Increasing Rapes at Stanford University raise fears among students, prompt calls for action
How San Francisco Uses Sex To Build It’s Culture
San Francisco promotes itself as an “anything goes” sexual lifestyle city.
Modern colleges sell the idea that putting your tongue or penis in someone else’s butt hole is ‘more exciting because it is more socially forbidden’. Kids from college swarm to San Francisco because they are told that they can get all kinds of sex and drugs there. Kinky people have three times as much sex as traditional people. So the horn-dogs move to San Francisco. Valleywag producer: Nicholas Denton, who openly loves young boys, spent a decade documenting Bay Area sluttery.
Alas, focusing your life on sex and drugs is not a great career choice. This has left San Francisco with one of the largest homeless populations of any major city. Thousands of douche-bag, wannabe, hipsters infest the alleys and facade-like neighborhoods of the City that was founded by prostitutes and gangsters.
Each of the Mayor’s of San Francisco, for decades, has had scandal-after-scandal with hookers, sleeping with aides wives, screwing Harvey Weinstein, having sex with convicted bribery perps and other shenanigans.
All of these kids want homes in SF but none of them can afford homes in SF. In offset, they create dorm-like flop-house dives to live-in, infect each other with AIDS, Monkeypox and scabies and fall by the way side.