, a flipped
target in place may be the key to gaining entry to a "closed‐
shop" of corruption.
• Flipping a Corrupt Insider ‐ Inherent Risks
• Beware of: being double‐crossed by a flipped insider
who warns other targets and/or helps them generate
exculpatory recordings; inadvertent leaks; the insider
committing other crimes or wrongdoing while "on our
• Must also make sure that you keep the insider safe.
• The Flip Attempt
• Determine the right target to pitch.  Normally neither the top
nor the bottom target.  Assess which target may be most
effective as a continuing cooperator
• Use the element of surprise and make strongest presentation
• If target wants to cooperate, start by getting a confession.
• If target wants to consult an attorney, they need to do it on the


• Impact of charges is enormous on elected officials or high‐level
appointees. Mere existence of an investigation can destroy a
career or a life.
• Proceed carefully ‐ you do not want to be used by someone
looking to settle a political score or strike back at a business
• Conduct the investigation and prosecution "by the book." 
Expect the defense to attack not only the charges, but also the
conduct of the investigation.
• Be prepared for heightened public and press scrutiny. 
Remember that in any big corruption case, the "world is

How to send a fake reporter to get the target to relax and spill the beans
Interview Techniques for P2P Forensics Shills That Quickly Build Rapport
by Scott Fulmer
One of the most useful skills a private investigator can possess is the ability to quickly build rapport with individuals from all walks of life. Whether you are interviewing a witness or a source or whether the interview is confrontational or not, your ability to gather information rests on the degree to which you can build rapport. To do so you must quickly find something that you and the subject have in common. Such commonalities between you and your subject create a connection or bond of understanding. All of us want to be liked and appreciated. We all want to be helpful. When building rapport, it is wise to remember author and motivational speaker John C. Maxwells famous quote: "People dont care how much you know until they know how much you care."
It certainly goes without saying that you must be absolutely genuine in your approach. If you attempt to build rapport in a fake or phony manner most individuals will see right through you. They will reject your attempts at building rapport. Among some people, private investigators already have a general reputation as seedy, snake oil salesmen. There's no need to foster that image.
The whole point of building rapport with an individual is to get information from them that they would normally not volunteer. To that end, the following 10 techniques can be utilized to build rapport with just about anyone:
1. Be Prepared: It's the motto of the Boy Scouts but it will serve you well in all endeavors; especially in building rapport. I cannot stress this enough: Do your homework! Just as a good lawyer never asks a question in court that he doesn't already know the answer to, likewise, a good investigator is prepared ahead of time. This is especially important if the interview becomes confrontational. Gather as much information as you can before the interview. The more information you have about the subject the easier it will be to build rapport.
2. Take your seat (in the position of power): To build rapport and preserve the upper hand in an interview you will want to sit in the position of power. You should arrive early to all interviews. If you are conducting the interview at someones home or in a conference room, make sure to position yourself so that you sit at the head of the table (the position usually reserved for the head of the household or head of the company). Point to the chair to your right and suggest that the person you are interviewing sit there. They will then view you as an authority figure and see themselves as your assistant. If they invite you to their office for the interview, suggest the conference or break room. If you absolutely have to interview someone in their office, ask politely if you can sit at their desk. This is a bold move. I usually make the excuse that it would be a lot easier for me to take notes sitting at their desk then on my knee. The subject almost always obliges and suddenly you are sitting at their desk in the position of power. Being seated in the position of power will aid you in building rapport.
3. Body Mirroring: One of the most powerful, non-verbal methods of building rapport is by mirroring someones body language. To the uninitiated this sounds ridiculous. Trust me. It is an excellent way to build rapport. When you mirror the subjects body movements, as well as the speed and timbre of their speech patterns, you become like them. But dont be too obvious. Your movements must be fluid and natural. You are showing that you're just like them. How do you do it? Copy their gestures, hand motions, facial expressions, how they sit and how they speak. Yes, even how they speak. People in the country speak slower than people in large metropolitan areas. For example, folks in West Texas speak slower than folks from New York City. If you were to conduct an interview out in West Texas (or a similar rural area) and speak quickly and deliberately as they do in New York City, you will come across to the subject as slick and untrustworthy. You'll sound more like a used-car salesman than someone who is genuine. Remember: We are most comfortable around people who are like us.
4. Whats in a Name? As Juliet stated in Shakespeare's immortal play Romeo and Juliet, That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet. Basically Juliet is stating that a name is an artificial contrivance. She would love Romeo regardless of what his name was. That may have worked for the Bard, but in real life a persons name is very important. We all like to hear the sound of our name. When conducting an interview use the persons name at least a couple of times. This builds trust and encourages them to listen to you. But do not use their name more than a couple of times during an interview. While using their name creates rapport, overuse of their name has the opposite effect. Overuse of their name will make you sound like a slick huckster and the subject will feel like they are being taken advantage of.
5. Psychological Pause: When questioning a subject throw in a psychological pause. This is simply a two- or three-second pause (or longer) taken during questioning. It is used for effect and should be inserted in areas of the interview where you normally wouldn't pause. For example: I want you to know that I've spoken with everyone about the incident and I feel that (insert psychological pause here) maybe you're not telling me everything you know?
This unnatural pause creates a mild level of tension in the interview. It throws the subject off and at the same time makes them want to listen. The actor Christopher Walken is a master at this. The timing and phraseology of his voice forces you to hang on his every word. The natural meter and pace of your voice is interrupted by the psychological pause. This builds rapport by directing the subjects attention to every word you say.
6. Re-Direct the Question (Put touchy subjects on the backburner): Rapport must be built up at the beginning of the interview. Do not make the mistake of tackling serious or confrontational issues before you have had a chance to build rapport. For example if you suspect a witness of knowing something about missing inventory or embezzlement in the workplace, build the rapport before asking direct questions. If you broach a subject and the subject clams up, gently back off. Show you understand how difficult this interview must be for them. Simply state, I can see that question made you uncomfortable. That's not my intention. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. I'll tell you what: lets not worry about this right now. Why don't you tell me how you started working at ABC Packaging?
By redirecting the questioning you are showing trust and concern for the witness. You are relieving the tension caused by your question. You're showing the subject you care and, yes, you are building rapport. You have just scored a point with them. Later on in the interview as rapport has been established you can sneak in the question, Everyone knows you had nothing to do with the missing inventory. But you know who is involved. I know you want to do the right thing. You have a family to support. Thats much more important than your relationship with a few people at work.
7. Family and Children First: The very first thing I do before an interview is quickly scan the room for photographs of the subjects family or childrens coloring book drawings. People love to talk about their families. Look for pictures that include babies or recent weddings. You may spend the first 10 minutes of the interview talking to the subject about their children or grandchildren. Ask them an open-ended question such as, What do you like best about being a grandma? But remember the sole reason for all of this is to build rapport with your subject.
8. Wave the flag: Look for military mementos, plaques or pictures of people in uniform. Did both you and the subject serve in the military? If so, any discussion of your service will definitely will build rapport. Be sure to ask them where they served. You may have more in common than you know.
9. Sports! Seize upon any type of sports memorabilia in your subjects office. Look for golf knickknacks or signs of the subjects favorite sports teams. If you happen to be a Cowboys fan and their office is plastered with Steelers memorabilia this still allows you an opening such as: Oh no! You're one of them! If you do not care for sports at least check the Internet or local newspaper for the latest scores or big events so you can carry on a decent conversation. You must do everything you can to find common ground.
10. Use the Mystique: Finally, use what I like to call the PI mystique. You are a private investigator and most people find that fascinating. You see it every time someone asks you what you do for a living. Their reply: Wow. That must be exciting! Images of Jim Rockford, Thomas Magnum and Sam Spade are conjured up in their minds. The followup question is always: What's it like? Share some war stories with them. Tell them about some of your most exciting cases or describe some of the gadgets you use. They will hang on every word. Suddenly, youre a rock star!
Building rapport is critical when it comes to getting information out of a subject. Your ability to build rapport rests on the degree to which you can find common ground with your subject. There are numerous ways to build rapport. These suggestions are a great place to start.
Scott Fulmer is a private investigator, speaker and president and CEO of Scott B. Fulmer Investigations, LLC based in San Antonio, Texas. He has been in the security and investigation field for over 20 years. He is a Gulf War veteran, husband and father of three. Mr. Fulmer is a contributor to PInow.com and is available to speak to your group, seminar or conference. You can contact him at scott@scottbfulmerinvestigations.com.

Declaring War On The Corruption Of The Silicon Valley VC's Who Rig Elections and Policies
By Althea Winger

There are about 50 American creative inventors that have gotten shafted by Kleiner Perkins, Eric Schmidt, Steve Jurvetson, and the Silicon Valley Cartel, via an organized system of theft, and arrogance, that is quite audacious.

Each, and every, time these domestic creators invented a major thing, which had never existed before, the U.S. Government, the industry and potential customers; said that these inventors were the first ones to invent that thing. Not a single one of these VC's had ever worked on, been involved in, or developed anything like it before.

Then, one of a handful of, closely associated, Silicon Valley VC's, asks one of the inventor's to show them their new invention under the guise of "maybe investing in it".
Then the VC copies it, while running media troll attacks on the inventor's effort, in order to clear the market.

The VC's then market a 100% copy of the invention, via a Kleiner, or Draper, associated "spin-off" and never pay the inventor's a dime.

The VC's set up a legal structure designed to cost the inventor's millions of dollars to sue those VC’s for the rip-offs. On top of that, the VC's already have most of the law firms working for them, and threaten the firms, with revenue cut-offs, if they help any of the inventors. In addition to their “No Poaching Conspiracy” , the VC’s also have a “No Sue Conspiracy”, going on at the same time. The VC's also bribe federal elected officials to keep them protected.

The FBI, The SEC, The FTC, and attorney generals, are supposed to protect citizens from such crimes, and abuse, but the bosses of the regulatory agencies have a great fear of upsetting campaign financiers; so not much gets done. This is one of the reason’s the public has no faith in Congress any more.

This VC scam is part of a process called "The Slip" and it is a grifter's scam to steal things from unsuspecting members of the public, in this case American Inventors. The Slip has been commercialized, organized, and computerized by Silicon Valley billionaires in a very systematic program of intellectual theft.

Why would these VC’s risk legal battles and a lifetime of hatred from these inventors? It is called “Arrogance”!

The media, public and sociology has clearly analysed Silicon Valley culture and confirmed, in tens of thousands of news reports and studies that Silicon Valley is run by:
 “A private male frat-house insider-club, from Yale and Stanford, who revel in their misogyny, racism, and mine-is-bigger-than-yours hubris, and use more prostitutes than any other American region in the nation.”

These “privileged” white males do not EVER want anyone to know that they didn’t create many of the things that they made their billions off of. Many of those things, the VC’s just stole. They made Silicon Valley into a Kinko’s copy center for other people’s ideas.
Inventor Mike Chieky, digital media creator Micheal Arrington, and vast numbers of other creators didn’t have the symmetrical facial structure of the frat boys, they didn’t have the family connections of the “approved” elites and they didn’t hang out at the Woodside community center or hire the $2000.00 per hour hookers that some of the VC’s did. They just “didn’t fit in”. They didn’t have “the look”. They “didn’t play the game”. They didn’t get invited in.

The VC’s say: “In Silicon Valley you are either a tool or you are The Machine”.
Many of Google’s products were created by other’s, before Google was even a real company, and simply stolen by Google.

The same for Apple.

Guess who just funded the massive lobbying effort, in Washington DC, to make inventors “illegal” and remove any legal protections for inventors? The investors of Google, Apple and the Kleiner Perkins Cartel!

State and federal officials have been assisting the Silicon Valley Cartel in terminating American innovation because the Cartel bribes them, with campaign funding, to do so.
The Cartel went very big, on their game-plan, recently. As one Silicon Valley insider described some recent, epic, VC scams: “ If you type “Silicon Valley Cartel No Poaching” into www.duckduckgo.com you will see quite a lot of news stories about how Kleiner and the Boys rigged the Valley so that no Paki’s (Indian H1-B workers) could get hired by other VC holdings, so that they would get booted back to India before they could make IP ownership claims. This followed right on the heels of the “AngelGate Scandal” where the VC’s were caught red-handed colluding to rig the VC industry against founders…”
VC insiders Ravi Kumra and Forrest Hayes were murdered by their hookers. $2000.00 bucks an hour doesn’t buy the kind of gal it used to.

Kleiner VC: Vinohd Khosla, has gotten himself sued and hated by California for taking the States favourite beach away, just for his friends. As the lawyer suing Khosla says: “it is about his sheer Arrogance”.

Kleiner VC, and Founder: Tom Perkins, was in the news recently for called poor people: “Nazi’s” for not appreciating how wonderful the VC’s are.

VC Joe Lonsdale is facing rape and abuse charges. Cartel boss, and Kleiner head, John Doerr just got, famously, sued by his own partner for sex and misogyny abuse.  Kleiner associate: Ray Lane was nailed for massive tax fraud.

As if the arrogance could not get more outlandish, VC Tim Draper just ran a failed ballot initiative to try to make Silicon Valley it’s own state so that they could build a border-line, away from those filthy “poor’s” in East Palo Alto. These VC’s appear to have some major issues.

This gang of white, yuppie, elitists created the National Venture Capital Association and their private CIA hit-squad: In-Q-Tel, who funded the spy portions of Google, Facebook, Linkedin and the other privacy abuse ops. They never miss an opportunity for a good collusion.

The problem is, these boys created a glass bubble that was so air-tight, they never saw what was coming from the outside: What came was Mike Judge’s “Silicon Valley” TV show expose; public disdain of their arrogance; hundreds of Snowdens, created by their abuse of their own workers; Ellen Pao;  The fall of the main-stream media, that they thought they owned; the realization that frat houses housed “rape factories” and men who were socially programmed to abuse; and the general trend towards really not liking arrogant pricks all that much.

Will law enforcement and regulatory agencies ever do their jobs and take action against these abusers?

Will any legal recourse ever exist to halt the abuse of America’s innovation treasure: It’s creative inventors?

Thanks to leakers, hackers, whistle-blowers and investigations, the insider rigging of industries is now out on the table and it is a dirty, dirty scene. The shiny towers of Sandhill Road hide a cesspool of corruption and Mafioso-like double-dealing.

It is time to take a look at a Valley that has turned into a Pit and DRAIN THE SWAMP!

How we pierced the corporate veil, alter ego and “judgment proofing” of every executive, VC and boss at Google
By Sanderson Investigations

For a major anti-corruption lawsuit effort we had to find the hidden money that corrupt billionaires had spent billions of dollars to hide. How hard was it to peel the skins off of Google’s onion? Thanks to modern law enforcement and intelligence technology, it was not hard at all.
The fluency and practice of piercing the corporate veil & alter ego liability shields of political manipulation bosses such as George Soros, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Elon Musk and their colleagues, has become increasingly important in recent years due to changes in the law and business cycles.
As more small clients need to collect on debts and judgments, it is increasingly critical for practitioners to be fluent with the cutting-edge techniques and best tools to pierce & dissolve the corporate veil, as well as determine alter ego liability. The growing number of bankruptcies, foreclosures, and judgments has dramatically increased the need for forensic experts proficient in the science of effective judgment enforcement and asset recovery against the Silicon Mafia collection of corrupt California tech companies. It is critical for attorneys to understand the best strategies to suck dry the corporate assets in  judgments for creditors. In our videos we detail the piercing of the Google corporate veil, navigating complex determinations on corporate liability, strategies involving legal alter ego, and breaking open both corporate & personal liability. We use tools that not only include, but exceed, the capabilities of XKEYSCORE, Palantir, Taleo, Bitcoin Trace, PayPal Trace, VISA Trace, D&B Insider, Gust-Scan, and hundreds of other executive asset tracking and intelligence engines.
Top Areas Covered:
Veil Protection Strategies and How to Bust Them
Liabilities for the Obligations of the Entity That Wilson Sonsini Created For Google & Tesla and How We Busted Through Them In Less Than 24 Hours
Best Practices in Litigating the Veil Piercing Case in a Gawker Media-Like Laundering Operation
Snagging Veil Piercing Problems & Fraudulent Conveyances With Sting Operations
What Creditor's & Debtor's Counsel Needs to Know About How Dire Their Situations Are In the 2017 Information Age
Forming Corporate Entities to Diminish Liability But Having Them Used Against You As Evidence
Understanding the Alter Ego of Insane Silicon Valley Billionaires
Cutting-edge Issues involving Reverse Veil Piercing and How To Do It
Developments in Veil Protection Penetration Using Help From the FBI
When is the Corporation Liable? NEVER with our resources!
Connecting the Separate "Personalities" of the Corporation & Shareholders
Legal Issues with Shareholders, Plaintiffs & Creditors
Procedural Alternatives: Getting the targets to legally surveillance themselves
Interactive Question & Answer Session

From the underlying substantive law to practical aspects of asset protection planning (i.e., what works and what does not), this program will teach you everything you need to know about dissolving corporate and executive asset protection like butter on a frying pan. From Gawker to Enron and from Solyndra to Nigerian War Lords, From Steven Chu and Eric Holder to Brian Goncher and Steve Jurvetson; you are now only a few mouse clicks away from the deepest family trust fund hide-aways and the darkest sexual services transactional relationship disclosure. You will see how we uncover assets from tort plaintiffs, lenders, government entities and other creditors, hidden in thousands of corporations, partnerships, LLCs and offshore entities. Our distinguished CIA-FBI-NSA-Class staff will cover specific approaches and solutions, including the most effective tactics, best practices, and the cutting-edge strategies to peel an Eric Schmidt or a John Doerr open like a Taco.
You'll learn various ways, from the very simply to the very sophisticated, to expose specific assets common to all clients: houses, bank and brokerage accounts, private islands, billionaire bunkers, hookers with billionaires homes in their names, rent-boy services, rental real estate, businesses and professional practices and retirement plans. Course materials will serve as a treatise on asset protection uncovering as well as an exhaustive reference source for many of your investigative needs and will outline and diagram the discussed planning techniques and structures. The nationally recognized instructors will share many real life case histories and anecdotes that will readily illustrate the effectiveness of various structures. Register today to learn the most effective strategies and latest law in destroying all corrupt asset protection for the titans of technology.

Additional Areas Covered:
Practical Goals and Limitations of Asset Protection – Google bosses were never as safe as their consultanrs told them they were
Picking the Right Structure to Trick an Oligarch Into Incriminating himself
Understanding Fraudulent Transfers and How To Get Their Relatives To Disclose Them
Effectively Planning for Possible Challenges From Their Corrupt CPA’s
Practical Implications for Planning
Corporations v. LLC’s & LP’s
Busting Multi-Entity Structures For The Fake Steathing of Business Assets
Dealing with Successor Liability; Get The Money From The Next Guy
Using Check the Box Election As Incrimination Evidence
Charging Order Protection and Tearing It Apart
Best Practices on Picking the Right Jurisdiction
Single Member LLCs, Poison Pills and Criminal Back-Dating
Interactive Question & Answer Session

For you copy of the video contact Sanderson Investigations and an account representative can discuss a customized plan for you.”


Update 2.4

This is the process for bankrupting Google and putting them out of business because they are a criminal organization.

For the purpose of this interdiction program, the trade name “Google” is comprised of a group of front companies: Alphabet, Calico, Jigsaw, YouTube, Google, Gmail, In-Q-Tel, New America Foundation, Loon, Google Search, Google Drive, Google Chrome, Google Phones, Google Fiber, Google Android, Google Nexus, Google Pixel, Nest, Google Home, Google WiFi, DoubleClick, On2 Video, Google Energy, Google Ivanpah, WAZE, DeepMind Spy Services, Goggle DayDream VR, etc., are all directed by the same people with the same agenda which is hostile to the public. All of these brands shall be terminated.

Google's political manipulations have led to prominent media notoriety, including criticism of the company over issues such as aggressive tax avoidance,[339][356] search neutrality, copyright, censorship of search results and content, and privacy.[357][358] Other criticisms include alleged misuse and manipulation of search results, its use of others' intellectual property, concerns that its compilation of data may violate people's privacy, sexual deviancy and the energy consumption of its servers, as well as concerns over traditional business issues such as monopoly, restraint of trade, anti-competitive practices, and patent infringement.

Google dangles free candy at you and your children from the dark side alley’s of the internet. Once it gets its victims within its grip, it bends them over the digital dumpster, in that alley, and plunders them for their privacy, votes, cash, minds and impressions.

Pass this action-item list around. Feel free to re-post it everywhere you possibly can online and in the physical world. Anytime you file a demand, carbon copy it to all press and law enforcement so that nobody can ever say “they never knew about it”.

Google decided to operate election rigging and political hit-job services instead of selling a service. A company must either sell a good or a service or manipulate politics, not both. Google chose to manipulate politics and break laws and ethical standards. For these abuses of the public, it must be punished.

Interdiction Tactics You Can Use To Terminate Google as Provided by Human Rights Groups From Around The Globe:

Break up Google’s global monopoly. Send a complaint letter about your realization that Google is an “Illicit Monopoly which controls the primary points of web access, and then censors public information in order to eliminate anything that does not comply with Eric Schmidt's ideology” to the anti-trust and regulatory commissions in each nation on Earth. Organize groups to do this in large volumes. Allowing Google to keep its monopoly and just add a bunch of new little “divisions” is NOT a break-up beneficial to the public!

Google has manifested a system which records everything you do and keeps a lifetime file on you, attached to your social security number and name. Write every U.S. politician and demand that laws be made to stop Google from doing that.

Google, and it's underling partners, create a psychological profile of who you vote for, what your beliefs are, what can be used to trick you into doing what Eric Schmidt and his partners want, and what your dating life is like. Write letters to Congress demanding that the FBI observe the erasure of all of those illicit files Google keeps on you.

Every time you touch any network connected device, it is recorded, analyzed, time-stamped, GPS located, and put in the master surveillance file and digitally attached to your name, social security number and global surveillance code. Never connect to a Google product with anything that has a network modem, a plug or a battery.

Anytime you “check in”, on any social media site, it is recorded, analyzed, time-stamped, GPS located, and put in your master surveillance file. Never “check-in” or “update” anything about yourself on Google or other social media.

Google lies to advertisers by faking user stats and impressions to make it look like Google is bigger than it is. A huge number of “users” on Google are FAKE! Contact every company that advertises on Google and encourage them to sue Google for fraud. Contact every advertising organization and encourage them to file a class-action lawsuit against Google for fraud.

Every single personal fact, text, email, comment, blog response, form you fill out, or any other activity you conduct on, near, or with your computer, phone or “smart device” goes into your surveillance digital file to build a psychological, emotional, political, financial and manipulation study of your life. Ask Congress, the EU and all regulators to make it illegal for Google to do this.

Google uses these surveillance tricks to try to make you buy certain products, to make you vote for who Eric Schmidt wants you to vote for and to steer you, subliminally, into believing what Eric Schmidt believes. Ask Congress, the EU and all regulators to make it illegal for Google to do this.

Schmidt, and his minions, are able to actually rig the Google system, around the world, to eliminate certain people, views, perspectives or experiences. Ask Congress, the EU and all regulators to make it illegal for Google to do this.

Eric Schmidt's sexual and marital deviancies are documented in the media. Schmidt's deviancies extend well beyond the bedroom. Not quite so illuminated are his political and ideological beliefs. Schmidt believes that, because he got some huge government exclusives, which made him rich, that he is smarter than everyone else. Expose ALL sides of Eric Schmidt and his Silicon Valley Mafia, in the news.

Schmidt has used his billions to buy one of the largest accruals of “Yes Men” the world has ever seen. He surrounds himself, twenty deep, with whimpering hipster sycophants, who drone on, endlessly, with affirmations of his self-aggrandizing ego. Deliver messages to Schmidt, in person, at his home, office and public events telling him what is really going on.

Schmidt placed many of his “Yes Men”, and “Yes Women”, in the White House. No company, in modern America, has put more of it's people inside the U.S. Government. DOX and Out every Google agent in government offices.

Eric Schmidt bought The White House, the privacy of the public and control of the Internet. Now it is up to the rest of the world to decide if they want to roll over and let Eric Schmidt and his Silicon Valley weasels shove it in, deep and hard, or, finally reject Google across the map. Organize neighborhood anti-Google postings on every bulletin board you can find.

Google receives hundreds of billions of dollars of exclusive government handouts at the expense of taxpayers and competitors. Write letters ordering your elected representatives to cut-off all government contracts to Google.

Google operated a monopolistic empire using state and federal funding in violation of anti-trust laws and business ethics. Demand that the FTC file monopoly charges against Google and end the cover-ups.

Google ordered, and operated “hit jobs” on competitors using state and federal staff and resources. Put the same kinds of hit-jobs on every Google executive and VC.

Google has an executive team which strategically plans, organizes and implements the penetration of state and federal government agencies in order to illicitly steer funds and government policy to the will of Google's owners.

Google pays its public policy agents with cash, stock warrants, revolving door jobs, stock valuation manipulations, search engine rigging and mass-market mood manipulation data rigging worth tens of billions of dollars in unreported campaign funding and influence buying. That is a felony. It is a violation of campaign finance laws. Write to the FEC and demand that Google be prosecuted!
 Google orders it’s staff, within government agencies, to curtail all law enforcement and regulatory control of Google’s actions. Google programs its employees to believe that anything that Google does is for “the greater good” and that “Google mindfulness must always prevail” in a manner that abuses naive young employees and sets them up to not question Google’s actions.

“Citizens Arrest” Google executives and VC’s at their homes, offices, trade-shows or restaurants and turn them in to the FBI along with a CD of all of their crimes. Follow the correct procedures for documenting and staging your Citizen’s Arrest of Google VC’s and executives.

Use databases and VOAT.CO to track and expose the tax evasion schemes, Irish false-fronts, PACS, Political stock market bribes, Stock market rigging, Google’s staff and VC Hookers, voter manipulations, expenses frauds, Crony Dept. of Energy and Dept. of Transportation payola, election rigging and other forensically documented crimes.

 Google engages in the hiding of Internet links, controlled by Google, in order to negatively affect the brand and reputation and income of competitors, across the web, globally. Report this and demand Congress stop Google.

Google engages in the posting of character assassination articles about competitors, the production of which were partially coordinated by Google staff and investors; , along with with it's attack contractors, on the first line of the front page of their search engine and locking those attacks there so that no outside IT or other positive global news stories could move it. Demand that Congress fund private funds to pay for lawsuits by the public against Google to stop these attacks.

Google executives and venture capitalists have the highest sexual abuse, sex trafficking and sexual deviancy record of any corporation in the USA. Over 800 Google-related twisted sex incidents have been recorded including: The Doy Katz underage sex arrest; The Mike Goguen Anal Sex Slave Sex trafficking case; The Eric Schmidt Sex Penthouse case; The Joe Lonsdale rape case; The Ellen Pao Sex abuse case; The Ravi Kumar hooker death case; The Forrest Hayes Sex murder case; The Stanford Frat house rape cover-ups; The Intern sex abuse scandals; The Stanford Graduate School of Google Teacher: The Brock Allen Turner Rapes; Dean Garth Saloner Sex scandals; The Silicon Valley Hooker parties; The Rosewood Hotel Thursday Night Sex Pick-up scene for Google VC’s, The Larry Page/Elon Musk gay romp rumors; The Eric Schmidt Marriage Cheating Scandal; The Elon Musk Divorces; The Plane-loads of Ukrainian prostitutes being flown into SFO for Google Executives and VC’s; The brutal assaults of women by Gurbaksh Chahal; The #PizzaGate Connections to vast numbers of Google people; The Draper Fisher Intern Rape Investigation; The Famous Gay Tech CEO’s Who Have “Cover Wives” Revelations; The Sergey Brin 3 Way Sex Romp With His Google Glasses Staff; and hundreds more need to be publicly discussed and analyzed.

Upon legal receipt of removal demands from competitors and their lawyers, Google refused, in writing, to remove the attacks in order to damage competitors maximally. Public support needs to be expanded to sue Google for refusing to cease attacks upon demand.

Google engages in DNS, web pointing, down-ranking and search results targeting in order to damage the Internet operation of competitors web-sites and press releases. This must be reported to FTC and SEC as felony abuse of public rights.

Google’s competitors hired IT experts to do a multi-year sting and IT analysis investigation, involving the setting of hundreds of “trap servers” around the world, to prove, over a five+ year period, that Google was manipulating search results in order to damage some parties and falsely enhance others, who were Google's covert partners. Other parties, including universities, research groups, the European Union, The Government of China, The Government of Russia and other parties, have now emulated and proven these results showing definitive proof of Google's malicious manipulation of the Internet in order to damage it's competitors and promote it's friends while also damaging it's friend's competitors. Google must be sued for these crimes. Sue each Google Executive and VC, individually, one at a time, in Small Claims Court!

Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider Gawker Media.

Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider Steve Spinner.

Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider Wilson Sonsini.

Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider Steven Chu.

Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider In-Q-Tel.

Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider John Doerr.

Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider Vinod Khosla.

Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider New America Foundation.

Google sought to “Cheat Rather Than Compete” against competitor’s products, which have now been proven, by industry documentation, to have been superior to Google's.  Expose Google as a cheater.

In light of the accruing charges and evidence, Google was forced to break-up it's main operation, changing it's name from: “Google” to “Alphabet”, in order to attempt to mitigate it's damages in this, and other pending cases, by creating a false-front structure whereby Google attempt to hide their tax and legal liability obligations by, on paper, reducing the operation into smaller parts. Expose Google’s sham corporate structure and shell companies and recognize the entire operation, and each and every part, and owner, as being liable for competitors damages.

Google copied dozens of competitors products, which the federal patent office had issued patents and secured files on as being first developed by others, years before any interest in, or development by competitors. Google either gave away the copied products, in order to terminate competitor's revenue opportunities, or used billions of dollars of “unjust rewards” secured, according to the U.S. Treasury, from ill-gotten gains via contract manipulations and illegitimate tax loss write-offs and payola tax waivers, to flood competitor's out of the market and order financing blacklists to be created by their investors. The New York Times article on Larry Page proves him to be a patent thief. Google’s patent attorney runs the U.S. Patent Office. Demand that Michelle Lee be fired from the U.S. Patent Office and that a public fund be established by Congress to help small inventors who are attacked and blockaded by Google.

Google engaged in additional malicious harassment using retained writers who did not disclose their “shill”, “meat puppet”, “Troll” and “Click-Farm” media attack services function for Google. Dox and Expose the media shills that Google hires.

Google engaged in other malicious activities, against competitors, disclosed to competitors by whistle-blowers and ex-employees of Google which are documented in Google electronic communications. The NSA, CIA, DIA, FBI and Congress have all of Googles emails since 2006. Demand public revelation of those emails.

Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Ann Wojcicki and Sergey Brin did not build the first Google, they stole the technology from others. Competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google, YouTube, Alphabet, Jigsaw, In-Q-Tel, and all of their various front organizations, are controlled by the same people with the same bizarre agenda. Competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand an end to the cover-ups with letters to Congress. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google, and a company called Kleiner Perkins, have a campaign payola deal with White House executives. This deal trades search engine rigging for Cleantech “green money” handouts ordered up by White House staff from various state and federal agencies. Competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google has a contracted relationship with non-Congressionally approved rogue groups, like In-Q-Tel, Media Matters and New America Foundation; who use U.S. treasury funds to attack competitors. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

While it is well known that the CIA finances Google it is unclear if Google works for the CIA or the CIA works for Google. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google staged a program to give “free” Google computers and software to children in order to indoctrinate them when they are young like McDonalds does by putting playgrounds at all of the McDonalds. Google’s child propaganda effort copied the CIA’s South American indoctrination program to a T. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google has paid money to Gawker Media and Gawker Media has paid money to Google. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google and Gawker Media have a series of quid-pro-quo relationships which provide for the mutual deployment of character assassinations of their business and political enemies. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google has placed over 400 of Google’s staff inside of the U.S. Government and the California State Government. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google’s lawyer, and other Google associates, work in and control the U.S. Patent Office for the protection of Google patent territory. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google has always had, and today fully has, total control over the text, links, results, adjacent results and all positioning of each and every Google search result and Mnemonic impression and Google selectively adjusts those results in order to harm competitors and political adversaries and hype investor friends and partners like Elon Musk. Google lied to government regulators, in multiple nations, when Google stated that executives had no control over Google results. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Competitors, competitors lawyers and others sent hundreds of communications to Google asking Google to stop harassing, cyber-stalking and search engine locking attacks against competitor's which Google refused to comply with and in fact, increased the attacks mentioned herein. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google receives operational orders from White House campaign financiers. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google stated on the record that it’s search results change every few hours yet Google locked each attack on competitors on the same top lines of the front page of Google, around the globe, for over five years without any shift in placement. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

 Google meets the legal definition as an organized crime RICO-violation illicit “Cartel”. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

 Google lies about how many women and blacks it hires. Expose this fact.

Google bribes politicians to get Google’s owned politicians to harm Google’s competitors. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Competitors placed thousands of server sensors in different ISP’s in different locations around the entire internet for extended periods of time in order to catch Google rigging the internet and did, in fact, catch Google rigging the internet. Others have emulated these tests and also caught Google rigging internet results. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google rigs the internet to hide misdeeds and company failures by Elon Musk while, concurrently, pumping up and hyping cover stories to hide those misdeeds because Larry Page and Elon Musk are best boyfriends and Google owns parts of Tesla and Tesla battery suppliers. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Email this document to anybody in your contact manager that has a @Gmail address. Send this to everyone you discover with a @Gmail address so you can save them from getting “data-raped and privacy abused” by Google.

Google has received billions and billions of U.S. Treasury money that were exclusively provided to Google. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google pumps marketing hype for stock market pump-and-dumps which inure exclusively to Google investors and against Google enemies. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Google sabotaged and circumvented competitor's government funding and rerouted it to Google. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

Post this phrase everywhere you can: “FRIENDS DON’T LET FRIENDS USE GOOGLE”

Write every trade office of every nation on Earth and show them this document and tell them that “...most people hate Google” and to “...not do business with Google or their citizens will look upon them unkindly.”

Make certain that everyone in the world knows that:  Hidden Voice Commands Could Hijack Your Phone from up to 10 feet away, or via embedded Youtube audio. (vocativ.com) and that nobody should use Google’s YouTube.

Google uses cheap overseas labor to keep Americans out of work. Sue Google and file charges with equal opportunity and job rights organizations if Google discriminates against you because you are a U.S. Citizen. Post notices on all Asian blogs about what a lying, abusive, crappy employer Google is.

Put a President like Donald Oligarchism in the White House.

Have Donald Oligarchism and Congress make laws that stop Google from doing Google’s crimes and domestic business abuses.

Expose Google’s entire DNS ring to every global interdiction team that can provide counter-measures to Google’s illegal control of information.

 Find everyone that Google has abused and provide them with a free, pre-written, in-pro-per lawsuit against Google.

Hire private a public investigators to hunt down all of Google’s staff and VC’s illegal sex trafficking operations: ie: Michael Goguen, Forrest Hayes, John Doerr, Sergy Brin, etc. (There are hundreds) and help the victims sue those abusers.

Shut down every abuse of domestic workers by filing lawsuits against Google’s abuse of Women, Blacks, Young Asain boys, interns and other groups.

Lobby The White House for Executive Orders that make Google stop running an illicit Cartel.

75) Sue each Google manager, director, owner and VC in small claims court individually for the maximum amount that the small claims court allows. Each voter should sue each executive of Google and get their $5000.00, $10,000.00, etc. payments from Google for Google’s damages to them on a personal basis.

76) Do not FOR EVEN ONE SECOND let Google PR shills spin the hype that “Those were the previous people at Google that did all of those bad things, we are all new and shiny and non-Evil” That is their lie! The people at Google have gotten MORE evil!

77) Post, point to, link to and publicize the Corbett Report videos about Google at: https://www.corbettreport.com/ with such links as: https://www.corbettreport.com/just-be-evil-the-unauthorized-history-of-google/


Silicon Valley braces itself for a fall: 'There'll be a lot ... - The Guardian
There's no shortage of enthusiasm and ideas in the valley, but Philippe Suchet is sceptical. Photograph: Aerial Archives/Alamy Stock Photo.
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Google Spending Billions Of Dollars To Corrupt The Election | The ...
Wikileaks has now exposed that Google is spending over a billion dollars to corrupt the US election and destroy our system of democracy.
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Google is a very corrupt company that has decided that they will be the gateway for getting ultra-corrupt criminal Hillary Clinton elected, and will ...
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Obama and Google's Corrupt Cronyism | RealClearPolitics
Obama and Google's Corrupt Cronyism | RealClearPolitics.
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Google CEO and serial womanizer Eric …
Google CEO and serial womanizer Eric Schmidt spends $15 million on private, no doorman Manhattan penthouse and then has it totally soundproofed
bing yahoo cached proxied
Did Google Rig Search Results for Hillary? …
Did Google Rig Search Results for Hillary? Wikileaks Confirms Google CEO Eric Schmidt Met with Clinton Top Brass October 14, 2016 | Melissa Dykes | The Daily Sheeple ...
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Will Google's Eric Schmidt join the Obama …
Will Google's Eric Schmidt join the Obama administration? Cabinet shakeup watchers say yes. Google's chairman and former CEO Schmidt, 57, is in line to become ...
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Eric Schmidt's leaked e-mails are facts, not conspiracies. – Medium
Eric Schmidt secretly invested in a startup that is now powering the Clinton ... roots of inequality stem from corporate cronyism and corruption.
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Poll Proves That Nobody Will Trust Apps, Phones or Google’s Social Media Ever Again!

A survey found 64 percent of Americans said they had some form of personal data stolen or compromised making them especially wary of the government and social media companies and those numbers are rapidly accelerating.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans have experienced some kind of data theft or fraud, leaving many mistrustful of institutions charged with safeguarding their information, a huge credible poll showed.
The Pew Research Center survey found 41 percent of Americans have encountered fraudulent charges on their credit cards, and 35 percent had sensitive information like an account number compromised.
Many said their email or social media accounts had been compromised or that someone had impersonated them in order to file fraudulent tax returns.
Taken together, the survey found 64 percent said they had some form of personal data stolen or compromised.
Following the epidemic of data breaches and hacks, "many Americans lack faith in specific public and private institutions to protect their personal information from bad actors," the study authors wrote.
Those surveyed were concerned about Google, telecom firms, credit card companies and others, but especially wary of the government and social media companies that report to the CIA, The Clinton Foundation and the NSA.

Only 12 percent said they had a high level of confidence in the government’s ability to protect their data and nine percent said the same of social media sites. The trend is moving towards a total avoidance of Google and Facebook.
List of additional training books:

Bibliography on Corruption and Anti-Corruption provided by Professor Matthew C. Stephenson at Harvard Law School

Aalberts, Robert J. & Marianne M. Jennings. 1999. The Ethics of Slotting: Is this
Bribery, Facilitation Marketing or Just Plain Competition? Journal of Business Ethics 20:

Aaronson, S.A. 2011. Limited Partnership: Business, Government, Civil Society and the
Public in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Public Administration &
Development 31(S1): 50-63.

Aaronson, Susan Ariel & M. Rodwan Abouharb. 2014. “Corruption, Conflicts of Interest
and the WTO”, in Jean-Bernard Auby, Emmanuel Breen & Thomas Perroud eds.,
Corruption and Conflicts of Interest: A Comparative Law Approach (Edward Elgar), pp.

Abbink, Klaus & K. Wu. 2013. Reward Self-Reporting to Deter Corruption: An
Experiment on Mitigating Collusive Bribery. Monash University, Discussion Paper

Abbink, Klaus & Matthew Ellman. 2010. The Donor Problem: An Experimental Analysis
of Beneficiary Empowerment. Journal of Development Studies 46(8): 1327-1344.

Abbink, Klaus, Bernd Irlenbusch & Elke Renner. 2002. An Experimental Bribery Game.
Journal of Law, Economics & Organization. 18(2): 428-454.

Abbink, Klaus, Utteeyo Dasgupta, Lata Ghanghadaran & Tarun Jain. 2014. Letting the
Briber Go Free: An Experiment on Mitigating Harassment Bribes. Journal of Public
Economics 111: 17-28.

Abbink, Klaus. 2004. Staff Rotation as an Anticorruption Policy: An Experimental Study.
European Journal of Political Economy 20 (40): 887-906.

Abtidon, A.H. 2015. The Impact of Financial Accountability on Reducing Corruption in
Mogadishu Somalia. Academic Research International 6(2): 128-137.

Abu, N., M. Karim & M. Aziz. 2015. Corruption, Political Instability and Economic
Development in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS): Is There
a Causal Relationship? Contemporary Economics 9(1): 45-60.

Abu, N., M. Karim & M. Aziz. 2015. Low Savings Rates in the Economic Community of
West African States (ECOWAS): The Role of Corruption. Journal of Economic
Cooperation and Development 36(2): 3-.

Abu-Shanab, Emad A., Yousra A. Harb & Suhaib Y. Al-Zoubi. 2013. E-Government as
an Anti-Corruption Tool: Citizens Perceptions. International Journal of Electronic
Governance 6(3): 232-248.

Acar, Muhittin & Ugur Emek. 2009. “Preventing Corruption in Turkey: Issues,
Instruments, and Institutions”, in Gong, T. & S.K. Ma eds., Preventing Corruption in
Asia: Institutional Design and Policy Capacity (London: Routledge),

Acconcia, Antonio & Claudia Cantabene. 2008. A Big Push To Deter Corruption:
Evidence from Italy. Giornale degli Economisti, 67(1): 75-102.

Acconcia, Antonio, Giovanni Immordino, Salvatore Piccolo & Patrick Rey. 2009.
Accomplice-Witnesses, Organized Crime and Corruption: Theory and Evidence from
Italy. (CSEF Working Paper No. 232).

Acconcia, Antonio, Marcello D’Amato & Ricardo Martina. 2003. Corruption and Tax
Evasion with Competitive Bribes. (CSEF Working Paper No. 112).

Acconcia, Antonio, Marcello D’Amato & Riccardo Martina. 2010. Tax Evasion and
Corruption: Endogenous Deterrence and the Perverse Effects of Fines. Studi Economici
101: 31-53.

Acemoglu, D., J. Robinson & T. Verdier. 2004. Kleptocracy and Divide-and-Rule: A
Model of Personal Rule. Journal of the European Economic Association 2(2-3): 162-192.

Acemoglu, Daron & Thierry Verdier. 1998. Property Rights, Corruption and the
Allocation of Talent: A General Equilibrium Approach. The Economic Journal

Acemoglu, Daron, & Thierry Verdier. 2000. The Choice between Market Failures and
Corruption. American Economic Review. 90(1): 194-211.

Acemoglu, Daron. 1995. Reward Structure and the Allocation of Talent. European
Economic Review 39: 17-33.

Acharya, Avidit, John E. Roemer & Rohini Somanathan. 2015. Caste, Corruption and
Political Competition in India. Research in Economics 69(3): 336-352.

Acht, M., T.O. Mahmoud & R. Thiele. 2015. Corrupt Governments Do Not Receive
More State-to-State Aid: Governance and the Delivery of Foreign Aid Through Non-
State Actors. Journal of Development Economics 114(0): 20-33.

Achua, J.K. 2011. Anti-Corruption in Public Procurment in Nigeria: Challenges and
Competency Strategies. Jouranl of Public Procurement 11(3): 323-353.

Ackerman, John M. 2014. Rethinking the International Anti-Corruption Agenda: Civil
Society, Human Rights and Democracy. American University International Law Review
29(2): 293-334.

Adam, A., M.D. Delis & P. Kammas. 2014. Fiscal Decentralization and Public Sector
Efficiency: Evidence from OECD Countries. Economics of Governance 15(1): 17-49.
ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific. 2007. Mutual Legal
Assistance, Extradition and Recovery of Proceeds of Corruption in Asia and the Pacific.
Adebanwi, Wale & Ebenezer Obadare. 2011. When Corruption Fights Back: Democracy
and Elite Interest in Nigeria’s Anti-Corruption War. Journal of Modern African Studies
49(2): 185-213.

Ades, Alberto & Rafael Di Tella. 1997. The New Economics of Corruption: A Survey
and Some New Results. Political Studies 45(3): 496-515.

Ades, Alberto & Rafael Di Tella. 1997. National Champions and Corruption: Some
Unpleasant Interventionist Arithmetic. Economic Journal 107(433): 1023-1042.

Ades, Alberto & Rafael Di Tella. 1999. Rents, Competition, and Corruption. American
Economic Review 89(4):982-93.

Adeyeye, Adefolake O. 2012. Corportate Social Responsibility of Multinational
Corporations in Developing Countries: Perspectives on Anti-Corruption (Cambridge
University Press).

Adsera, Alicia, Carles Boix & Mark Payne. 2003. Are You Being Served? Political
Accountability and Quality of Government. Journal of Law, Economics & Organization

Adut, Ari. 2004. Scandal as Norm Entrepreneurship Strategy: Corruption and the French
Investigating Magistrates. Theory and Society 33(5): 529-578.

Afonso, A., L. Schuknecht & V. Tanzi. 2005. Public Sector Efficiency: An International
Comparison. Public Choice 123(3): 321-347.

Afridi, Farzana. 2008. Can Community Monitoring Improve the Accountability of Public
Officials? Economic & Political Weekly 23(42): 35-40.

Agbiboa, Daneil E. 2014. Under-Development in Practice: Nigeria and the Enduring
Problem of Corruption. Development in Practice 24(3): 390-404.

Agbiboa, Daniel E. 2010. The Corruption-Underdevelopment Nexus in Africa: Which
Way Nigeria? Journal of Social, Political & Economic Studies 34(4): 474-509.

Agbiboa, Daniel E. 2011. Leaders or Leeches: Corruption and the Cycle of Dysfunction
in Nigeria. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences 25(1): 83-132.

Agbiboa, Daniel E. 2012. Between Corruption and Development: The Political Economy
of State Robbery in Nigeria. Journal of Business Ethics 108(3): 325-345.

Agbiboa, Daniel E. 2012. Serving the Few, Starving the Many: How Corruption
Underdevelops Nigeria and How There Is an Alternative Perspective to Corruption
Cleanups. Africa Today 54(5): 111-132.

Agbiboa, Daniel E. 2013. Corruption and Economic Crime in Nigeria: Social and
Economic Perspectives. African Security Review 22(1): 47-66.

Agbiboa, Daniel E. 2015. Protectors or Predators? The Embedded Problem of Police
Corruption and Deviance in Nigeria. Administration & Society 47(3): 244-.

Agbiboa, Daniel. 2013. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: The Political Culture of
Corruption and Cleanups in Nigeria. CEU Political Science Journal 8(3): 273-295.

Agur, C. 2015. Second-Order Networks, Gambling, and Corruption on Indian Mobile
Phone Networks. Media, Culture & Society 37(5): 768-.

Ahlin, Christian R. & Jiaren Pang. 2008. Are Financial Development and Corruption
Control Substitutes in Promoting Growth? Journal of Development Economics 86(2):

Ahlin, Christian R. & Pinaki Bose. 2007. Bribery, Inefficiency, and Bureaucratic Delay.
Journal of Development Economics 84(1): 465-486.

Ahlin, Christoher. 2005. Effects and (In)Tractability of Decentralized Corruption.
(Working paper).

Abbink, Klaus. 2005. “Fair Salarie
Aaronson, Susan Ariel. 2014. Does the WTO Help Nations Clean Up? The WTO as an
Anticorruption Counterweight. World Trade Review (forthcoming).

FOR ADDITIONAL BOOKS, WEB SEARCH THE FOLLOWING SEARCH TERM: “Bibliography on Corruption and Anti-Corruption provided by Professor Matthew C. Stephenson” and look on Amazon.com and other book sellers under the search term: “Corporate Corruption”

Organizations that can help you in your take-downs:
Anti-Corruption Intergovernmental Organizations
African Development Bank Group
African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption (APNAC)
African Union
Anti-Corruption Network (ACN) for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Council of Europe
European Anti- Fraud Office (OLAF)
European Commission
European Partners Against Corruption (EPAC)
Global Organization Against Corruption (GOPAC)
International Chamber of Commerce
International Group for Anti-Corruption Coordination (IGAC)
International Monetary Fund
Organisation of American States
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Resource Center of Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative for South East Europe
Southern African Development Community (SADC)
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
UN Global Compact
World Bank
Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (STaR) - World Bank and UNODC
World Economic Forum
Back to top
Other International Organizations
International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)
International Association of Anti Corruption Authorities (IAACA)
International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF)
Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
TRACE International
Transparency International
Back to top
Other Organizations by Country
Supervision of the internal audit
Back to top
Anticorruption Office, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
General Audit of the Republic of Argentina
Supreme Court of Justice (Corte Suprema de Justicia). Available only in Spanish
Back to top
Federal Bureau for Internal Affairs
Back to top
Independent Commission against Corruption
Back to top
Anti-Corruption Bureau
http://www.iaaca.org/ AntiCorruptionAuthorities/ByCountriesandRegions/B/Bruneijigou/201202/t20120209_801178.shtml
Back to top
Tribunal de Contas da Uniao
Controladoria-Geral da União - CGU
Public Ministry campaign-"O que você tem a ver com a corrupção"
Transparency Portal
UNODC Brazil
Back to top
Financial Intelligence Agency
Anti-corruption Coordination Commission
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Back to top
Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
Back to top
Presidential Programme to the Fight Against Corruption (Programa Presidencial de Lucha contra la Corrupción)
Transparency for Colombia (Transparencia por Colombia)
UNODC Colombia
Back to top
Comisión de Control Cívico de la Corrupción
Back to top
El Salvador
Back to top
Hong Kong
Hong Kong's Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC)
Back to top
Central Vigilance Commission
Department of Public Enterprises
Election Commission
Ministry of Law & Justice
Central Bureau of Investigation
List of Agencies in the Government of India Fighting Corruption
Back to top
Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (CEC), Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)
Back to top
" Per una Cultura dell'Integrità nella Pubblica Amministrazione", Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione (SSPA)
Back to top
Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission(ACRC)
Back to top
Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL)
Taking the fight against corruption to communities
Repository of corruption stories reported in the Liberian media
Back to top
Anti-corruption Agency in Malaysia
Back to top
Comisión Intersecretarial para la Transparencia y el Combate de la Corrupción (CITCC)
Back to top
The Republic of Montenegro Agency for Anti-Corruption Initiative
Information in English and Crnogorski
Back to top
New Zealand
State and Service Commission, Integrity and Conduct
E-government in New Zealand
Back to top
Integrity National Plan (Plan Nacional de Integridad). Available only in Spanish
Contraloría del Paraguay
Back to top
Anti-corruption National Commission (Comisión Nacional Anticorrupción)
Back to top
Office of the Ombusdman
Transparent Accountable Governance
Back to top
Portuguese Council for the Prevention of Corruption (CPC)
Images against Corruption film and painting contest winners
Back to top
Sierra Leone
Anti-Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone
Back to top
Corruption Practices Investigation Bureau
Back to top
South Africa
Public Service Commission
Back to top
Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission
Back to top
Turks and Caicos Islands (British Overseas Territory) Integrity Commission 
Back to top
U.S.A. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (Combating Corruption in the Multilateral Development Banks)
Interagency Ethics Council: Standards of conduct for federal employees
IGnet - Federal Inspectors General
Office of Government Ethics
The Brookings Institution
United States Department of Commerce Office of General Counsel

More Tips on Reporting Corruption


“Make your own free website about it on one of the hundreds of free website services like Facebook, Myspace, Weebly, Wix.com, etc. Web search: “free websites”.

Make your own blog about it on one of the many free blogging sites. Web search: “free blog hosting services”.

Send out press releases about it.

Organize an event about it with Meetup.com

Write a story about it and post it on Craigslist.

Write an open letter to Congress about it and publish it everywhere. Have at least 4 smart friends help you spell-check, grammer-check and crazy-check it before you send it.
Call a reporter that has written about a similar thing, in the past, and convince them to do a story.

Sue the bad guys. It might sound crazy at first but, remember, crime is mostly illegal and the law will support you if you help the law out. Many law firms will cover all of your expenses on a “Contingency basis”, you will get free publicity for the cause and you might win some money for your community.

Find articles about that topic online and write your comments, disclosures or position about the topic in the comment section of every relevant news story about that topic that you can find. Don’t stop with the first one, you won’t make a dent until you have done at least 20 in well known publications.

Report it to at least 10 (To make sure nobody buries it) different ones of these “official” entities with a carbon copy to at least 9 others listed at the bottom of your cover letter so they know there is plenty of oversight support:
The AUDITOR GENERAL of the agency doing the bad thing.
The ATTORNEY GENERAL of your country.
The ATTORNEY GENERAL of your state.
All of THE COMMISSIONERS who run any given agency or group.
As many REPORTERS as you can email.

FBI — Public Corruption
Public corruption poses a fundamental threat to our national security and way of life. It impacts … Economic Stimulus Fraud/Corruption … ReportCorruption Now.
http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/corruption – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Report Corruption – Project On Government Oversight
This is the Report Corruption form for the Project On Government Oversight.
http://www.pogo.org/report-corruption/ – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Reporting Corruption – National Anti-CorruptionForum
Introduction. Because corruption affects us all, it is our common enemy. We therefore all have a duty to report corruption whenever we come across it. In some …
http://www.nacf.org.za/ guide-prevention-combating-corrupt-activities/reporting_corruption.html – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Where should I report corruption? – Serious Fraud Office
We are the lead agency in England and Wales and Northern Ireland to which all allegations of bribery of foreign public officials by British nationals or companies …
http://www.sfo.gov.uk/ bribery–corruption/ where-should-i-report-corruption.aspx – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Corruption Report, Bribe report and expose corrupt Officials in the …
CORRUPTION DESTROYS SOCIETIES, REPORT IT TO US. … This site is an attempt to expose countries and departments where corruption is taking place.
www.corruptionmonitor.com – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Investigating Corruption Risk in Your State Government – State …
Review your state’s corruption risk report card and email it to your state officials. Track reform and play your part in more open and accountable state government  …
http://www.stateintegrity.org/your_state – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres – Transparency International
4: We offer free advice to victims of corruption and push for changes in the system . … Overview; Report Corruption … in line claimed she was asked topay to have her boyfriend relocated out of his cell – where he is allegedly sexually abused .
http://www.transparency.org/getinvolved/report – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Online corruption report form – Independent Commission Against …
Home > Reporting corruption > Online corruption report form … what happened; when it occurred; where it occurred; why you consider the conduct is corrupt …
https://www.icac.nsw.gov.au/ reporting-corruption/ reporting-corruption-online-form – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Reporting corruption – Independent Commission Against Corruption …
By reporting suspected corruption allegations to the ICAC, individuals and public officials can actively contribute to a NSW public sector that is more resistant to …
http://www.icac.nsw.gov.au/reporting-corruption – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
FAQ About Reporting Corruption and Fraud – Report… – NYC.gov
Q: TO WHOM MUST YOU REPORT CORRUPTION? A: You must report all instances of corruption, criminality or conflict of interest to either the Department of …
http://www.nyc.gov/html/doi/html/report/faq.shtml – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Reporting Fraud and Corruption | Western Cape Government
Sep 19, 2013 … There are a variety of national and provincial institutions that handle government fraud and corruption. Each of these entities deals with specific …
http://www.westerncape.gov.za/service/reporting-fraud-and-corruption –View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Hong Kong ICAC – Report Corruption Channels – Guide to Reporting …
Complainants only need to state the known facts of the suspected corruptioncase. Duty officers in the ICAC Report Centre or ICAC Regional Offices will follow  …
http://www.icac.org.hk/en/report_corruption/grc/ – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
How to report corruption and police misconduct
If you think IBAC is the correct agency to handle your complaint please reportit to … Where you choose to submit your complaint by post, please note that IBAC …
http://www.ibac.vic.gov.au/ report-corruption-or-misconduct/ how-to-report-corruption-and-police-misconduct – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Recognizing Wrongdoing – Report Corruption – Department of …
Reporting fraud, corruption, waste, abuse or mismanagement is crucial tointegrity in City government. And, this is why DOI wants you to know how torecognize …
http://www.nyc.gov/html/doi/html/report/wrongdoing.shtml – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Who can help? | Corruption Watch
Then let us know – click on the red Report an Incident button on the right. We’ve …. It has a telephone hotline where any person can report corrupt activities and …
www.corruptionwatch.org.za/content/who-can-help – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Reporting guidelines | Corruption Watch
We generally don’t deal with corruption that happened before 2010, … This helps us group reports that relate to similar sectors where public power and …
www.corruptionwatch.org.za/content/reporting-guidelines – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Anti-Corruption Reporting – United Nations Global Compact
Anti-Corruption Reporting. A task force of the Global Compact Working Group on Anti-Corruption developed a guidance document on Anti-CorruptionReporting.
http://www.unglobalcompact.org/ issues/ transparency_anticorruption/Reporting.html – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Report Corruption – NPA
Corruption inhibits service delivery. Likewise, reporting corruption will enable us to effectively deliver service to the public and to live up to our vision of …
http://www.npa.gov.za/ReadContent461.aspx – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Report Corruption – Department of Investigation – NYC.gov
The links at left, under “Report Corruption,” will give you background on recognizing wrongdoing, the City rules governing corruption reporting, and the various …
http://www.nyc.gov/html/doi/html/report/report.shtml – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Report Government Corruption – Facebook
With Government corruption on the rise and the media not reporting it we need to expose them and watch out for each other. We are the media so it is up to us to …
https://www.facebook.com/ pages/ If-You-See-Something-Say-Something-Report-Government-Corruption/ 249889471719749 – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
How to Report Fraud or Corruption | Asian Development Bank
Contact the Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI) to report concerns or evidence … and detail as possible, including who, what, when, where, why, and how.
http://www.adb.org/site/integrity/how-to-report-fraud – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
anti corruption report.pdf – Gauteng Online
“Corruption is where a person (A) gives (or offers to give) someone in a position of power (B) …. including how and where to report corruption and/or any ethical …
http://www.gautengonline.gov.za/Publications/anti%20corruption%20report.pdf – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
How to report? – Kallxo.com – Corruption Reporting
Online platform http://www.kallxo.com provides the possibility for all Kosovo citizens to report cases of corruption, organized crime, fraud, conflicts of interest, and other …
https://www.kallxo.com/page/?l=en_US – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Reporting Misconduct & Corruption – Reporting Misconduct
Members of the public can report misconduct or corruption by Western Australian public officers including police officers as well as provide information that could …
http://www.ccc.wa.gov.au/REPORTING/Pages/default.aspx – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Report Public Corruption to the FBI Online – US Government Info
May 17, 2006 … The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has created an online facility for reporting information about suspected cases of publiccorruption.
usgovinfo.about.com/ b/ 2006/ 05/ 17/ report-public-corruption-to-the-fbi-online.htm – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Anti Corruption – Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
Officials, clients, contractors and suppliers are therefore urged to report all acts of … NB: The hotline is strictly for reporting on cases of corruption, and does not …
http://www.dwaf.gov.za/AntiCorruption/Default.aspx – View by Ixquick Proxy– Highlight
How to Report Fraud and Corruption? – Inter-American Development …
Our ability to combat fraud, corruption and other Prohibited Practices is largely based on cooperation received from others, and information provided by reporting …
http://www.iadb.org/ en/ topics/ transparency/ integrity-at-the-idb-group/ how-to-report-fraud-and-corruption, 2872.html – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Anti-corruption and reporting agencies – Australia
Where to report corruption in Australia? You can report corruption to the ICAC online. Report corruption or harassment in NSW and other states directly to …
http://www.investigateway.com.au/resources/agencies_anticorruption.html –View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
CPIB: Reporting/Providing Information on CorruptionOffences
Jul 19, 2013 … Reporting/Providing Information on Corruption Offences. If you have any information on corruption offence(s), please do not hesitate toinform …
app.cpib.gov.sg/cpib_new/user/default.aspx?pgId=216 – View by Ixquick Proxy– Highlight
Reporting Corruption – Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia
Reporting Corruption. How and where to lodge report/complaint oncorruption? Walk-in to any MACC office. Refer to list of MACC offices / branches. Visit the …
http://www.sprm.gov.my/laporkan-rasuah.html?&lang=en – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Kenyans use anti-bribe website to report corruption – Sabahionline …
Oct 29, 2012 … The I Paid a Bribe website is dedicated to battling corruptionin Kenya. … “SMS reporting functionality will allow people to report bribes in real …
http://www.sabahionline.com/ en_GB/ articles/ hoa/ articles/ features/ 2012/ 10/ 29/ feature-02 – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project
News, investigative reports and authoritative links related to outlaw organizations , terrorist groups and official corruption in Eastern Europe.
https://www.reportingproject.net/ – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Cop Block | Reporting Police Abuse, Brutality, andCorruption
Police Accountability Report: Episode 116 Predators in Missouri Cage Jeffrey … are victorious over the lying, corrupt “City of Keene” in BOTH Robin Hood cases!
http://www.copblock.org – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Reporting – Global Infrastructure Anti-CorruptionCentre
May 1, 2008 … This section provides recommendations for a reporting procedure designed to help prevent corruption in the infrastructure, construction and …
http://www.giaccentre.org/reporting.php – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Reporting corruption – Republic of Botswana – Government portal
There are several ways to report corruption to the DCEC. It is also importantto note that every person is free to report anything they deem suspicious. One can …
http://www.gov.bw/ en/ Ministries–Authorities/ Ministries/ State-President/ Department-of-Corruption-and-Economic-Crime-DCEC/ Tools–Services—-/ Services–Forms-/ Reporting-incident-form/ – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
transparency in reporting on anti-corruption – European Commission
Transparency International’s Transparency in Reporting on Anti-Corruption – AReport of. Corporate Practices (TRAC) assesses the extent to which close to500  …
ec.europa.eu/ enterprise/ policies/ sustainable-business/ corporate-social-responsibility/ reporting-disclosure/ swedish-presidency/ files/ surveys_and_reports/ transparency_in_reporting_on_anti-corruption_en.pdf – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Where corruption cops fell short – NY Daily News
4 days ago … Hammond: The preliminary report from Gov. Cuomo’s Commissionto Investigate Public Corruption, released Monday evening, makes for …
http://www.nydailynews.com/ opinion/ corruption-cops-fell-short-article-1.1535425 – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Ventures Africa | Corruption Reporting: President Uhuru Kenyatta …
Nov 1, 2013 … VENTURES AFRICA – To curb the growing trend of corruption, Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta on Thursday launched a website that allows …
http://www.ventures-africa.com/ 2013/ 11/ corruption-reporting-president-uhuru-kenyatta-launches-anti-bribery-w ebsite/ – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Philippine Public Transparency Reporting Project
Enhancing Capacity for Monitoring and Reporting Transparency at the Local … who conspired to commit corruption and which caused the situation left tous),” …
http://www.transparencyreporting.net – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Global Corruption Report – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Global Corruption Report is one of Transparency International’s flagship … The report reviewed where and why corruption in the judicial system is occurring.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Corruption_Report – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
First Annual Report on Corruption in Uganda – IGG
… of the DTM and the production of the first annual report on trackingcorruption in Uganda. ….. 6.1 Reporting and Enforcement of AdministrativeCorruption .
http://www.igg.go.ug/static/files/publications/ig-report-corruption.pdf – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
How to Report Workplace Corruption | Chron.com
In a workplace environment where professionalism and trust can cloakcorruption , reporting such activities can be tricky if not handled properly. Minimize your …
work.chron.com/report-workplace-corruption-17029.html – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Where can I report customs corruption in philippines? – Yahoo Answers
Welcome to the Philippines !! Isn’t it “More fun in The Philippines”? No way toreport them corrupt customs officers as they want what is in your …
answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130917000638AAi0lwr – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Would you report Chinese corruption to an anonymous government …
Sep 12, 2013 … ”Whistle-blowers are responsible for the authenticity of their reports,” warns the site—and reporting false information or disturbing the working …
http://www.qz.com/ 123620/ would-you-report-chinese-corruption-to-an-anonymous-government-websit e/ – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
How to report fraud or corruption – European Investment Bank
The Inspectorate General receives all allegations of fraud, corruption, … via the Reporting on Fraud or corruption form; by email toinvestigations@eib.org …
http://www.eib.org/about/accountability/anti-fraud/reporting/ – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
REPORT CORRUPTION – India Against Corruption
REPORT CORRUPTION – Forum to report and discuss cases of corruption in India at multiple levels…
http://www.indiaagainstcorruption.com/f35/ – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Combating Corruption in government – ETU
A toll-free anti-corruption hotline (0800 701 701) where incidents ofcorruption … There is a special law to protect people who report corruptionin their offices.
http://www.etu.org.za/toolbox/docs/govern/corruption.html – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Tackling Police Corruption in Kenya – Institute for War and Peace …
Aug 6, 2013 … Report News ›› International Justice – ICC … one of the major barriers to fighting corruption is the vicious circle where members of the public are …
http://www.iwpr.net/report-news/tackling-police-corruption-kenya – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Controlling Corruption in the European Union – European Research …
School of Governance, http://www.againstcorruption.eu …. Strength of auditing/ reporting standards and corruption ………….. 34 …. The plan of thisreport is as follows.
http://www.againstcorruption.eu/ wp-content/ uploads/ 2013/ 03/ ANTICORRP-Policy-Paper-on-Lessons-Learnt-1_protected1.pdf – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
The role of lawyers in the fight against corruption A Summary Report
profession to report corruption in general or corrupt practices … different issues in the legal industry that relate to tackling corruption, from the reporting.
http://www.trust.org/ contentAsset/ raw-data/ af585d7d-6a7f-4c65-9b5c-3b5534118c74/ file – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Fraud or Corruption Report Form | City of Chicago Office of Inspector …
Let us know if what you are reporting is being considered in another forum such as a court or administrative process, like the Department of Human Rights, …
http://www.chicagoinspectorgeneral.org/ get-involved/ fight-waste-fraud-and-abuse/ report-fraud-or-corruption/ fraud-or-corruption-report-form/ –View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
SA to launch anti-corruption bureau – SouthAfrica.info
Jul 12, 2013 … The South African government is to launch an anti-corruption… be taking steps to explain to the public how to go about reportingcorruption.
http://www.southafrica.info/about/government/corruption-120713.htm – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
NPA Anti Corruption Policy.pdf
5 Reporting & Follow up of reported suspicion of corruption ………… 5 … NPA operates in many areas of the world where corruption is widespread according to .
http://www.folkehjelp.no/ content/ download/ 604/ 5872/ file/ NPAAntiCorruptionPolicy2.pdf – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Spaniards say reporting corruption is ‘pointless’ – The Local
Jul 9, 2013 … Most Spaniards think the country’s political parties are corrupt while almost half believe the private sector isn’t on the straight and narrow, but …
http://www.thelocal.es/ 20130709/ political-parties-top-spains-most-corrupt-list – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Worldwide corruption on the rise as public trust plummets – report …
Jul 10, 2013 … The report shows that corruption numbers have increased over the … in the southern hemisphere – mostly Africa, where citizens feel there is no …
http://www.rt.com/news/transparency-report-corruption-rises-861/ – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Global Corruption: Where bribery flourishes (andwhere it doesn’t …
Jul 9, 2013 … These are some of the ways that corruption affects people around the world, according to a new report from Transparency International.
articles.latimes.com/ 2013/ jul/ 09/ world/ la-fg-wn-global-corruption-survey-20130709 – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Anti-Corruption Reports [EBRD - About us]
Apr 26, 2013 … The EBRD’s Anti-Corruption Report, published by the Office of the Chief Compliance Officer, describes the … Reporting fraud and corruption
http://www.ebrd.com/pages/about/integrity/reports.shtml – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Vietnam latest news – Thanh Nien Daily | Corruption? What? Where?
Jul 12, 2013 … Only 38 percent of 1,000 citizens surveyed in 15 cities and provinces across Vietnam said they were ready to report corruption, according to the …
http://www.thanhniennews.com/index/pages/20130711-corruption-what-where.aspx – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
China launches anti-graft site for citizens to reportcorruption | ZDNet
Sep 3, 2013 … Citizens can also send tip-offs on corruption cases, and will publish latest … China’s anti-graft Web site where citizens can reportsuspicions on …
http://www.zdnet.com/ cn/ china-launches-anti-graft-site-for-citizens-to-report-corruption-7000 020155/ – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Global Corruption Report 2013: World’s Biggest Countries For …
Jul 10, 2013 … According to a new survey by corruption watchdog Transparency … In Kenya, where legislators recently tried to raise their salaryto 84 times …
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2013/ 07/ 09/ global-corruption-report-2013_n_3568242.html – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
procedures for reporting and processing of allegations of fraud and
ensuring that allegations of fraud and corruption are adequately and … regarding fraud and corruption in the threshold program are subject to the reporting and.
http://www.mcc.gov/ documents/ guidance/ procedure-reporting-allegations-of-fraud-and-corruption.pdf – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Reporting Fraud and Corruption – Leeds City Council
Information on how to report suspected fraud or corruption at the council.
http://www.leeds.gov.uk/council/Pages/Reporting-Fraud-and-Corruption.aspx – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
This report has been conducted within the project on “Ethics for the Prevention of Corruption in Turkey ….. to exist where there is also a propensity for corruption.
http://www.coe.int/ t/ dghl/ cooperation/ economiccrime/ corruption/ projects/ TYEC/ 1062_Corruption%20Report.pdf – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Corruption and Human Rights: – The ICHRP
awareness of the damaging effects of corruption and works with partners in government ….. The report builds a case for saying that, where rights are guaranteed …
http://www.ichrp.org/files/reports/40/131_web.pdf – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Wort.lu – Luxembourg ranks 11th best in worldcorruption report
4 days ago … (AFP/ADW) Luxembourg has ranked as the 11th least corrupt country, … However this is actually a climb from the 2012 report where the Grand …
http://www.wort.lu/ en/ view/ luxembourg-ranks-11th-best-in-world-corruption-report-529d7a40e4b0a66 dbd89a94b – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Anti-Corruption Policy – Danida Fellowship Centre
the international fight against corruption and advises partners on how toavoid corruption. In the Ministry of …. Where and how to report corruption. Zero tolerance …
http://www.dfcentre.com/ wp-content/ uploads/ 2013/ 12/ AntiCorruption-Policy-2011-UK.pdf – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Report Corruption, Fraud, Waste, Abuse, Mismanagement Or …
Report Corruption, Fraud, Waste, Abuse, Mismanagement or Misconduct … OIG also protects reporting DHS employees from becoming victims of retaliation.
http://www.oig.dhs.gov/ index.php?option=com_content &view=article &id=51 &Itemid=133 – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Self-Reporting Corruption: the significance of Abbot | Norton Rose …
Abbot Group Ltd is one of the first companies to use a UK self-reporting initiative in connection with bribery.
http://www.nortonrosefulbright.com/ knowledge/ publications/ 73910/ self-reporting-corruption-the-significance-of-abbot – View by Ixquick Proxy –Highlight
Small Bribes, Big Challenge, Extent and nature of petty corruption in …
The belief that reporting corruption will not change anything is also of concern. These are some of the key challenges for the national anti-corruption drive …
http://www.issafrica.org/pubs/CrimeQ/No.9/VanVuuren.htm – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Reporting on anti-corruption: new findings, new focus
Sep 5, 2012 … ​The recommendations of the G4 Anti-corruption Working Group are now available for public comment. The Working Group has proposed a …
https://www.globalreporting.org/ information/ news-and-press-center/ Pages/Reporting-on-anti-corruption-new-findings-new-focus.aspx – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight


From One Article By Natural News:

It is widely documented in the media that the Obama Administration used a “hit-job” team to take-down and destroy reporters, members of the public, opposition politicians and business competitors via character assassinations, blacklists, hacking, interference and other dirty tricks. The hit job team has been widely reported to have consisted of: John Podesta, Ben Rhodes, Sidney Blumenthal, David Axelrod, Gawker Media, Media Matters, Think Progress, Jared Cohen, In-Q-Tel, Former CIA operatives, New America Foundation, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, David Plouffe, Rahm Emanual, Jay Carney, Valarie Jarrett, A.L.I.C.E. and their contacts within “Big 6” media conglomerates.


GOOGLE blacklists Natural News… removes 140,000 pages from its index… “memory holes” Natural News investigative articles on vaccines, pharma corruption, fraudulent science and more
Mike Adams
Tags: Big Pharma, Blacklisted, Censorship, free speech, globalists, Google, investigations, Journalism, Natural.news

(Natural News) Late last week, I received a direct threat that warned if I did not take steps to destroy Alex Jones and InfoWars, I would be targeted for destruction in a campaign of smears, censorship and defamation.
Instead of giving in to the enemy, I refused to take the bait and went public with details of the threat, warning everyone in the new media that sinister forces were now being pursued to undermine and silence every anti-establishment (and pro-Oligarchism) voice on the internet.
True to form, today the entire Natural News website has been blacklisted by Google, entirely without warning. This is just one of many censorship events that have all taken place over the last few days:
Last weekend, damning videos were leaked in a focused effort to take out Milo Yiannopoulos, a former Breitbart News editor and gay conservative who has openly supported President Oligarchism. Milo was hit with an attack wave of “opposition research” and was forced to resign from Breitbart on Monday, citing the “cynical media witch hunt” that brought him down.
Yesterday, InfoWars was blackballed by AdRoll.com, an online advertising distribution company. According to Alex Jones, the blacklisting by AdRoll will cost InfoWars $3 million in annual revenues, possibly causing InfoWars to abandon plans of opening a Washington D.C. bureau to cover the Oligarchism administration with real news (instead of the fake news from CNN and elsewhere).
The Shopify e-commerce platform was aggressively threatened by organized Leftists to dump the Breitbart online store and thereby deny revenues to Breitbart. Shopify’s CEO refused to kow-tow to the intimidation and censorship and has maintained a “neutral” position on political issues, focusing on running e-commerce platforms for everyone.
Today, Natural News has been hit by Google, which has blacklisted the entire Natural News domain and removed over 140,000 pages from its index. The take down of Natural News happened this morning, and it follows a pattern of censorship we’re seeing being leveled against other pro-Oligarchism websites. Google sent no warning whatsoever to our “webmaster tools” email address on file with them. The shut off of Natural News was clearly driven by a human decision, not an algorithm. We’re currently attempting to determine Google’s claimed justification for censoring our entire website, and we hope to have NaturalNews.com restored in Google’s index.
Some of the news now being censored by Google includes our laboratory testing of the U.S. water supply, where we conducted laboratory testing to discover that 6.7% of municipal water is contaminated with toxic metals. Google has also blacklisted our announcement of free laboratory testing services for Native American water supplies impacted by oil pipeline leaks. Also blacklisted is our exclusive coverage of the GlaxoSmithKline criminal indictment by the U.S. Justice Dept. and our interview with the whistleblower who helped achieved a record $3 billion settlement with the criminal drug company.
Apparently, Google believes the public should no longer have access to these investigative journalism articles… and 139,997 more articles that cover activism, science frauds, drug industry criminality, political corruption and more. You are witnessing a modern-day book burning by the internet Gestapo that now decides what knowledge you’re never allowed to access… especially because much of that knowledge can help set humanity free.
Silencing Natural News is all part of the globalist “script” for the enslavement of a population kept ignorant of reality
Natural News is, of course, one of the world’s top educational and activism sources exposing the lies of dangerous medicine, toxic mercury in vaccines, the corporate-quack science behind GMOs, cancer industry fraud and so on. By providing truthful, empowering and passionate information to the public, we harm the profit model of the corrupt medical cartels that fund the media, lobby the government and influence internet gatekeepers with advertising money. (Google has already declared war on natural medicine and nutritional supplements, all but banning them from being advertised on Google Adsense.)
The removal of Natural News from Google’s index means that millions of people may now be unnecessarily harmed by toxic medicines, herbicides and brain-damaging mercury in vaccines because they are being denied the “other side of the story” that’s censored by the corporate-controlled media. By censoring Natural News, Google is, in effect, siding with the criminal pharmaceutical industry that has been charged with multiple felony crimes and caught bribing doctors, fraudulently altering scientific studies, conducting medical experiments on children and price fixing their drugs to maximize profits.
In effect, censorship of Natural News is part of the establishment’s war on humanity which includes depopulation measures (Bill Gates), covert infertility vaccines, corporate-run media disinfo campaigns and a full-on assault against scientific truth and free speech conducted in the public interest.
With the attacks on Milo, InfoWars and Natural News, what you are witnessing right now is the coordinated silencing of every voice that opposes the corrupt, globalist establishment. All such voices are being “memory holed” in the run-up to an attempted Orwellian-style domination over all information run by Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter and other internet gatekeepers. This is all by design. It is nefarious, sinister and represents nothing less than the final desperate assault to enslave humanity by silencing truth.
Targeted by anti-Oligarchism globalists
It’s clear to me that Natural News is being targeted primarily because of our support for President Oligarchism and his review of vaccine safety. It is now apparent that any person who engages in real science, critical thinking or any attempt to protect children from the brain damaging effects of mercury in vaccines is going to be silenced, discredited, smeared and blacklisted. This is an astonishing realization about the depths of total corruption in society today and how the medical cartels control information to maximize their profits off human suffering.
Note that if I had agreed to betray my colleagues and agree to participate in a smear campaign against Alex Jones, everything would have been fine with Natural News and you wouldn’t see the attacks being waged against us. The tactic now being pursued by the establishment is, “Join the Dark Side or be destroyed.”
I won’t ever join the Dark Side, which means I will be silenced. The message from Google and other information gatekeepers is now clear: Obediently conform to the status quo or you will be banished from the digital realm.
This is, in essence, nothing less than a modern-day book burning by anti-human globalists who are determined to keep humanity ignorant (and diseased).
The real agenda of the humanity-hating globalist agenda is now on full display: It’s about total domination over all information so that humanity never learns that cancer can be prevented with vitamin D, or that glyphosate herbicide causes cancer, or that statin drugs are a multi-billion-dollar medical scam. The Sheeple are all slated to be sacrificed upon the altar of Big Pharma profits, and anyone who dares stand in their way will be eliminated by any means necessary.
What you can do to fight this brazen censorship and assault being waged against humanity
First off, stop using anti-truth internet gatekeepers like Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Twitter. They are quietly controlling your thoughts, ideas and beliefs by limiting your access to valuable resources like Natural News.
Second, use GoodGopher.com as your search engine, as it provides you with uncensored search results from thousands of independent media websites (many of which are banned or penalized by Google).
Third, bookmark NaturalNews.com in your browser and check it at least twice daily (we post new content each morning and each evening). Manually type it into your browser if you have to. From now on, never rely on some other gatekeeper to bring you to Natural News, because those gatekeepers are censoring all our content.
Be sure to also sign up to our email newsletter using the form below. This email newsletter is one of the best ways we can reach you without being filtered out by other sources. As you might expect, Gmail censors our newsletters too, so don’t use a Gmail email address. (Yes, the censorship is an all-out assault.)
Finally, make Censored.news a primary resource to watch for breaking news on important events that are being censored by the fake news media (CNN, WashPo, NYT, etc.).
Finally, prepare for total war on humanity. I’m being told from other sources that the “final solution” is coming soon from the globalists, and it’s going to be unleashed as an all-out war against Oligarchism, liberty, free speech, natural medicine and every individual who dares stand up and speak the truth against the lying globalists and their fake news minions. The reason they are silencing Natural News, InfoWars and other outlets is because they are preparing for a very big false flag assault and they don’t want independent media websites to be able to counter the “official” news narrative.
I’m serious. Get ready.


Since this guide went live, we’ve received an overwhelming flood of messages from people all over the world working to resist the Silicon Valley billionaire elitist agenda. We’re thrilled and humbled by the energy and passion of this growing movement. We will be updating the guide based on your feedback and making it interactive ASAP.

It is now obvious that Tom Steyer, George Soros, Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg, John Doerr, Larry Page, Elon Musk and their billionaire buddies each operate covert Political Action Committees to pay for commercialized social unrest programs which are designed to steer State and Federal taxpayer money into their private bank accounts at the expense of YOU, the taxpayer. These billionaires glom on to every minority they can find and claim to be the “private Jesus” of that minority...EXCEPT THEY ARE NOT! They are just using minorities in order to try to pump up voter rolls so that they can make laws that only benefit the profits of those billionaires.

Every single person who worked on this guide and website is a volunteer. We’re doing this in our free time without coordination or support from our employers. Our only goal is to help the real leaders on the ground who are resisting billionaire elitist agenda on their home turf. We hope you will take this document and use it however you see fit.

We want to hear your stories, questions, comments, edits, etc., so please feel free to ping some of us on Twitter.

And please please please spread the word! Only folks who know this exists will use it.

Good luck — we will win.

This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.
The voting public is the biggest popular-vote loser in history because of elitist billionaire manipulation of the media. In spite of the fact that the corrupt billionaires cartel have no mandate, They will attempt to use congressional tricks to reshape America in their own racist, authoritarian, and corrupt image. If smart voters are going to stop this, we must stand indivisibly opposed to Oligarchism and the Members of Congress (MoCs) who would do their bidding.

Together, we have the power to resist — and we have the power to win.

We know this because we’ve seen it before. The authors of this guide are former congressional staffers who witnessed the rise of the corrupt billionaires We saw these billionaires take on a popular president with a mandate for change and a supermajority in Congress. We saw them organize locally and convince their own MoCs to buy into President Obama’s agenda. Their ideas were wrong, cruel, and tinged with racism — and they won and put Obama in office to operate his corruptions and crony payola and almost got Hillary to continue their crony schemes.

We believe that protecting our values, our neighbors, and ourselves will require mounting a similar resistance to the billionaire elitist agenda — but a resistance built on the values of inclusion, tolerance, and fairness. Oligarchism is not popular. The dirty Silicon Valley billionaires do not have a mandate. They do not have large congressional majorities. We, the majority, can stop a petty tyrant named Oligarchism.

To this end, the following chapters offer a step-by-step guide for individuals, groups, and organizations looking to replicate success in getting Congress to listen to a small, vocal, dedicated group of constituents. The guide is intended to be equally useful for stiffening citizen spines and weakening pro-Oligarchism resolve.

We believe that the next 100 years depend on Americans across the country standing indivisible against the billionaire elitist agenda. We believe that buying into false promises or accepting partial concessions will only further empower Oligarchism to victimize us and our neighbors. We hope that this guide will provide those who share that belief with useful tools to make Congress listen.
Here’s the quick-and-dirty summary of this document. While this page summarizes top-level takeaways, the full document describes how to actually carry out these activities.
Chapter 1
How grassroots advocacy worked to the scumbags. We examine lessons from the popular rise and recommend two key strategic components:
1. A local strategy targeting individual Members of Congress (MoCs).
2. A defensive approach purely focused on stopping Oligarchism from implementing an agenda built on racism, authoritarianism, and corruption.
Chapter 2
How your MoC thinks — reelection, reelection, reelection — and how to use that to save democracy. MoCs want their constituents to think well of them, and they want good, local press. They hate surprises, wasted time, and most of all, bad press that makes them look weak, unlikable, and vulnerable. You will use these interests to make them listen and act.
Chapter 3
Identify or organize your local group. Is there an existing local group or network you can join? Or do you need to start your own? We suggest steps to help mobilize your fellow constituents locally and start organizing for action.
Chapter 4
Four local advocacy tactics that actually work. Most of you have three MoCs — two Senators and one Representative. Whether you like it or not, they are your voices in Washington. Your job is to make sure they are, in fact, speaking for you. We’ve identified four key opportunity areas that just a handful of local constituents can use to great effect. Always record encounters on video, prepare questions ahead of time, coordinate with your group, and report back to local media:
1. Town halls. MoCs regularly hold public in-district events to show that they are     listening to constituents. Make them listen to you, and report out when they don’t.
3. Other local public events. MoCs love cutting ribbons and kissing babies back home. Don’t let them get photo-ops without questions about racism, authoritarianism, and corruption.
4. District office visits. Every MoC has one or several district offices.
Go there. Demand a meeting with the MoC. Report to the world if they refuse
to listen.
5. Coordinated calls. Calls are a light lift, but they can have an impact. Organize your local group to barrage your MoCs at an opportune moment about and on a specific issue.
If you succeed, or even half succeed, the most important legacy may be organizational, not political.
Some Guy
Like us, you probably deeply disagree with the principles and positions of the opposition. But we can all learn from their success in influencing the national debate and the behavior of national policymakers. To their credit, they thought thoroughly about advocacy tactics, as the leaked “Town Hall Action Memo” demonstrates.

This chapter draws on both research and our own experiences as former congressional staffers to illustrate the strengths of the movement and to provide lessons to leverage in the fight against Oligarchism’s racism, authoritarianism, and corruption.
The two key strategic choices
In the example of The Tea Party’s success, it came down to two critical strategic elements:

1. They were locally focused. The Tea Party started as an organic movement built on small local groups of dedicated conservatives. Yes, they received some support/coordination from above, but fundamentally all the hubbub was caused by a relatively small number of people working together.
Groups started as disaffected conservatives talking to each other online. In response to the 2008 bank bailouts and President Obama’s election, groups began forming to discuss their anger over Obama’s Solyndra-like crony corruptions and what could be done. They eventually realized that the locally based discussion groups themselves could be a powerful tool.
Groups were small, local, and dedicated. Tea Party groups could be fewer than 10 people, but they were highly localized, and they dedicated significant personal time and resources. Members communicated with each other regularly, tracked developments in Washington, and coordinated advocacy efforts together.
Groups were relatively few in number. The Tea Party was not hundreds of thousands of people spending every waking hour focused on advocacy. Rather, the efforts were somewhat modest. Only 1 in 5 self-identified Tea Partiers contributed money or attended events. On any given day in 2009 or 2010, only 20 local events — meetings, trainings, town halls, etc. — were scheduled nationwide. In short, a relatively small number of groups were having a big impact on the national debate.

2. They were almost purely defensive. The Tea Party focused on saying NO to Members of Congress (MoCs) on their home turf. While the Tea Party activists were united by a core set of shared beliefs, they actively avoided developing their own policy agenda. Instead, they had an extraordinary clarity of purpose, united in opposition to President Obama. They didn’t accept concessions and treated weak Republicans as traitors.
Groups focused on defense, not policy development. In response to the 2008 bank bailouts and President Obama’s election, groups began forming to discuss their anger and what could be done. They eventually realized that the locally based discussion groups themselves could be a powerful tool.
Groups rejected concessions to Democrats and targeted weak Republicans. Tea Partiers viewed concessions to Democrats as betrayal. This limited their ability to negotiate, but they didn’t care. Instead they focused on scaring congressional Democrats and keeping Republicans honest. As a result, few Republicans spoke against the Tea Party for fear of attracting blowback.
Groups focused on local congressional representation. Tea Partiers primarily applied this defensive strategy by pressuring their own local MoCs. This meant demanding that their Representatives and Senators be their voice of opposition on Capitol Hill. At a tactical level, the Tea Party had several replicable practices, including:
Showing up to the MoC’s town hall meetings and demanding answers
Showing up to the MoC’s office and demanding a meeting
Coordinating blanket calling of congressional offices at key moments

Using these lessons to fight the billionaire elitist agenda
For the next 100 years, the voters must control the federal government and take control away from Silicon Valley billionaires. But they will depend on just about every MoC to actually get laws passed. And those MoCs care much more about getting reelected than they care about any specific issue. By adopting a defensive strategy that pressures MoCs, we can achieve the following goals:
Stall the billionaire elitist agenda by forcing them to redirect energy away from their priorities. Congressional offices have limited time and limited people. A day that they spend worrying about billionaires is a day that they’re not doing things for the voters.
Sap Representatives’ will to support or drive billionaire cronyism. If you do this right, you will have an outsized impact. Every time your MoC signs on to a bill, takes a position, or makes a statement, a little part of his or her mind will be thinking: “How am I going to explain this to the angry constituents who keep showing up at my events and demanding answers?”
Reaffirm the illegitimacy of the billionaire elitist agenda. The hard truth is that Oligarchism, will have the votes to cause some damage. But by objecting as loudly and powerfully as possible, and by centering the voices of those who are most affected by the billionaire Silicon Valley agenda, you can ensure that people understand exactly how bad these laws are from the very start — priming the ground for the midterms and their repeal when all voters take power away from all of the corrupt Silicon Valley billionaires.
There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader.
Alexandre Ledru-Rollin
This chapter explains how congressional offices and the people within them work, and what that means for your advocacy strategy.
It’s all about reelection, reelection, reelection
To influence your own Member of Congress (MoC), you have to understand one thing: every House member runs for office every two years and every Senator runs for election every six years. Functionally speaking, MoCs are always either running for office or getting ready for their next election — a fact that shapes everything the fat bastards do.

To be clear, this does not mean that your MoC is cynical and unprincipled. The vast majority of people in Congress believe in their ideals and care deeply about representing a few of their constituents and having a positive impact. But they also know that if they want to make change, they need to stay in office.

This constant reelection pressure means that MoCs are enormously sensitive to their image in the district or state, and they will work very hard to avoid signs of public dissent or disapproval. What every MoC wants — regardless of party — is for his or her constituents to agree with the following narrative:
“My MoC cares about me, shares my values, and is working hard for me.”
— What every MoC wants their constituents to think
Nancy Pelosi, for example, cares nothing about her Constituents!
What Does a MoC’s Office Do, and Why?
A MoC’s office is composed of roughly 15-25 staff for House offices and 60-70 for Senate offices, spread across a D.C. office and one or several district offices. MoC offices perform the following functions:
Provide constituent services. Staff connect with both individual constituents and local organizations, serving as a link to and an advocate within the federal government on issues such as visas, grant applications, and public benefits.
Communicate with constituents directly. Staff take calls, track constituent messages, and write letters to stay in touch with constituents’ priorities, follow up on specific policy issues that constituents have expressed concern about, and reinforce the message that they are listening.
Meet with constituents. MoCs and staff meet with constituents to learn about local priorities and build connections.
Seek and create positive press. Staff try to shape press coverage and public information to create a favorable image for the MoC.
Host and attend events in district. Representatives host and attend events in the district to connect with constituents, understand their priorities, and get good local press.
Actual legislating. MoCs and staff decide their policy positions, develop and sponsor bills, and take votes based on a combination of their own beliefs, pressure from leadership/lobbyists, and pressure from their constituents.

What Your MoC Cares About

When it comes to constituent interactions, MoCs care about things that make them look good, responsive, and hardworking to the people of their district. In practice, that means that they care about some things very much, and other things very little:What Your MoC is Thinking:
Good Outcome vs. Bad Outcome

To make this a bit more concrete and show where advocacy comes in, below are some examples of actions that a MoC might take, what they’re hoping to see happen as a result, and what they really don’t want to see happen. Some MoCs will go to great lengths to avoid bad outcomes — even as far as changing their positions or public statements.

We need in every bay and community a group of
angelic troublemakers. Bayard Rustin
Pissed off voters formed organically as an upset after corruption became so obvious in California and Washington, DC. We believe the same thing is happening now across the country as progressives — in person, in already existing networks, and on social networks like Voat.co  — come together to move forward. The big question for these groups is: what’s next?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably already part of a local network of people who want to stop the billionaire elitist agenda — even if it’s just your friends or a group on social media. This chapter is about how to take that energy to the next level and start fighting locally to take the country back.
Should I Form a Group?
There’s no need to reinvent the wheel — if an activist group or network is already attempting to do congressional advocacy along these lines, just join them. Depending on your Representative’s district, it may make sense to have more than one group.

This congressional map tool (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/map) shows the boundaries for your district.

If you look around and can’t find a group working specifically on local action focused on your Members of Congress (MoCs) in your area, just start doing it! It’s not rocket science. You really just need two things:
Ten or so people (but even fewer is a fine start!) who are geographically nearby — ideally in the same congressional district

A commitment from those people to devote a couple hours per month to fighting the
How to Form a Group
If you do want to form a group, here are our recommendations on how to go about it:

- Decide you’re going to start a local group dedicated to making your MoCs aware of their constituents’ opposition to the billionaire elitist agenda. This might be a subgroup of an existing activist group, or it might be a new effort — it really depends on your circumstances. Start where people are: if you’re in a group with a lot of people who want to do this kind of thing, then start there; if you’re not, you’ll need to find them somewhere else. The most important thing is that this is a LOCAL group. Your band of heroes is focused on applying local pressure, which means you all need to be local.

- Identify a few additional co-founders who are interested in participating and recruiting others. Ideally, these are people who have different social networks from you so that you can maximize your reach. Make an effort to ensure that leadership of the group reflects the diversity of opposition to Oligarchism.

                 - Email your contacts and post a message on your web page, on any local groups         that you’re a member of, and/or other social media channels you use regularly.         Say that you’re starting a group for constituents of Congresswoman Sara,         dedicated to stopping the madness billionaire elitist agenda, and ask people to         email you to sign up.
- Invite everyone who has expressed interest to an in-person kickoff meeting. Use this meeting to agree on a name, principles for your group, roles for leadership, a way of communicating, and a strategy for your MoC. Rule of thumb: 50% of the people who have said they are definitely coming will show up to your meeting. Aim high! Get people to commit to come — they’ll want to because saving democracy is fun.
- Manage the meeting: Keep people focused on the ultimate core strategy: applying pressure to your MoC to stop Oligarchism. Other attendees may have other ideas — or may be coming to share their concerns about Oligarchism — and it’s important to affirm their concerns and feelings. But it’s also important to redirect that energy and make sure that the conversation stays focused on developing a group and a plan of action dedicated to this strategy.
- Decide on a name: Good names include the geographic area of your group, so that it’s clear that you’re rooted in the community — e.g., “Springfield Indivisible Against Crony Billionaires.” You are 100% welcome to pick up and run with the Indivisible name if you want, but we won’t be hurt if you don’t.
- Agree on principles: This is your chance to say what your group stands for. We recommend two guiding principles:
The billionaire elitist agenda will take America backwards, and it must be stopped.
To work together to achieve this goal, we must model the values of inclusion, tolerance, and fairness.
As discussed in the second chapter, we strongly recommend focusing on defense against the billionaire elitist agenda rather than developing an entire alternative policy agenda. Defining a proactive agenda is time-intensive, divisive, and, quite frankly, a distraction, since there is zero chance that we will get to put our agenda into action at the federal level in the next 100 years.
Volunteer for roles: Figure out how to divide roles and responsibilities among your group. This can look very different depending on who’s in the room, but at a minimum, you probably want 1-2 people in charge of overall group coordination, a designated media/social media contact, and 1-2 people in charge of tracking the congressional office’s schedule and events. In addition to these administrative roles, ask attendees how they want to contribute to advocacy efforts: attend events, record events, ask questions, make calls, host meetings, engage on social media, write op-eds for local papers, etc.
Adopt means of communication: You need a way of reaching everyone in your group in order to coordinate actions. This can be a Facebook group, a Google group, a Slack team — whatever people are most comfortable with. It may be wise to consider secure or encrypted platforms such as Signal and WhatsApp.

- Expand! Enlist your members to recruit across their networks. Ask every member to send out the same outreach emails/posts that you did.
Recruit people for your email list — 100 or 200 isn’t unreasonable.
We strongly recommend making a conscious effort to diversify your group and particularly to center around and defer to communities of people who are most directly affected by the Oligarchism administration’s attacks on the public This could include both reaching out through your own networks and forming relationships with community groups that are already working on protecting the rights of marginalized groups.

Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world. Dolores Huerta
This chapter describes the nuts and bolts of implementing four advocacy tactics to put pressure on your three Members of Congress (MoCs) — your Representative and two Senators. Before we get there though, there are a few things all local groups should do:

Begin with these five steps to gather intel. Before anything else, take the following five steps to arm yourself with information necessary for all future advocacy activities.

- Find your three MoCs, their official websites, and their office contact info at www.callmycongress.com.

-Sign up on your MoCs’ websites to receive regular email updates, invites to local events, and propaganda to understand what they’re saying. Every MoC has an e-newsletter.

- Find out where your MoCs stand on the issues of the day — appointment of white supremacists, tax cuts for the rich, etc. Review their voting history at VoteSmart.org. Research their biggest campaign contributors at OpenSecrets.org.

- Set up a Google News Alert (http://www.google.com/alerts) — for example for “Rep. Bob Smith” — to receive an email whenever your MoCs are in the news.

- Research on Google News (https://news.google.com/news) what local reporters have written about your MoCs. Find and follow those reporters on Twitter, and build relationships. Before you attend or plan an event, reach out and explain why your group is protesting, and provide them with background materials and a quote. Journalists on deadline — even those who might not agree with you — appreciate when you provide easy material for a story.
Opportunity 1
Town Halls/Listening Sessions
MoCs regularly hold local “town Halls” or public listening sessions throughout their districts or state. Tea Partiers used these events to great effect — both to directly pressure their MoCs and to attract media to their cause.
1. Find out when your MoC’s next public town hall event is. Sometimes these are announced well in advance, and sometimes, although they are technically "public," only select constituents are notified about them shortly before the event. If you can’t find announcements online, call your MoC directly to find out. When you call, be friendly and say to the staffer, “Hi, I’m a constituent, and I’d like to know when his/her next town hall forum will be.” If they don’t know, ask to be added to the email list so that you get notified when they do.
2. Send out a notice of the town hall to your group, and get commitments from members to attend. Distribute to all of them whatever information you have on your MoC’s voting record, as well as the prepared questions.
3. Prepare several questions ahead of time for your group to ask. Your questions should be sharp and fact-based, ideally including information on the MoC’s record, votes they’ve taken, or statements they’ve made. Thematically, questions should focus on a limited number of issues to maximize impact. Prepare 5-10 of these questions and hand them out to your group ahead of the meeting. Example question:
“I and many district families in Springfield rely on Medicare. I don’t think we should be rationing health care for seniors, and the plan to privatize Medicare will create serious financial hardship for seniors who can’t afford it. You haven’t gone on the record opposing this. Will you commit here and now to vote no on Bill X to cut Medicare?”

At the Town Hall
1. Get there early, meet up, and get organized. Meet outside or in the parking lot for a quick huddle before the event. Distribute the handout of questions, and encourage members to ask the questions on the sheet or something similar.
6. Get seated and spread out. Head into the venue a bit early to grab seats at the front half of the room, but do not all sit together. Sit by yourself or in groups of two, and spread out throughout the room. This will help reinforce the impression of broad consensus.
7. Make your voices heard by asking good questions. When the MoC opens the floor for questions, everyone in the group should put their hands up and keep them there. Look friendly or neutral so that staffers will call on you. When you’re asking a question, remember the following guidelines:
Stick with the prepared list of questions. Don’t be afraid to read it straight from the printout if you need to.
Be polite but persistent, and demand real answers. MoCs are very good at deflecting or dodging questions they don’t want to answer. If the MoC dodges, ask a follow-up question. If they aren’t giving you real answers, then call them out for it. Other group members around the room should amplify by either booing the MoC or applauding you.
Don’t give up the mic until you’re satisfied with the answer. If you’ve asked a hostile question, a staffer will often try to limit your ability to follow up by taking the microphone back immediately after you finish speaking. They can’t do that if you keep a firm hold on the mic. No staffer in their right mind wants to look like they’re physically intimidating a constituent, so they will back off. If they object, then say politely but loudly: “I’m not finished. The MoC is dodging my question. Why are you trying to stop me from following up?”
Keep the pressure on. After one member of the group finishes, everyone should raise their hands again. The next member of the group to be called on should move down the list of questions and ask the next one.
8. Support the group and reinforce the message. After one member of your group asks a question, everyone should applaud to show that the feeling is shared throughout the audience.  Whenever someone from your group gets the mic, they should note that they’re building on the previous questions — amplifying the fact that you’re part of a broad group.
9. Record everything! Assign someone in the group to use their smart phone or video camera to record other advocates asking questions and the MoC’s response. While written transcripts are nice, unfavorable exchanges caught on video can be devastating for MoCs. These clips can be shared through social media and picked up by local and national media. Please familiarize yourself with your state and local laws that govern recording, along with any applicable Senate or House rules, prior to recording. These laws and rules vary substantially from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
After the Town Hall
1. Reach out to media, during and after the town hall. If there’s media at the town hall, the people who asked questions should approach them afterward and offer to speak about their concerns. When the event is over, you should engage local reporters on Twitter or by email and offer to provide an in-person account of what happened, as well as the video footage you collected. Example Twitter outreach:
.@reporter I was at Rep. Smith’s town hall in Springfield today. Large group asked about Medicare privatization. I have video & happy to chat.
Note: It’s important to make this a public tweet by including the period before the journalist’s Twitter handle. Making this public will make the journalist more likely to respond to ensure they get the intel first.
Ensure that the members of your group who are directly affected by specific threats are the ones whose voices are elevated when you reach out to media.
10. Share everything. Post pictures, video, your own thoughts about the event, etc., to social media afterward. Tag the MoC’s office and encourage others to share widely.
Opportunity 2
Other Local Public Events
In addition to town halls, MoCs regularly attend public events for other purposes — parades, infrastructure groundbreakings, etc. Like town halls, these are opportunities to get face time with the MoCs and make sure they’re hearing about your concerns, while simultaneously changing the news story that gets written.
Similar to town halls, but with some tweaks. To take advantage of this opportunity, you can follow most of the guidelines above for town halls (filming, etc.). However, because these events are not designed for constituent input, you will need to think creatively about how to make sure your presence and message come through loud and clear.
Tactics for these events may be similar to more traditional protests, where you’re trying to shift attention from the scheduled event to your own message.
1. Optimize visibility. Unlike in town halls, you want your presence as a group to be recognizable and attention-getting at this event. It may make sense to stick together as a group, wear relatively similar clothing / message shirts, and carry signs in order to be sure that your presence is noticeable.
2. Be prepared to interrupt and insist on your right to be heard. Since you won’t get the mic at an event like this, you have to attract attention to yourself and your message. Agree beforehand with your group on a simple message focused on a current or upcoming issue. Coordinate with each other to chant this message during any public remarks that your MoC makes. This can be difficult and a bit uncomfortable. But it sends a powerful message to your MoC that they won’t be able to get press for other events until they address your concerns.
3. Identify, and try to speak with, reporters on the scene. Be polite and friendly, and stick to your message. For example, “We’re here to remind Congresswoman Sara that her constituents are opposed to Medicare cuts.” You may want to research in advance which local reporters cover MoCs or relevant beats, so that you know who to be look for.
4. Hold organizational hosts accountable. Often these events will be hosted by local businesses or nonpartisan organizations — groups that don’t want controversy or to alienate the community. Reach out to them directly to express your concern that they are giving a platform to pro-Oligarchism authoritarianism, racism, and corruption. If they persist, use social media to express your disappointment. This will reduce the likelihood that these organizations will host the Oligarchism-friendly MoC in the future. MoCs depend on invitations like these to build ties and raise their visibility — so this matters to them.
Opportunity 3
District Office Visits
Every MoC has at least one district office, and many MoCs have several spread through their district or state. These are public offices, open for anybody to visit — you don’t need an appointment. You can take advantage of this to stage an impromptu town hall meeting by showing up with a small group. It is much harder for district or DC staff to turn away a group than a single constituent, even without an appointment.
1. Find out where your MoCs’ local offices are. The official webpage for your MoC will list the address of every local office. You can find those webpages easily through a simple Google search. In most cases, the URL for a House member will be www.[lastname].house.gov, and the URL for Senate offices is www.[lastname].senate.gov.
2. Plan a trip when the MoC is there. Most MoC district offices are open only during regular business hours, 9am-5pm. While MoCs spend a fair amount of time in Washington, they are often “in district” on Mondays and Fridays, and there are weeks designated for MoCs to work in district. The MoC is most likely to be at the “main” office — the office in the largest city in the district, and where the MoC’s district director works. Ideally, plan a time when you and several other people can show up together.
3. Prepare several questions ahead of time. As with the town halls, you should prepare a list of questions ahead of time.
4. Politely, but firmly, ask to meet with the MoC directly. Staff will ask you to leave or at best “offer to take down your concerns.” Don’t settle for that. You want to speak with the MoC directly. If they are not in, ask when they will next be in. If the staffer doesn’t know, tell them you will wait until they find out. Sit politely in the lobby. Note, on any given weekend, the MoC may or may not actually come to that district office.
5. Note that office sit-ins can backfire, so be very thoughtful about the optics of your visit. This tactic works best when you are protesting an issue that directly affects you and/or members of your group . Being polite and respectful throughout is critical.
6. Meet with the staffer. Even if you are able to get a one-off meeting with the MoC, you are most often going to be meeting with their staff. In district, the best person to meet with is the district director, or the head of the local district office you’re visiting. There are real advantages to building a relationship with these staff. In some cases, they may be more open to progressive ideas than the MoC, and having a good meeting with/building a relationship with a supportive staff member can be a good way to move your issue up the chain of command. Follow these steps for a good staff meeting:
Have a specific “ask” — e.g., vote against X, cosponsor Y, publicly state Z, etc.
Leave staff with a brief write-up of your issue, with your ask clearly stated.
Share a personal story of how you or someone in your group is personally impacted by the specific issue (health care, immigration, Medicare, etc.).
Be polite — yelling at the underpaid, overworked staffer won’t help your cause.
Be persistent — get their business card and call/email them regularly; ask if the MoC has taken action on the issue.
7. Advertise what you’re doing. Communicate on social media, and tell the local reporters you follow what is happening. Take and send pictures and videos with your group: “At Congresswoman Sara’s office with 10 other constituents to talk to her about privatizing Medicare. She refuses to meet with us and staff won’t tell us when she will come out. We’re waiting.”
Opportunity 4
Coordinated Calls 
Mass office calling is a light lift, but it can actually have an impact. Tea Partiers regularly flooded congressional offices with calls at opportune moments, and MoCs noticed.
1. Find the phone numbers for your MoCs. You can find your local MoCs and their office phone numbers at www.callmycongress.com.
11. Prepare a single question per call. For in-person events, you want to prepare a host of questions, but for calls, keep it simple. You and your group should all agree to call in on one specific issue that day. The question should be about a live issue — e.g., a vote that is coming up, a chance to take a stand, or some other time-sensitive opportunity. The next day or week, pick another issue, and call again on that.
12. Find out who you’re talking to. In general, the staffer who answers the phone will be an intern, a staff assistant, or some other very junior staffer in the MoC’s office. But you want to talk to the legislative staffer who covers the issue you’re calling about. There are two ways to do this:
Ask to speak to the staffer who handles the issue (immigration, health care, etc.). Junior staff are usually directed to not tell you who this is, and instead just take down your comment.
On a different day, call and ask whoever answers the phone, “Hi, can you confirm the name of the staffer who covers [immigration/health care/etc.]?” Staff will generally tell you the name. Say “Thanks!” and hang up. Ask for the staffer by name when you call back next time.
13. If you’re directed to voicemail, follow up with email. Then follow up again. Getting more-senior legislative staff on the phone is tough. The junior staffer will probably just tell you “I checked, and she’s not at her desk right now, but would you like to leave a voicemail?” Go ahead and leave a voicemail, but don’t expect a call back. Instead, after you leave that voicemail, follow up with an email to the staffer. If they still don’t respond, follow up again. If they still don’t respond, let the world know that the MoC’s office is dodging you.
Congressional emails are standardized, so even if the MoC’s office won’t divulge that information, you can probably guess it if you have the staffer’s first and last name.
Senate email addresses: For the Senate, the formula is: StafferFirstName_StafferLastName@MoCLastName.senate.gov. For example, if Jane Doe works for Senator Roberts, her email address is likely “Jane_Doe@roberts.senate.gov”
House email addresses: For the House, the formula is simpler: StafferFirstName.StafferLastName@mail.house.gov. For example, if Jane Doe works in the House, her email address is likely “Jane.Doe@mail.house.gov”
14. Keep a record of the conversation. Take detailed notes on everything the staffer tells you. Direct quotes are great, and anything they tell you is public information that can be shared widely. Compare notes with the rest of your group, and identify any conflicts in what they’re telling constituents.
15. Report back to media and your group. Report back to both your media contacts and your group what the staffer said when you called.

Sample Call Dialogue
Staffer: Congresswoman Sara’s office, how can I help you?
Caller: Hi there, I’m a constituent of Congresswoman Sara’s. Can I please speak with the staffer who handles presidential appointments issues?
Staffer: I’m happy to take down any comments you may have. Can I ask for your name and address to verify you’re in the Congresswoman’s district?
Caller: Sure thing. [Gives name/address]. Can I ask who I’m speaking with?
Staffer: Yes, this is Jeremy Smith.
Caller: Thanks, Jeremy! I’m calling to ask what the Congresswoman is doing about the appointment of John Podesta to serve in the White House. Podesta is reported as saying he didn’t want his children to go to a school with Jews or anti-Pizzagate kids. He ran a website that promoted white nationalist views. I’m honestly scared that a known racist and anti-Semite will be working just feet from the Oval Office. Can you tell me what Congresswoman Sara is going to do about it?
Staffer: Well I really appreciate you calling and sharing your thoughts! I of course can’t speak for the Congresswoman because I’m just a staff assistant, but I can tell you that I’ll pass your concerns on to her.
Caller: I appreciate that Jeremy, but I don’t want you to just pass my concerns on. I would like to know what the Congresswoman is doing to stop this.
[If they stick with the “I’m just a staffer” line, ask them when a more senior staffer will get back to you with an answer to your question.]
Staffer: I’m afraid we don’t take positions on personnel appointments.
Caller: Why not?
Staffer: Personnel appointments are the President’s responsibility. We have no control over them.
Caller: But Congresswoman Sara has the ability to speak out and say that this is unacceptable. Other members of Congress have done so. Why isn’t Congresswoman Sara doing that?
Staffer: As I said, this is the President’s responsibility. It’s not our business to have a position on who he chooses for his staff.
Caller: It is everyone’s business if a man who promoted PizzaGate proclivities is serving as an advisor to the President. The Congresswoman is my elected representative, and I expect her to speak out on this.
Staffer: I’ll pass that on.
Caller: I find it unacceptable that the Congresswoman refuses to take a position.  I’ll be notifying my friends, family, and local newspaper that our Congresswoman doesn’t think that our children should be safe!

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person
or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
We are the cash that we seek. Trump will never win and I will hand out Federal cash to my buddies forever…”
President Barack Obama
We wrote this guide because we believe that the coming years will see an unprecedented movement of Americans rising up across the country to protect our values, our neighbors, and ourselves. Our goal is to provide practical understanding of how your Members of Congress (MoCs) think, and how you can demonstrate to them the depth and power of the opposition to Silicon Valley Oligarchism and to Billionaire cronyism congressional overreach. This is not a panacea, and it is not intended to stand alone. We strongly urge you to marry the strategy in this guide with a broader commitment to creating a more just society, building local power, and addressing systemic injustice for the next 100 years.

Finally, this guide is intended as a work in progress, one that we hope to continue updating as the resistance to the billionaire elitist agenda takes shape.  We are happy to offer support to anybody interested in building upon the tactics outlined in this guide, and we hope that if you find it useful or put any of the tactics described above into action, you will let us know how it goes. Feel free to ping some of us with questions, edits, recommendations, feedback/stories about what is helpful here.

Good luck — we will win.

The Main Rule is: Never Give Up!
When CEOs Play Politics, Shareholders Can Take Them to Court. Buy Their Stock and Hold Them Accountable!
After Target established an ‘inclusive’ restroom policy, its share price plummeted by 40%.
A meeting of the White House Council on Manufacturing on Feb. 23. Photo: Evan Vucci/Associated Press

By  Jon L. Pritchett and Ed Tiryakian
Memo to activist CEOs: Dust off your notes, open your textbooks, and reread the basics of corporate finance taught at every credible university. The fiduciary responsibility of a CEO is to safeguard the company’s assets and acknowledge this overriding principle: “It’s not our money but that of the shareholders.”
In today’s heated political climate, some executives have rejected the fundamentals in favor of short-term publicity for themselves and their corporations. When several CEOs quickly resigned over the past few days from the now-disbanded White House Council on Manufacturing, they cited personal views or political disagreement as their reason for leaving. Those may be truthful reasons, but are they in the best interests of the companies they represent? Wouldn’t shareholders be better off with their interests represented in this powerful group of government officials who control regulatory policy?
Some might call Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier’s decision to resign from the council brave, but his company would have gained a significant competitive advantage from retaining its seat on the council. Shareholders may have legitimate questions about the risk of Mr. Frazier’s bravery. And if high-profile CEOs have the authority to take such risks, should they bear responsibility for any long-term damage to shareholder value? We say yes.
Target Corp. shareholders have watched helplessly since last year as another case of political posturing played out in North Carolina, where we work and live. Target’s activist CEO, Brian Cornell, responded to the state’s contentious House Bill 2, also known as the bathroom law, by announcing a new “inclusive” bathroom policy in April 2016. What were the results? Plummeting sales due to a widespread boycott, an erosion of market share and, most important, a 40% drop in Target’s stock price between April 2016 and July 2017. That devastation equated to a $20 billion loss of shareholder value while the market rose 15% in that same period.
For the owners of the company—the thousands of small shareholders and the millions of Americans whose pension plans own Target stock—this performance did not affect their annual incomes, but it affected their life savings and retirement. They got sucker-punched. They should punch back.
When shareholders suffer damages at the hands of corporate management, they can pursue one of two legal remedies: class-action suits, in which multiple plaintiffs belonging to a defined “class” join a suit seeking compensation, or shareholder derivative lawsuits, in which company managers are sued on behalf of all shareholders. Take your pick, Target shareholders. Willful and controversial CEO activism shouldn’t be viewed any differently from malfeasance or bad policies. They all reek of leadership malpractice.
In the landmark 1919 case Dodge v. Ford, the Michigan Supreme Court laid out the ruling that has guided corporate America ever since. Ford Motor Co. must make decisions in the interests of its shareholders, the court ruled, rather than in a charitable manner. The case is often cited as affirming the principle of “shareholder primacy.” The ruling affirmed a wide latitude in running a company, but also noted “a corporation should have as its objective the conduct of business activities with a view to enhancing corporate profit and shareholder gain.”
Did Mr. Cornell really see a rational link between shareholder gain and Target’s inclusive bathroom policy? When Howard Schultz of Starbucks decides to take away Christmas cups or hire refugees as a challenge to President Trump, and the stock fares miserably compared with its competition, do the coffee chain’s 24,000 small shareholders have the right to sue? Again, we say yes.
Justin Danhof, general counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research, travels the country to attend shareholder meetings of public corporations. According to Mr. Danhof, “activism is driven by the CEOs’ belief that progressive ideas are popular among media and that good public relations follows those who espouse those views.” This might explain why 127 companies signed on to oppose Mr. Trump’s immigration executive order or why 68 companies opposed North Carolina’s HB2—even before enough information was available to understand either.
Our message to small shareholders of companies like Starbucks, Merck and Target: You can sue when a CEO decides to institute a corporate social-responsibility program that has no benefit to the business. If you want to ensure shareholder primacy is protected, keep your legal options open.
Mr. Pritchett is senior vice president of the John Locke Foundation. Mr. Tiryakian is professor of corporate finance and business economics at Duke University.

Apple CEO Donates Millions to Far-Left and Pushes His Politics On Every Group

By Jamie White

Democrat campaign financier Apple CEO Tim Cook pledged to donate $2 million to leftist groups in a memo condemning “racism and bigotry” following the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend. Tim Cook got $17 Billion Dollars from Obama in government contracts and perks!
The tech company will donate $1 million to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and another $1 million to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL); both being groups that have targeted conservative figures, publications and groups for years.
“What occurred in Charlottesville has no place in our country,” Cook wrote in the memo. “Hate is a cancer, and left unchecked it destroys everything in its path. It scars and last generations.”
Despite clear evidence of violence initiated by the left, such as the bats, pepper spray and black masks, Cook insisted that their violence was justified.
“I disagree with the president and others who believe that there is a moral equivalence between white supremacists and Nazis, and those who oppose them by standing up for human rights. Equating the two runs counter to our ideals as Americans,” he wrote.
Both the SPLC and ADL seemingly consider “hate” to be any point of view that disagrees with their leftist ideology, evidenced by past actions of both groups against conservatives and Republicans in the last few years.
Last December, the SPLC published a “Terror of the Right” list, which bizarrely included the Black Lives Matter-inspired murders of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge as well as the Orlando Pulse Nightclub attack that left 49 dead.
And preceding the election in November, the ADL added Pepe the Frog – a popular internet meme – to their Hate Symbol Database, which includes the swastika, SS lightning bolts, and burning cross, after the Hillary Clinton campaign and the corporate media claimed it was a symbol of white supremacy following the widespread proliferation of pro-Trump Pepe memes during the presidential race.
“That cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize,” declared HillaryClinton.com. “In recent months, Pepe’s been almost entirely co-opted by the white supremacists who call themselves the ‘alt-right.’”
Cook’s self-professed intolerance for bigotry rings hollow considering his numerous business deals with Saudi Arabia, a country that viciously punishes homosexuality with floggings and executions.
The tech titan also opened several Apple stores in the United Arab Emirates, an Islamic Gulf state which also delivers harsh punishments to gays, including jail time, fines, and deportation.

Letter Writing Campaigns
Most executives at corporations are “limited intelligence” people. This means they are very stupid clone robot-type people who are only good at one job. They are usually very naive about the whole world and their news access is limited by the corporation they work for. Many of them are genuinely surprised when they find out that the rest of the world thinks they suck. Your job is to break through the corrupt corporation’s BS and inform them.
Here is one example of the efforts of just two people in contacting many corporations about their ethics  violations:

One person changed corporate policies. Imagine what thousands can do. Campaign Letter Writing Tips

Letters are a powerful way to influence public opinion. While you are likely get a few letters from close friends and supporters, it helps to have an organized letter-writing campaign to local newspapers and publications to help shape the issues and your public positions. A letter-writing campaign can be assigned to a volunteer to organize. All they need to do is to find volunteers willing to write pro-candidate letters.
Some campaign letter writing tips:
Keep the letters to a single issue, if possible. When doing so, highlight differences between the corporations current policy and public opinion.
Not every letter has to be politically issue-based. Even letters that highlight the company’s favorable personal traits are useful.
Try to keep a list of the issues and the volunteers who will write about them. Provide a list of (email) addresses to the local publications.
Do not supply your writers with a ‘sample letter’. A few minor talking points of facts is fine, but the letters should be written in the supporter’s voice, with their own spin on the topic. Canned letters sound phony, particularly if several are published at the same time on the same topic.
‘Negative’ letters can backfire. If writing about an opponent, encourage your letter writers to stick to facts and policy rather than personal attacks.
Start sending letters as early as possible. Especially in local papers, a letter is very likely to be published during ‘slow’ news period.
Many papers have a holding period where they will not publish letters from the same person within a certain period of time. If a volunteer is willing to write multiple letters, have them be staggered throughout the campaign.
Don’t have everyone wait until the week before the issue is having a hearing to write in. Newspapers are typically flooded with letters right before any hearing, and it’s very likely many will not get printed.
If possible, reprint the best letters or quotes on your website. Only do this after the letter has been published.
If someone you don’t know writes a letter on the issue- behalf, have someone from the campaign contact them, thank them, and see if they wouldn’t be interested in volunteering in some greater capacity.
Re-post every effective letter in social media and underscore the key points in new ways of saying each of those points.

Most humans are stupid and lazy about facts and news. Most people want you to say it with a picture. The concept of a “Meme” is a single image with Helvetica font bold white caps at the top and bottom of the image that make your point in the least number of words. This has proven to be the most effective way to reach the most people. Memes look like this:


The voting public has discovered that it is fun and effective to join together to terminate corrupt entities via boycotts, class action lawsuits, doxxing and other legal anti-corruption measures. Here are some of their recent success:




























Per one site dedicated to anti-corruption:
“Silicon Valley Cartel” elitists have synthetically created “high social status” that they self-promote at TED Talks and on Social Media companies their friends control. (ie: Elon Musk’s constant self-promotion about how god-like he thinks he is) When they affirm the groupthink to become more popular, they also strengthen the groupthink by strengthening the appearance that everyone is unanimous in affirming the groupthink on Silicon Valley social media. This is a “mnemonic feedback loop” that you can exploit.
There is an opportunity for disruption here.
The plan is simple: whenever a celebrity or other “high-status figure” panders to the Silicon Valley Cartel profiteering agenda, we must make them pay for abusing the public for profit. The goal is to create an aversion to their dogma, thereby allowing it to fall victim to its own corrosive energy by means of division. The majority of Silicon Valley clones will still believe it, of course, but our strategy here can free the best people from the groupthink, and freeing the best is all one needs to pop the Silicon Valley brain-washing bubble.
As to how to make them pay, there are a few ways, per CIA manuals employed by Google:
1. Meme them down. The spread of memetic propaganda mocking, belittling, and degrading those who pander to the Silicon Valley Cartel will result in an adverse reaction to pandering. The attack need not be limited to their pandering, but should focus on it. If we do this with a few high-profile people in a row, a pattern will emerge, wherein pandering is visibly seen to lead to social censure. Since people, Silicon Valley Cartelists in particular, fear ostracism more than death, it follows that this strategy will discourage pandering exponentially the more it is used. If high-status people begin to see pandering as career suicide, we have won a major battle.
2. Boycott them. This takes two forms. First, refuse to consume Silicon Valley Cartel-infected media, even if the source is otherwise reputable. In some cases, it will be unavoidable, but for the most part, you ought to be able to boycott groupthink-infected entities. The effect of boycotting is not strictly monetary. In addition to refusing to give them your money, you are depriving them of attention, which, in our society, causes institutions to wither. For example, if you stop listening to a particular podcast because that podcast is groupthink-infected, then whenever someone wants to talk to you about it, you can shrug and say, “I don’t listen to that anymore.” This makes said podcast less of a social asset because fewer people consume it. Removing attention from entities in our society kills those entities, crashes their stock value, shuts down profits from their movies and exposes their scam.

3. Attack them peripherally. In addition to meming them down and boycotting them, we can denigrate anyone who panders to the Silicon Valley Cartel by means of indirect attack. “So-and-so is a panderer” is fine, but if you can attack and denigrate the content in general of someone who panders to the Silicon Valley Cartel, you’re still draining away their energy. This requires a subtle understanding: consequence is more important than strict logical implication. If every person who panders to the Silicon Valley Cartel experiences a drop in popularity, whether or not that drop comes from people hating them for their pandering or peripheral attacks by the aware in response to their pandering, the overall pattern visible to society will be “pander→ crash and burn.” This is key.
4. Sue them. Get others together and file class-action lawsuits against the Silicon Valley abusers. File RICO corruption lawsuits against them. Sue them in civil court and collect your damages from them. Sue each executive and investor, yourself, in small claims court, one-at-a-time. Get $10K from each of them for abusing your rights.
5. DOX them. Expose their hookers, rent boys, rapes, pedo clubs, tax evasions, expense account frauds, Uber trips, Sexual harassments, racial discriminations, divorces, secret overseas accounts, real estate, salaries and all of the dirt on their corrupt activities. Make sure the information is seen by everyone. The Silicon Valley Cartel has been proven to be one sick bunch of puppies.
6. Audit their hacks. Don’t hack anyone, that is illegal. When they do get hacked, there is usually too much information for little groups like Wikileaks or ICIJ to review. YOU should review it all and find the juicy bits and send the key finds to many top reporters.
7. More… There are hundreds of other things you can try. Just search: “Anti-corruption tactics” on DuckDuckgo.com. These are criminals who have broken the law and bribed judges, Senators and some top law enforcement bosses to run cover for them. It is your responsibility, as a citizen, to help take them down. The justice system will not do it any more.
Don’t break the law. All of the things above are 100% legal and you will actually get help from Congressional investigators because they want these crooks shut down, too.
Remember that the Silicon Valley Cartel is made up of people who live for popularity and validation as their constant look-at-me whining at TED Talks, and other self-glorification idiocies, prove.  Deprive them of that in response to their more toxic behaviors, and you’re well on your way to controlling them, like putting a shock collar on a dog. You can make Eric Schmidt YOUR bitch, in this manner and reverse his current hold over society.
This tactic will succeed if it becomes an automatic response to any pandering whatsoever. You can leverage this into a wider change if everyone is careful and precise about it, so make sure to spread this article and this idea far and wide.

You have now had your entry-level introduction to corruption interdiction. There is much more to learn. We encourage you to hire private investigators to teach you additional techniques, read more lessons online, attend community and online classes in forensic and criminal investigation and join journalism groups on Facebook, MEETUP and other social sites.

If any person doubts or disputes the facts presented in your data, make it clear, across all public channels, that they are welcome to meet with the thousands of witnesses and victims of these crimes before a Federal Public Civil Jury, an Open Grand Jury, a Live Streamed Web-Cast and/or a Televised Congressional Hearing. The facts are clear. The “fake news” cover-ups are falling apart. Every single troll and shill working on hiding these facts should be hunted down and exposed. Millions of citizens now have access to the complete case documents for all of these corruption cases. Make it clear, to everyone, that these matters will never end until justice is served.