An Open Letter To Steven Chu- Secretary Of Energy – USA:

An Open Letter To Steven Chu- Secretary Of Energy – USA:


Dear Mr. Chu:


We have examined the attached articles, about you, and have discussed this with Congressional, investigative media and law enforcement contacts.

We are now quite certain that, one night, you will awaken to a knock on your door. You will open the door to find men in suits holding up badges. Federal law enforcement is very, very slow and methodical but, as Whitey Bulger will tell you, they always get their man.

You are a crook, a mobster and soon to be convicted felon. You raped American innovation, robbed U.S. taxpayers, ordered the sabotage of Kleiner Perkins competitors, manipulated stock market valuations, and broke every code of moral conduct in order to operate your financial kick-back scam with the Cartel.

Your legacy, throughout history, will always be that of, what American taxpayers call: a “thieving scumbag”. Aren’t you proud?

As you are, by now, aware: everything that you, John Doerr, Elon Musk, Dianne Feinstein, and associated agents, discussed, communicated and engaged in, was surveilled, documented and is now archived in multiple locations by multiple agencies.  

Additionally, those you attacked and abused, have hired their own investigators, who have been quite productive. News journalists have followed suit. Your own staff and family have burned you. Your downfall is certain.

We wanted to make certain that you know, that every interested party knows all of the details of your dirty little scheme.

We look forward to visiting you in prison.




Dominant Hard Evidence Now Points To The Following:

Steven Chu, the Secretary of Energy, was placed in office by John Doerr’s Kleiner Perkins Cartel in order to effect an organized crime operation to steer taxpayer funds to John Doerr, Elon Musk and a cadre of Silicon Valley VC’s.

White House staff Rahm Emanual, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Bill Daley and Robert Gibbs, assisted in the scam by redirecting federal policy in order to implement the crimes. All of these staff suddenly quit the White House, when confronted about these suspicions.

A large portion of the crime involved manipulating mining stocks, with help from Goldman Sachs. In particular, Afghan lithium for Tesla and Fisker, and Afghan indium for the notorious FBI-raided Solyndra and Abound. Kleiner had relationships with Russian mobsters, for a portion of the middle-east commodities deals. Steven Chu gave federal money to Russian controlled companies as part of the scam. Goldman has now been caught doing the same kind of mining commodity stock manipulation.

Kleiner and Sachs promoted an extensive set of media releases entitled: “Afghanistan is the Saudi Arabia of Lithium” and “A TRILLION DOLLARS OF LITHIUM in Afghanistan” in order to market their profiteering scam. The scam was intended to provide the Silicon Valley Cartel with trillions of dollars of personal profits and the Reid, Feinstein (Who are shareholders in the stock deals) and Obama political campaigns, with back-door financing.

All competitors, to the Kleiner Perkins Cartel, had “hit-jobs” put on them by Chu, Doerr, Gibbs and Musk. The hit-jobs ranged from character assassination via Gawker Media, Media Matters and Think Progress, to economic attacks by In-Q-Tel, to political attacks via Sidney Blumenthal and New America Foundation. Every Dept. of Energy applicant that competed with Kleiner’s holdings was sabotaged by Steven Chu. History has proven that only Cartel companies received the DOE funding, and that all competitors, to Kleiner companies, were targeted by government officials, and Kleiner operatives, and terminated, or black-listed. A number of strange deaths of whistle-blowers are also under investigation.

All of the evidence from leaks, Chinese hacks, eye-witness reports, investigators, emails, HSBC and Welles Fargo leaks, offshore tax records, financial water-fall analysis, forensic accounting, surveillance, phone records, Senate testimony, and a host of other sources, appears to extensively confirm these charges and validate an organized cover-up.

Every single one of the suspects has received financial and career benefits from their crimes, which has now been tracked, and proven, by forensic legal accountants and FOIA disclosures.

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Steven Chu Corruption Archives – GOOGL

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Steven Chu | National Legal and Policy 

National Legal and Policy Center is a nonpartisan foundation promoting ethics in public life through investigation, research, education and legal action.

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Steven Chu Corruption Archives – 


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Steven Chu | National Legal and Policy Center

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Steven Chu – Wikipedia, 

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Steven Chu

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Steven Chu – Conservapedia

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